Email Bryan at for a personalized accelerator combination to upgrade your
finances, health, relationship, business, intuition, creative power or your life in general!
Mutlidimensional Images by Artist & Contactee Bryan de Flores
Each of the images has a specific purpose and is designed to energize and activate the viewer; simply looking at them will have a positive effect on people and their surroundings! Bryan receives many of the images through dreams, visions and through his daily communications with Spirit. All of the original images are hand drawn with the occasional addition of digital backgrounds and slight enhancements. As he is drawing the images, he becomes aware of the meaning through mental impressions and intuition. These images are received from many star systems for all of Earth’s awakening souls including Asthar Commanders & Starseeds. Shown below is a close-up portion of the image, plus the full image as an inset. All images are available for $7 on 8.5″ x 11″ high quality cardstock. There are many ways to choose the images…simply select the images you are attracted to or you can select them by the key word and/or description below them.
Blessing From The Stars #189 | The Signal #190 | 5D Human Neural Network #191 |
(Inner Light Enhancer & Protection) | (Contact & Teleportation) | (Higher Thoughts & Quick Processing) |
Eons ago, in biblical times, three magnificent blue stars descended from the heavens, bathing this planet in a glorious superluminal light. This ‘miracle’ manifestation preceded the birth of Jesus Christ, as well as all of the Masters that followed throughout the centuries. Today we can call forth this protective, ‘supernatural’ light matrix to shine on our inner being; aligning all aspects of ourselves with God’s plan and our divine destiny. Additionally, it serves to remind us of our own unique connection with the Creator and allow His ever-flowing presence and love into our lives. A189 Allows an individual to be contacted and ‘beamed-up’ to the ship in the event of a disaster or other emergency situation; an energetic locator that allows the signal bearer to be found by the Ashtar Command ships anywhere on the planet, when direct contact and teleportation to a ship is necessary; an ancient Earth stargate symbol used for transport to other galaxies and dimensions; enables one to receive personal telepathic transmissions and important key information including current planetary updates from the Command. In order to embody the locator transmission, it is important to clearly visualize and feel it in your mind & heart each day to keep the signal strong. A190 Linked to St Germain, Melchizadek and the Andromedan Council, this image allows the Higher Mental Body to over-light the lower mental processing system. This promotes quicker accessing and processing of new ideas and creative multi-dimensional thought formulations, while releasing tedious, stressful over-processing within the mind. Visualizing this matrix within your mind each day will engage the higher mental body and begin dissolving the lower negative thoughts and imbalanced coping mechanisms. A191#189 BLESSING FROM THE STARS – Inner Light Enhancer & Protection
#190 THE SIGNAL: Ashtar Command Beam-Up Signature – Contact & Teleportation
#191 5D HUMAN NEURAL NETWORK – Higher Thoughts & Quick Processing
Freedom’s Flight #192 | Sun Codes #193 | The Chalice #194 |
(Peace & Freedom) | Upgrades energy & Focus) | (Youth, Vitality & Healing) |
Promotes and strengthens one’s connection with the eternal freedom and peace of the ‘new’ millenium; allows one to feel a sense of internal power and strength through the many twists and turns of life; releases struggle and strife from the mind, allowing one to move forward quickly and effortlessly into the future; ignites the essence of love within the mind and heart; connected to St Germain, the Seven Sacraments and the Seven Seals of Christ. A192 High Frequency “Ray of Light” Solar Activation Signals. A jump in our Sun’s solar activity has caught the attention of many scientists, astronomers and sky-watchers alike. Although astonishing, perceivable changes on the Sun’s surface have been photographed and filmed, many important subtle ‘events’ are detectable only in the infrared and ultra-violet frequency zones. In particular, a series of energy patterns and signals are permeating every living thing in, through and around this planet. The purpose of these ‘sun codes’ is to expedite the changes occurring within our physical bodies and to activate dormant etheric codons within our 12 strand DNA system. Although each and every individual is already receiving this activation, viewing this image will help you to become aware of other subtleties occurring and allow you to consciously accelerate your personal transformation process. A193 Synchronizes an individual with their internal ‘immortality’ blueprint and their ability to manifest a constant, youthful appearance and energy field; assists in activating one’s Master Cell and internal healing powers; connected to the Holy Grail, the Immortals and the Ascended Masters. A194#192 FREEDOM’S FLIGHT – Peace & Freedom
#193 SUN CODES – Upgrades Energy & Focus
#194 THE CHALICE – Youth, Vitality & Healing
Stargate Earth #195 | Elemental Alchemy Codes #196 | Threshold #197 |
(Awakening & Activation) | (Dimensional Time Travel) | |
This ‘New Beginnings’ matrix designed by the Galactic Federation to assist us in integrating and anchoring these powerful incoming frequencies. Connecting daily with this image will help you to stay positive, inspired and motivated, as well as create a personal and collective momentum for the ascension & future of Earth. This image can be placed under your money bowl, on a refrigerator, coffee table or near your bed. Additionally, placing money, your jewelry, a picture of yourself or crystals on the image will also strengthen and build the energy around you for a prosperous and happy year. A195 Enchanted alchemy codes for transforming and enhancing the Flora kingdom (trees, flowers, plants etc..) and various aspects of the natural world. Triggers new and abundant growth both in one’s mind, heart…as well as in one’s garden and surroundings; connected to the elf, leprechaun and fairy kingdoms. A196 Pure blast of energy & galactic liquid light! Opens portals and time tunnels to other worlds and dimensions; brings through new information and streams of energy for people on Earth to access and utilize; allows one to navigate simultaneous time continuums; enables individuals to breakthrough barriers and blockages within their consciousness. A197#195 STARGATE EARTH – Awakening & Activation
#197 THRESHOLD – Dimensional Time Travel
Star-Base Transmission #198 | Geometries of Light #199 | Vril Staff From Agartha #200 |
(Angelic Chakra Grid #2 – Chakra Blueprint) | (Life Force Activator) | |
