Everyone needs a touch of magic in some area of their life, whether it is for assisting in finding a relationship, healing a physical, mental or emotional issue, assisting with creative ideas or a project, helping to find a new job or career or increasing your financial prosperity and abundance. The images & gifts on this website can help you with all of these things and more. The colorful art-pieces in our galleries are called ‘Accelerators’, because they actually do have the power and the energy to assist you and accelerate your life and desires in so many ways.
Pictured below are some of the accelerator images and the different things they can do for you. Each one has a name, number and gallery where you can purchase a high-quality printed image on cardstock for $7 which will be shipped to you. There are plenty more in our galleries to choose from and many are also available in high-quality digital form for your computer & phone, which can be purchased and emailed directly to you. Start here and then proceed to our galleries, view our classes and other pages as you like. Have fun and choose any items that spark your intuition and inspiration! Enjoy!
Money, Prosperity & Abundance
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Money Magnet #101 | Money Tree #185 | String Magic #278 |
(Gallery # 2) | (Gallery # 2) | (Gallery # 3) |
Healing, Balance & Optimum Health
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Energy Healing Symbol #73 | Song of Gabriel #168 | Blue Hawaii #157 |
(Gallery # 1) | (Gallery # 2) | (Gallery # 2) |
Love & Relationships
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Double Happiness #22 | Celestial Convergence #223 | Heart of Mary Magdalene #59 |
(Gallery # 1) | (Gallery # 3) | (Gallery # 1) |
We also have a variety of Accelerators for all of your needs & desires...
...including images for enhancing your brain capacity, mental clarity & dreams, increasing business flow, youthening your body, activating your psychic gifts etc. These recommendations are listed at the bottom of each of our Galleries. If you need images for a specific purpose you can also email us and we will recommend one or more for you!
The 7th Golden Age manifesting before us is the fulfillment of the Divine Plan, which promises to create a new heaven and a new earth. Awakening to unity with the one creative source, humans are to be the co-creators of an age of love, peace and abundance. Our consciousness is becoming one with the mind and heart of God. Assisting us is a hierarchy of Ascended Masters under the orchestration of St. Germain. Personal guides, angels, extra-terrestrials and great luminous beings also help us. In the new millennium our perfected values will authorize us to create substance from light. We will become the promise of Jesus when he said, “Greater works than these shall you do!”
In the 7th Golden Age we shall create magnificent temples to replace commonplace structures. The ordinary shall be exalted into the extraordinary. Communication with the devic kingdoms will help us design fantastic gardens and parks full of vibrant flowers and glorious trees. With our creative forces we will cultivate new species of plants and animals providing us with extraordinary beauty and spiritual nourishment. Colors will be brighter and more radiant. Our environment will become a celebration of life and wonder as we rediscover our knowledge and harmony with the elemental forces of fire, water, earth, air and space. The stars and solar forces of power will become available to us to birth and sustain a life of unlimited abundance and infinite creativity. We shall become as Gods, at play in the Elysium Fields!
In the past we have had brief glimpses of Golden Ages. They existed because great beings and avatars illuminated particular areas of the planet. Legends arose of mysterious realms such as Atlantis, Lemuria, Shamballa and Shangri-la. They are visions of utopian culture. It is still possible to see the beautiful temples of Classical Greece, Ancient Egypt, and the opulence of Persia and marvel at the magnificent beauty and technology oftentimes surpassing modern times. Later, the art and culture of the Renaissance, especially in Italy, continued the legacy of grace. Sculptures and paintings exalted form and substance into divine elegance, celebrating the creative inspiration of humanity. The intricacies of Mayan and Aztec architecture remind us of our galactic origins and human potentiality. This 7th Golden Age is heralded as a permanent one where it is possible for every person to actualize their divine identity as sons and daughters of God. Humanity can step into a new arena of ease and elegance where struggle and strife are distant memories, powerless and ironic reminders of pettiness and limitation.
In the 7th Golden Age we shall experience one thousand years of peace, prosperity and abundance! We are the pioneers, the avatars and initiators of bringing heaven to earth. We are the harbingers of contact and contract with our galactic brothers and sisters in knowledge and evolution. Now is our opportunity to move beyond the familiar into the potentiality of the vibrant frequencies of light and life. Now is the time to realize we are the co-creative forces of life with the divine. As you believe, so shall it be! The time is now!
If you have any questions about ordering or need assistance, email us at