Connected to the Galactic Federation, the Ashtar Command and the Inter-dimensional Alliance; projection template from Earth’s future containing new potentials and possibilities for humanity; brings an exciting wave of light and energy to the planet; instills a new sense of purpose and confidence for ambassadors and light workers worldwide; alleviates energy and psychic illnesses within Starseeds and Galactic Humans (such as psychic stress, mental fragmentation, inter-dimensional infiltration etc.) A198 A full-body angel grid, which activates the heart matrix, the shoulder and higher auric chakras; facilitates physical body healing; allows one to experience more joy and prosperity; connected to Archangel Raphael, the Cheribum and the Throne Angels. Chrysocolla and Herkimer Diamond. A199 Connected to Telos, Adama and the underground cities of light; a musical staff which holds the primordial life force of the inner spiritual planes; activates the human Vril Force within the 7 point chakra system & opens doorways and windows into the past and future; allows one to travel though time via the multidimensional tonal frequency bands or time tunnels throughout the planetary field. A200#198 STAR-BASE TRANSMISSION
#199 GEOMETRIES OF LIGHT – Angelic Chakra Grid #2 – Chakra Blueprint
#200 VRIL POWER STAFF FROM AGARTHA – Life Force Activator
Family Of Light #201 | Pleiadian Healing Crown #202 | Energize My Day #203 |
(Enhances Healing Capacity & Gifts) | (Energizes & Illuminates) | |
Matrix for connecting with your galactic family both on and off planet; strengthens your relationships with those around you and others supportive of your soul’s mission and destiny; harmonizes current family dynamics and magnetizes like-minded individuals to you. A201 Brought forth by the Pleiadian Emissaries of Light, this “Christed”, etheric healing crown will expand your consciousness and enhance your healing capacity and abilities. It is connected to many dimensions and planes of existence, allowing you to receive and transmit high-velocity energy waves into the grids of Earth. To use, visualize the crown just above your head or in your hands. Allow its high frequencies to clear your channels and begin downloading new and expansive energies into your auric field. A202 This accelerator is a specific high-alchemy rejuvenation pattern for creating energized pathways and etheric protection tunnels. It helps one to project a golden scintillating path of protective energy through the day; upgrading, magifying and illuminating every person, place and thing you will potentially be encountering. It will also electrify your aura with a magical fairy-dust like frequency, leading you on new adventures for the heart and soul. This image was brought through by the Forest Fairies & Leprechauns and should be viewed in conjunction with any type of energy work to make the magic happen! A203 #201 FAMILY OF LIGHT
#202 PLEIADIAN HEALING CROWN – Enhances Healing Capacity & Gifts
#203 ENERGIZE MY DAY! – Energizes & Illuminates
Pet Healing Energy #204 | Energize My Mind #205 | Birdsong Alchemy #206 |
(Healing & Renewal) | (Enhances Memory & Psychic Perception) | (Inspires & Uplifts Heart) |
Brought forth by the Water Sprites, Leprechauns and Wood Elves, this amazing ‘pet healing’ energy configuration will help to re-energize and heal the many imbalances domestic animals face in our modern society. This image is a specific high-alchemy rejuvenation pattern for all animals, birds, reptiles, insects, etc. It can also be used to send light and healing energy to the Flora and Fauna Kingdoms and should be viewed in conjunction with any type of energy work to make the magic happen! A204 This accelerator is a specific high-alchemy rejuvenation pattern for energizing your mind, enhancing memory and expanding psychic perception. When viewed, the image’s energy will etherically rise-off the page and spin through your mind…lifting, inspiring and tuning you in to the often unnoticed and subtle magical happenings all around you. It will also help to keep your mental body balanced and in a state of relaxed receptivity. This image was brought through by the Fairies of the Sliver Ray and the Leprechauns; it should be viewed in conjunction with any type of energy work to make the magic happen! A205 Activates the pineal gland and higher-heart chakra; illustrates the beautiful, healing language of songbirds; helps one connect with the frequency signals and the telepathic pictograms sent forth by the diversity of feathered guardians of Earth; enhances inner perception of other dimensions and etheric worlds; connected to the Seraphim Angels and the Bird Kingdoms. A206 #204 PET HEALING ENERGY – Healing & Renewal
#205 ENERGIZE MY MIND! – Enhances Memory & Psychic Perception
#206 BIRDSONG ALCHEMY – Inspires & Uplifts the Heart
Shamrock Magic #207 | Past Life Memory Activation from Atlantis #208 | The Bridge #209 |
(Luck & Spontaneity) | (Activates Memory & Dream Recall) | (Participation & Global Connection) |
Channeled through by the Leprechaun & Fairy Kingdoms, this image triggers magical thoughts and emotions within the viewer; allowing one to live a more spontaneous and free lifestyle. Additionally, when meditated upon, it will activate and surround one with the energy of luck, prosperity and pure joy. Shamrock Magic is also connected to the Emerald Ray and the Malachite healing stone. A207 This image was channeled from the healing temples of ancient Atlantis. It is designed to initiate memory retrieval from your past lives on Earth and from the stars. This multidimensional matrix contains the mystical language of Atlantis, known as Vril, which will trigger past-life memories to come forward from within the subconscious and move them into the conscious mind. The image also contains the energy of the Atlantean/Egyptian Goddess and Lady Master Isis, who will help to guide you through the re-memory process to uncover your vast lineage from beyond this 3D world. Additionally, this activation will help to reconstruct and reconfigure misplaced memories and dreams, as well as enhance long and short term recollection. To experience this past-life activation, visualize the image as a mirror, with your face superimposed over the face in the image. Next, use your mind to move the Vril activation symbols (bottom of image) into their corresponding colored spirals (top of the image), creating a crown of multi-colored energy around your head. This will trigger your memory veils to open and begin to reveal your ancient heritage to you. Holding the symbols in place for two to five minutes at a time will initiate full memory transfer and bring forward long forgotten remembrances of the past. You may use this activation image as often as you wish to enhance and increase the frequency, as well as the “reality” of the memories. The more it is used, the better the results! A208 A divine diagram depicting the etheric ascension Bridge between our 3D world and the new 5D, ascended Earth; aligns one with the Divine Plan and the 5D transformation matrixes for personal and global change; connected to the Celestial and Galactic Hierarchies and the Interplanetary Ascended Masters; inspires participation and global connection. A209 #207 SHAMROCK MAGIC – Luck & Spontaneity
#208 PAST-LIFE MEMORY ACTIVATION FROM ATLANTIS – Activates Memory & Dream Recall
#209 THE BRIDGE – Participation & Global Connection
Return of the Butterfly People #210 | Princess Kwan Yin #211 | When You Wish Upon a Star #212 |
(Transformation & New Possibilities) | (Compassion & Mercy) | (Joy & Inspiration) |
Connected to the ancient Butterfly People, the Lady Bugs & the Fairies of the Silver Ray; shows the intricate and complex butterfly world of color, light and patterns, which brings new possibilities and self-transfiguration into one’s life; triggers memory of past lives within the elemental kingdoms; opens etheric, 4th dimensional channels and subtle perceptive centers within the human body. A210 Kwan-Yin, Goddess of Mercy & Compassionate Rebel; heightens one’s awareness of the ethereal visions & worlds; creates inner peace and emotional clarity; brings forth one’s unique originality and inner strength connected with their destiny; aligns one with servitude, patience and silence. A211 Brings joy and resurrection to the soul and spirit; allows one to perceive the animated personalities of inanimate objects (brooms, mops, dishes, furniture, etc.) thus bringing joy and inspiration to mundane daily tasks; releases any mental and emotional constraints in, through and around the human heart. A212 #210 RETURN OF THE BUTTERFLY PEOPLE – Transformation & New Possibilities
#211 Celestial Signatures: PRINCESS KWAN-YIN– Compassion & Mercy
#212 WHEN YOU WISH UPON A STAR…Celestial Sheet-Music channeled by Walt Disney – Celestial Music & Harmonic Magic
Canopy of Light #213 | A New Light Princess Diana #214 | Ashtar Command Starships #215 |
(Victory & Triumph) | (Love, Peace & Unity) | (ET Contact & Starship Connection) |
Activation chamber for the 5th dimensional galactic-human; depiction of one’s magnificent physical completion and ascent into higher consciousness; a new Ascended Master/White Flame Avatar design matrix; balances the mind, body and spirit; enlightens one’s mind and heart; linked to Shamballa and the Temple of Solomon. A213 The image’s roses illustrate the multi-cultural flowering and awaking of humanity, while the golden ribbons represent the ‘consciousness breakthrough’ presently occurring here on Earth. Additionally, the stars depict the celestial guidance and support we have at this time, while the doves represent our freedom and ultimate journey to peace. Diana’s Prayer for Peace is included on the back of this image. A214 #215 ASHTAR COMMAND STARSHIPS – ET Contact & Starship Connection Connected to the airborne division of the Brotherhood of Light, this starship configuration will trigger a four-fold ‘Christ Light’ signal infusion within your mind and heart. This will lift your thoughts and emotions, allowing you to perceive, on occasion, 4th and 5th dimensional manifestations with your 3D eyes. This includes angelic, elemental and galactic activity within our sphere of existence. The commanders associated with each ship are as follows: Ashtar (blue) / Athena (pink) / Soltec (green) / Korton (orange). A215#213 CANOPY OF LIGHT – Victory & Triumph
#214 A NEW LIGHT: Princess Diana’s Prayer for Peace – Love, Peace & Unity
Ashtar Command Call to Action #216 | Ashtar Command Telepathic Healing Signal #217 | Ashtar Command Evacuation Signal #218 |
(World Teachers & Leaders) | (Healing & Grounding Frequency) | (Rescue Mission Protocol) |
Each and every day ongoing, live, streaming, galactic transmissions are being sent via secure telepathic channel to all Earth and off-planet ambassadors from the Ashtar Command and Brotherhoods of Light. All transmissions carry the ‘Christ Seal’ and resonate at the highest level of consciousness. These multi-level (and often complex) audio-visual signals are received and integrated easily by all beings who are working in alignment with the greater plan. These signals will vary slightly, depending on whether the message being sent is of a more general or personalized nature. When one connects with these transmission accelerators, they give the recipient the ability to see and integrate these communications on a more conscious level. This ‘Call to Action’ signal transmission helps one to receive the higher protocols and align with the tasks at hand in order to help create what will be ‘Heaven on Earth’. This leadership signal includes different levels of information for all ground crew and airborne command divisions, including contact point coordinates as well as various dispensation and assistance details. A216 Each and every day ongoing, live, streaming, galactic transmissions are being sent via secure telepathic channel to all Earth and off-planet ambassadors from the Ashtar Command and Brotherhoods of Light. All transmissions carry the ‘Christ Seal’ and resonate at the highest level of consciousness. These multi-level (and often complex) audio-visual signals are received and integrated easily by all beings who are working in alignment with the greater plan. These signals will vary slightly, depending on whether the message being sent is of a more general or personalized nature. When one connects with these transmission accelerators, they give the recipient the ability to see and integrate these communications on a more conscious level. This ‘Telepathic Healing’ signal transmission is often sent to many representatives, particularly those on Earth who are furthering the larger mission. The healing frequencies contained within the signal are for the mind, the body and the emotions; helping one to remain grounded as well as mentally and emotionally aligned, while allowing the body to remain in a balanced state of overall health. A217 Each and every day ongoing, live, streaming, galactic transmissions are being sent via secure telepathic channel to all Earth and off-planet ambassadors from the Ashtar Command and Brotherhoods of Light. All transmissions carry the ‘Christ Seal’ and resonate at the highest level of consciousness. These multi-level (and often complex) audio-visual signals are received and integrated easily by all beings who are working in alignment with the greater plan. These signals will vary slightly, depending on whether the message being sent is of a more general or personalized nature. When one connects with these transmission accelerators, they give the recipient the ability to see and integrate these communications on a more conscious level. This ‘Evacuation Signal’ is a preliminary warning transmission which is sent when there are impending natural or ‘dark-side’ scientific or military related disasters. These can include earthquakes, hurricanes, tornadoes, meteors and all types of transportation threats, in addition to dangerous military maneuvers and risky scientific experimentation. When this transmission is sent, it serves to put the ground crew on alert, giving us potential timelines and locations where the command ships (on stand-by) will be located to lift all Earth personnel to safety. The signal is often sent to specific personnel, leading them away from certain locations and offering alterative travel options. This signal is extremely high frequency and is accompanied by an electronic humming sound and verbal transmission. A218 #216 ASHTAR COMMAND “CALL TO ACTION” LEADERSHIP TRANSMISSION SIGNAL – World Teachers & Leaders
Ashtar Command - Significant Celestial Event Signal #219 | Calculation for Anti-Gravity #220 | Calculation for Free Energy #221 |
(Astronomy & Astrology Updates) | (Drive System Technology Patterns) | (Cold Fusion Technology Patterns) |
Each and every day ongoing, live, streaming, galactic transmissions are being sent via secure telepathic channel to all Earth and off-planet ambassadors from the Ashtar Command and Brotherhoods of Light. All transmissions carry the ‘Christ Seal’ and resonate at the highest level of consciousness. These multi-level (and often complex) audio-visual signals are received and integrated easily by all beings who are working in alignment with the greater plan. These signals will vary slightly, depending on whether the message being sent is of a more general or personalized nature. When one connects with these transmission accelerators, they give the recipient the ability to see and integrate these communications on a more conscious level. This ‘Celestial Event’ transmission is a regular monthly broadcast containing both astronomical and astrological information regarding planetary and star alignments related to shifts in consciousness here on Earth. This includes specific sacred vortex activations, crop circle decryption codes and special ‘celestial infusion’ event dates. This transmission is always updated and will keep you up-to-speed regarding all significant interdimensional happenings. A219 Technology Transmission from the Ashtar Command Channeled through the Ashtar Command, this interdimensional mathematical template holds the missing link to understanding and creating ‘anti-gravity’ technology. The key lies in the energy pattern and design configuration, brought forward through the multidimensional stargate language from Alcyone. By meditating with this image each day for approximately three months, the mystery will be revealed regarding the how to’s of creating anti-gravity propulsion technologies, similar to the ones used by our space brothers and sisters. As you are assimilating the template, it will upgrade your consciousness and thought processes to a new level of awareness where the impossible becomes possible. This image is also linked to Nikola Tesla and Alpha Centuri. A220 Technology Transmission from the Ashtar Command Channeled through the Ashtar Command, this interdimensional mathematical template holds the missing link to understanding and creating ‘free-energy’ technology. The key lies in the energy pattern and design configuration, brought forward through the multidimensional stargate language from Alcyone. By meditating with this image each day for approximately three months, the mystery will be revealed regarding the how to’s of creating free-energy technologies, similar to the ones used by our space brothers and sisters. As you are assimilating the template, it will upgrade your consciousness and thought processes to a new level of awareness where the impossible becomes possible. This image is also linked to Nikola Tesla and Alpha Centuri. A221 #219 ASHTAR COMMAND “SIGNIFICANT CELESTIAL EVENT” TRANSMISSION SIGNAL – Astronomy & Astrology Updates
Calculation for Teleportation #222 | Celestial Convergence #223 | The Flower of Life #224 |
(Time Travel Technology Patterns) | (Relationships & Friendships) | (Past, Present Future Database) |
Technology Transmission from the Ashtar Command Channeled through the Ashtar Command, this interdimensional mathematical template holds the missing link to understanding and creating ‘teleportation’ technology. The key lies in the energy pattern and design configuration, brought forward through the multidimensional stargate language from Alcyone. By meditating with this image each day for approximately three months, the mystery will be revealed regarding the how to’s of creating teleportation options and technologies, similar to the ones used by our space brothers and sisters. As you are assimilating the template, it will upgrade your consciousness and thought processes to a new level of awareness where the impossible becomes possible. This image is also linked to Nikola Tesla and Alpha Centuri. A222 A Divine Twin Ray and Soul Mate ‘celestial beacon’ matrix; assists all who are desiring to connect with their divine partners, destiny work companions and lifelong unconditional friends; brings the frequencies of superluminal light and celestial love into the heart; initiates ethereal and physical connections between people in all dimensions; opens remote communication and telepathic dialog between planetary Soul Mates and Divine Twin Flames. A223 Sacred geometry can be described as the basic underlying patterns and building blocks of all living things in existence, including our human bodies. Study and meditation allow certain geometrical forms to activate and awaken our consciousness through their multidimensionality; this, in turn helps us to gain insight into the scientific, philosophical, psychological, aesthetic, and mystical laws of the universe. In addition to the basic sacred geometry image, this accelerator contains a special, magical design which overlays the geometry and unlocks its secrets. The omnipresent Flower of Life is composed of multiple evenly-spaced, overlapping circles which are arranged so that they form a flower-like pattern with a six-fold symmetry. This symbol is over six thousand years old and provides a visual expression of the connections life weaves through all mankind. It is also a gateway into the Akashic Records; a past-present-future database containing the unlimited knowledge of this entire planet. To access this magical portal, focus on it for a few moments during quiet meditation. In your mind’s eye, visualize the language of light design spinning in, through and around the geometry, unlocking its secrets and unfolding the mystery within your mind. A224 #222 FEDERATION BLUEPRINTS: CALCULATION FOR TELEPORTATION – Time Travel Technology Patterns
#223 CELESTIAL CONVERGENCE – Relationships & Friendships
#224 THE FLOWER OF LIFE – Past, Present Future Database
The Sri Yantra #225 | Metatron's Cube #226 | The Divine Plan #227 |
(Dimensional Window & Yin/Yang Balancer) | (Magic, Alchemy & Resurrection) | (Book of Life Transmission) |
Sacred geometry can be described as the basic underlying patterns and building blocks of all living things in existence, including our human bodies. Study and meditation allow certain geometrical forms to activate and awaken our consciousness through their multidimensionality; this, in turn helps us to gain insight into the scientific, philosophical, psychological, aesthetic, and mystical laws of the universe. In addition to the basic sacred geometry image, this accelerator contains a special magical design which overlays the geometry and unlocks its secrets. The Sri Yantra is a sacred, geometrical configuration formed by nine interlocking triangles that surround and radiate out from the center point; the junction between the physical universe and its unmanifest source. It represents Sri Lakshmi, the goddess of abundance in geometric form. It also represents Tripura Sundari, “the beauty of the three worlds.” Four of the triangles point upwards, representing Shiva or the Masculine. Five of these triangles point downwards, representing Shakti or the Feminine. Thus, the Sri Yantra also represents the union of Masculine and Feminine Divine. Together the nine triangles are interlaced in such a way as to form 43 smaller triangles in a web, symbolic of the entire cosmos or a womb, symbolic of creation. This is surrounded by a lotus of eight petals, a lotus of sixteen petals, and an earth square resembling a temple with four doors. This geometry allows you to access the balance point within yourself and the mysteries contained within your spiritual blueprint. To access this magical portal, focus on it for a few moments during quiet meditation. In your mind’s eye, visualize the language of light design spinning in, through and around the geometry, unlocking its secrets and unfolding the mystery within your mind. A225 Sacred geometry can be described as the basic underlying patterns and building blocks of all living things in existence, including our human bodies. Study and meditation allow certain geometrical forms to activate and awaken our consciousness through their multidimensionality; this, in turn helps us to gain insight into the scientific, philosophical, psychological, aesthetic, and mystical laws of the universe. In addition to the basic sacred geometry image, this accelerator contains a special magical design which overlays the geometry and unlocks its secrets. The Metatron’s Cube sacred geometry represents magic, alchemy and resurrection. Although it is similar to the magic square, the cryptex and many mathematical codes, it is the ultimate magical container. Very simply, it is the box and the incubator in which the seed of First Light is born; the concept by which we believe in resurrection and ascension. Among its attributes are the three directions of up and down, side to side, and front to back, with the concept of a cube within a cube. This geometric design allows you to access your own innate creativity and the alchemical processes for original design. To access this magical portal, focus on it for a few moments during quiet meditation. In your mind’s eye, visualize the language of light design spinning in, through and around the geometry, unlocking its secrets and unfolding the mystery within your mind. A226 The first page in the ‘Book of Life’ begins with God’s Divine Plan for humanity and the story of the new Golden Age. This Plan is being overseen by hosts of Angels, Ascended Masters and many great luminous beings who are here to assist us on our journey into higher consciousness. The imagery and symbols represent the harmonics and destiny of the new Earth-Star ‘Terra’; a new dimension of light, sound, healing and creation. This accelerator awakens one to their divine heritage and initiates the reuniting of all twin flames within this sphere of existence. A227 #225 THE SRI YANTRA – Dimensional Window & Yin/Yang Balancer
#226 METATRON’S CUBE – Magic, Alchemy & Resurrection
#227 THE DIVINE PLAN – Book of Life Transmission
Holographic Sound Key #228 | Universal Peace Emblem #229 | Universal Master Codes #230 |
(Decoding & Problem Solving) | (United Federation Insignia) | (Interplanetary Healing Symbols) |
An Interdimensional Ashtar Command Crop Circle decoding/deciphering device! The amazing and mysterious crop circles are living pictograms, an integral part of our planetary destiny, that carry an unspoken language connecting people and creating invisible bridges between cultures and nations all over the world. These designs contain consciousness trigger-signals and multidimensional teachings that shift and upgrade human consciousness when viewing or experiencing the phenomena directly. The crop circles have evolved from simple encodements to include vast amounts of off-planet data and teachings for humanity. Some of these formations are actually created to restore missing harmonics and energy frequencies within the Earth, while others are part of a larger project to prepare the planet and educate humanity. Although primarily orchestrated by the Space Federation, many of the formations are now being created by humans, which was a key part of the creative plan from the beginning. Subsequently, the evolving pictogram project requires human participation on many levels to move it to its highest potential. Therefore, many of the individuals who are making them are actually being trained telepathically to create these wonders for humanity. The Holographic Key image is actually a silent code-breaking technology which is being given to humanity at this time to help us to understand the crop circles on a deeper level. The Ashtar Command states that the image will decode and decipher 90% of the pictograms by telepathically triggering the multidimensional, imbedded information within the formation and beaming the original signal into the human mind for understanding. This is accomplished by simply interfacing with the image visually and learning to hold it in your mind while connecting with the pictogram formations. Basically, the holographic key holds a silent telepathic sound, which when sent from the mind into the formation or photograph, will trigger the blueprints to open. Each individual will receive the information based on his or her mission and job description, i.e., researcher, astronomer, artist, writer, musician, etc. These interpretations will then move the project to its next level through the creative application and sharing of various aspects of the knowledge. Further instructions will be given as the project evolves. A228 This triangular emblem, which represents ‘universal peace’, is connected to the United Federation of Planets and the Ashtar Command. These off-world organizations are comprised of representatives from many planets and dimensions within and beyond our own galaxy. Their purpose is one of space exploration, research, education, spiritual development and the protection of many worlds such as our planet Earth. This ‘Christed’ emblem is an electronic symbol which transmits information and energy directly from the Federation to both on and off-planet personnel as well as those desiring to make a stronger connection with our brothers and sisters from space. Connecting with this image will promote ongoing contact with many extraterrestrial ‘Emissaries of Light’ who are visiting Earth at this time to help raise spiritual awareness and initiate our planet’s participation into the Federation association. A229 These codes are part of a larger symbol-field of universal, intergalactic energy and data transmissions which are understood and received at the soul level by all living beings including humans, animals, plants, crystals and planets. These Master Codes number in the hundreds and are constantly evolving and assisting a wide variety of life-forms within our universe. The symbols can travel vast distances at the speed of light and will reconfigure themselves according to the vibration of the receiver. This specific configuration can be used for transforming, upgrading and healing the mental, physical, emotional and spiritual bodies through meditation. Individually, the codes can be focused upon to access the larger 6D symbol-field and facilitate telepathic contact with other civilizations and life-forms in the past, present or future. These codes are connected to the Metatronic Field of Light and the Galactic Federation. A230 #228 THE HOLOGRAPHIC SOUND KEY – Decoding & Problem Solving
#229 UNIVERSAL PEACE EMBLEM – United Federation Insignia
#230 UNIVERSAL MASTER CODES – Interplanetary Healing Symbols
Land of a Thousand Suns #231 | Earthstar Transmission from Space #232 | Contact #233 |
(Sun Energy & Renewed Enthusiasm) | (Group Healing Matrix) | (ET Locater & Contact Grid) |
Created through the gentle magic of Lemurian dreamtime alchemy, this image heralds the return of the Galactic Brother and Sisterhoods of Light. It carries the energy and power of 1000 suns and is also intimately connected to many ancient, indigenous cultures and their connections to the cosmos. Furthermore, this human-potential accelerator provides an access point to all of the sacred sites and energetic vortexes on Earth, as well as all hidden time-capsules which contain the keys to our galactic origins. To use, meditate on the central spiral and allow your consciousness to enter the Thousand Suns gateway, stating your destination and intention. As you do this, your mind will begin to drift for a moment and then begin its connection with the intended destination. Be aware that the imagery or pieces of information may seem abstract or fragmented at first, but the whole picture will unfold the more you connect with the image. Millions of individuals all over the planet are now taking part in a global movement to heal the Earth and awaken the masses. Working with us in this united effort are the Ashtar Command and the Ascended Masters, along with many legions of angels and illumined beings of light. This image provides inspiration, as well as a focal point, for this global healing and offers a transmission from the Federation for all of humanity. “Welcome all star-travelers and people of Earth seeking alignment with the Galactic Federation and the Ashtar Command! This is a response for all those who have called us here to assist humanity in making a conscious transition into a new dimensional reality; The 7th Golden Age of Light. We are here and ready to help prepare you for this time-shift and offer this encoded time-capsule to assist in your quest for higher consciousness. Frequent contemplation on this image will help to place your mind in a higher state of awareness and open new pathways of receptivity to our telepathic streams of information and energy. May this message of hope, unity and universal brotherhood help to further initiate the new paradigm of everlasting peace, prosperity and freedom for all humanity!” If you would like to be part of this activity of light, you can connect each morning with the Earthstar Team by focusing your energy and saying the following affirmations. This will allow you to feel a united connection with others of like mind, boost your own spiritual power and know that you are truly making a difference! I am now connecting with the global Earthstar team and surrounding us all in a circle of light around the planet Earth. I am now calling forth all of the illumined guides and angels to join us. I am now sending laser beams of White Light and Christ Consciousness to the Earth and all of humanity. I am now dissolving all opposing energies and thought-forms that are not working in alignment with humanity’s highest good. As I continue through my day I send the White Light forward ensuring clarity, inspiration, joy and prosperity for myself and for all who cross my path! Enhances one’s intuitive and telepathic communication skills; promotes multidimensional contact and assists one in understanding and decoding the various complexities and synchronicities occurring in their lives; releases fear and old/dated inner programming, while allowing one to be receptive and open to new ideas and abstract concepts; increases the frequency of telepathic messages and subspace transmissions; connected to Andromeda and the Galactic Councils. To use, simply look at or meditate with this image (at any angle) once a day, a few times a week. The image’s design is a reconfiguration tool and consciousness transmitter, which will upgrade and recalibrate your internal telepathic and psychic software to allow quicker and clearer message reception, decryption and return transmissions to and from the Spiritual Hierarchy, the Galactic Command and a variety of extraterrestrial light-based cultures. #231 LAND OF A THOUSAND SUNS Lemurian Time-Gate Accelerator – Sun Energy & Renewed Enthusiasm
#232 EARTHSTAR: TRANSMISSION FROM SPACE – Group Earth Healing Matrix
#233 CONTACT – ET Locator & Contact Grid
Geometry of the Holy Seal #273 | Geometry of Divine Creation #274 | Geometry of the Flower Temple #275 |
(Light of God Consciousness Transmission) | (Stimulates Creative Skills & Ideas) | (Heart Flame & Love Activator) |
This design is a consciousness symbol from beyond the great barrier, sent through hyperspace from the future to Earth from Terra, our ascended planet. This image resonates the light of God and the dawning of the new Golden Age; beckoning us forward to receive the knowledge of creation and multidimensional universal connection which is our birthright as sons and daughters of God. This design is linked to the Elohim, the Ascended Masters and the Founders of our universe. Upon viewing, this ethereal emanation from Terra triggers the opening of the internal holy ‘Christ’ seal within each soul; initiating an accelerated upward spiral within our DNA patterning and the return of our ‘Christed’ higher self and fully seated Oversoul alignment. This geometry works directly with the electron bodies to anchor the higher ‘Christ’ geometries and subtle energy fields into our physical human bodies. Continued meditation with this accelerator will bring about these changes more rapidly. A273 This design is a consciousness symbol from beyond the great barrier, sent through hyperspace from the future to Earth from Terra, our ascended planet. This image resonates the light of God and the dawning of the new Golden Age; beckoning us forward to receive the knowledge of creation and multidimensional universal connection which is our birthright as sons and daughters of God. This design is linked to the Elohim, the Ascended Masters and the Founders of our universe. Upon viewing, this ethereal emanation from Terra opens the creative doorways within one’s consciousness, allowing an infusion of divine ideas and creative mental sequences to occur within the mind and heart. The design acts as a beacon for creative energy and instigates creative vision and the ‘creative eye’ within all projects, situations and collaborations. This design is a consciousness symbol from beyond the great barrier, sent through hyperspace from the future to Earth from Terra, our ascended planet. This image resonates the light of God and the dawning of the new Golden Age; beckoning us forward to receive the knowledge of creation and multidimensional universal connection which is our birthright as sons and daughters of God. This design is linked to the Elohim, the Ascended Masters and the Founders of our universe. Upon viewing, this ethereal emanation from Terra connects one with the immortal flower of life whose living form resides within the ‘Golden Palace of Eternal Light’ on Terra. Meditation upon this image allows one’s heart-flame to ignite and receive an infusion of the Holy Spirit; opening one’s heart to love & compassion on a more universal and expanded level. Meditation on this image will also draw into the heart the light of truth, positivity and excitement for what the future will bring. A275 #273 EMANATIONS FROM TERRA – TERRA CHRISTA: GEOMETRY OF THE HOLY SEAL – Light of God Consciousness Transmission
Geometry of Illumination #276 | Non-Localized Consciousness #277 | String Magic Abundance #278 |
(Akashic Records & Mental Expansion) | (Bilocation & Aspect Integration) | (Money & Abundance Magnetizer) |
This design is a consciousness symbol from beyond the great barrier, sent through hyperspace from the future to Earth directly from Terra, our ascended planet. This image resonates the light of God and the dawning of the new Golden Age; beckoning us forward to receive the knowledge of creation and multidimensional universal connection which is our birthright as sons and daughters of God. This design is linked to the Elohim, the Ascended Masters and the Founders of our universe. Upon viewing, this ethereal emanation from Terra allows the mind to soar and awaken like never before, creating new thought-forms and expanding the mechanics and mathematics of the mental body. Through meditation this design will transport you directly into the ‘Temple of Illumination’ upon Terra, connecting you with the expanded Akashic Record library and a myriad of other wondrous, etheric, universal databanks. Non-localized consciousness can be described as a state of being, communicating or transmitting in which your body is anchored in one location, but you mind, consciousness and energy are traveling, broadcasting and/or working from another dimension of space and time. This often happens spontaneously when people are channeling information from other aspects of themselves either from the past, present or future from Earth or another planet, realm or dimension. However, at this time in history, many spiritually awakened humans are now experiencing this phenomena more frequently within their daily lives. The reason is that as our consciousness upgrades, more of our energy moves into a new and higher stream of light, known as the new Golden Age. Subsequently, as our consciousness moves upward through these veils, we often find ourselves transmitting and communicating from the new location, which in our perception would be from the near future. A277 ‘String Magic’ is a psychic/mental technique that anyone can use to draw to themselves anything they wish; be it money, friends, happiness, a new car, etc. String Magic can also be used to find lost items and missing people or if you desire, it will bring back full recollection of any fond memories of the past in vivid color and detail. To use simply visualize yourself as the figure in this image and connect with the sting of light moving through you from the past, present and future. Continually visualize this string magnetizing to you all of the things you desire and wish for. Periodically throughout the day, see in your mind’s eye the divine string drawing those things closer and closer until you receive them on a mental, physical, emotional and or spiritual level. A278 #276 EMANATIONS FROM TERRA – GEOMETRY OF ILLUMINATION – Akashic Records & Mental Expansion
#277 NON-LOCALIZED CONSCIOUSNESS – Bilocation & Aspect Integration
#278 STRING MAGIC: ABUNDANCE & PROSPERITY – Money & Abundance Magnetizer
String Magic Christ Consciousness #279 | String Magic - Joy & Happiness #280 | Heart of the Ocean #281 |
(Higher Awareness Magnetizer) | (Heart’s Desire Magnetizer) | (Heart Light Reflection) |
‘String Magic’ is a psychic/mental technique that anyone can use to draw to themselves anything they wish; be it money, friends, happiness, a new car, etc. String Magic can also be used to find lost items and missing people or if you desire, it will bring back full recollection of any fond memories of the past in vivid color and detail. To use simply visualize yourself as the figure in this image and connect with the sting of light moving through you from the past, present and future. Continually visualize this string magnetizing to you all of the things you desire and wish for. Periodically throughout the day, see in your mind’s eye the divine string drawing those things closer and closer until you receive them on a mental, physical, emotional and or spiritual level. A279 ‘String Magic’ is a psychic/mental technique that anyone can use to draw to themselves anything they wish; be it money, friends, happiness, a new car, etc. String Magic can also be used to find lost items and missing people or if you desire, it will bring back full recollection of any fond memories of the past in vivid color and detail. To use simply visualize yourself as the figure in this image and connect with the sting of light moving through you from the past, present and future. Continually visualize this string magnetizing to you all of the things you desire and wish for. Periodically throughout the day, see in your mind’s eye the divine string drawing those things closer and closer until you receive them on a mental, physical, emotional and or spiritual level. A280 Connected to the Polaris Star, the Hopi Kachinas and the Dolphin Kingdom, this beautiful multi-faceted ‘Heart’ accelerates spiritual processes while promoting peaceful reflection within one’s own heart…reminding us of our celestial origins and our true connection to our brothers and sisters here on Earth. In addition, this multidimensional ‘Blue Star’ diamond enhances one’s intuitive and telepathic connection with the dolphin and undersea kingdoms, allowing us to explore and ponder the realm of the subconscious and all of the secrets & treasures contained within. A281#279 STRING MAGIC: CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS – Higher Awareness Magnetizer
#280 STRING MAGIC: JOY & HAPPINESS – Heart’s Desire Magnetizer
#281 HEART OF THE OCEAN – Energy of the Blue Star! – Heart Light Reflection
Music of the Spheres #282 | Johari Window #284 | Temple of God #285 |
(Musical Genius Enhancer) | (Inner Reflection & Understanding) | (Blueprints & Projects) |
Connected to Walt Disney and the Hathors this divine template reveals the alchemical fusion created through the birth of sound and light. Its purpose is to infuse the frequency of balance and harmony within the human-elemental energy field as well as enhance one’s ability to channel music from the higher dimensions. Additionally, the image assists in awakening one’s latent musical gifts and acts as a harmonizer between the hemispheres of the brain. In essence, it is a glimpse of one of the ‘Master Frequency’ blueprints which resonates at the vibration of 12 x 12 within the eternal Circle of Life. A282 The Johari Window is a simple tool used to help individuals better understand their interpersonal communication and relationships. This four-paned window is separated into sections; each pane exploring different levels of the Self. Meditation on this image will create balance and stability within your life and personal relationships. A284 Pane #1 – Upper Left: The parts of ourselves that we see and others see…i.e. things that are universally known to ourselves and others (such as gender & skin color). Pane #2 – Upper Right: The aspects that others see but we are not aware of….i.e. personal blind spots and personality traits. Pane #3 – Lower Left: Our private space, which we know but keep from others…i.e. personal secrets about ourselves and our lives that we do not share with others. Pane #4 – Lower Right: The most mysterious room in that the unconscious or subconscious part of us is neither seen by ourselves nor others…i.e. The Unknown. This image is a divine ‘temple-form’ blueprint from Shambala showing one of the new ‘Golden Age’ structures for 5D planet earth. These blueprints are actually holographic projections which travel through the planetary chakra system and emerge through the crown center into the minds of the blueprint creators and designers for construction. This image will enhance one’s manifestation and alchemy powers and awaken one to new pathways and options within their own unique destiny blueprint. It also accelerates the process of physical transfiguration, while expanding linear perception of time and space within one’s mind. A285#282 MUSIC OF THE SPHERES – Musical Genius Enhancer
#284 JOHARI WINDOW – Inner Reflection & Understanding
#285 TEMPLE OF GOD – Blueprints & Projects
Pleiadian Consciousness #286 | Andromedan Consciousness #287 | Acrturian Consciousness #288 |
(Art, Music & Healing) | (Education & Diplomatic Relations) | (Spirituality & Technology Integration) |
Among the many levels of assistance we have at this time are some very advanced, human-extraterrestrial cultures that have been monitoring and guiding humanity throughout the eons of time. These off-planet cultures belong to a larger ‘assistance league’ known as the Association of Worlds or Galactic Federation of Light. This Federation, which can be thought of as the ‘spiritual justice system’ of the universe, values all life and is always working toward fulfilling potential. They develop, organize and guide projects in all galaxies to assist all life forms, using both telepathy and dream communication. One of the primary assistance groups is the Pleiadians (Plee-a-dee-uns), who reside in the seven-star system known as the Pleiades. They can be thought of as our closest ancestors and look very similar to us, although they have evolved to a higher state of physical perfection than Earth humans. Because of the physical similarities, they are able to walk among us and assist without anyone taking notice. The Pleiadians, as with the other races, have developed their brain capacity to such a level that their consciousness skills (intuition, learning, creative) are far beyond our current capabilities. They work through the ‘love’ vibration, by raising awareness through art, music, healing and global education, thus helping humanity to gently break free from many of the controlling and oppressive 3D constructs/institutions. A286 Among the many levels of assistance we have at this time are some very advanced, human-extraterrestrial cultures that have been monitoring and guiding humanity throughout the eons of time. These off-planet cultures belong to a larger ‘assistance league’ known as the Association of Worlds or Galactic Federation of Light. This Federation, which can be thought of as the ‘spiritual justice system’ of the universe, values all life and is always working toward fulfilling potential. They develop, organize and guide projects in all galaxies to assist all life forms, using both telepathy and dream communication. One of the primary assistance groups is the Andromedans (An-drom-a-dans), who reside in the nearest major galaxy to our own Milky Way in a cluster of stars known as the Andromeda. They are 6th and 7th dimensional advanced human extraterrestrials who are most active in facilitating Galactic Council/Federation meetings and making important decisions regarding the current situation here on Earth. They promote peace education and improved global governance, while providing innovative strategies for resolving conflict and exposing elite control and manipulation. They are also very involved in educating the youth and work directly with the indigo and psychic children to enhance and protect their gifts. The Andromedans are peaceful communicators who use telepathy and physical contact to help humanity evolve and grow. They are also the masterminds behind the crop circle phenomena. A287 Among the many levels of assistance we have at this time are some very advanced, human-extraterrestrial cultures that have been monitoring and guiding humanity throughout the eons of time. These off-planet cultures belong to a larger ‘assistance league’ known as the Association of Worlds or Galactic Federation of Light. This Federation, which can be thought of as the ‘spiritual justice system’ of the universe, values all life and is always working toward fulfilling potential. They develop, organize and guide projects in all galaxies to assist all life forms, using both telepathy and dream communication. One of the primary assistance groups is the Arcturians (Ark-tour-ee-uns), who come from a star-field known as Arcturus. Within the Arcturian consciousness, there are both physical (human) and non-physical (angelic) beings. Their home is often known by many as the ‘Planet of the Angels’ as they can be felt as a presence, an inspiring rush of creative energy or a deep feeling of spiritual connection and revelation. The Arcturians are helping to provide us with strategic advice in transforming our planetary systems and integrating/balancing spiritual values with advanced technologies. They are also helping to transition our current global financial, political and societal systems while coordinating and cultivating closer relationships between Earth humans and many other advanced extraterrestrial races.#286 PLEIADIAN CONSCIOUSNESS: GALACTIC FAMILY CREST – Art, Music & Healing
#288 ARCTURIAN CONSCIOUSNESS: GALACTIC FAMILY CREST – Spirituality & Technology Integration
Sirian Consciousness #289 | Cosmic Starshield #298 | Infinite Possibilities #299 |
(Advanced Knowledge & Consciousness) | (Inspiration & Protection) | (Stimulates 9D Awareness & Problem Solving) |
Among the many levels of assistance we have at this time are some very advanced, human-extraterrestrial cultures that have been monitoring and guiding humanity throughout the eons of time. These off-planet cultures belong to a larger ‘assistance league’ known as the Association of Worlds or Galactic Federation of Light. This Federation, which can be thought of as the ‘spiritual justice system’ of the universe, values all life and is always working toward fulfilling potential. They develop, organize and guide projects in all galaxies to assist all life forms, using both telepathy and dream communication. One of the primary assistance groups is the Sirians (Sear-ee-uns), who reside in a binary star system known as Sirius or the Dog Star, within the constellation of Canis Major. They have been a strong guiding force in the development of many major civilizations here on Earth such as Egypt, Maya and Sumeria; giving each culture advanced medical, astronomical and alchemical information, much of which has been lost through the ages. The Sirians are currently engaged in many global contacts with humans relating to environmental protection and raising human consciousness through innovative methods. A289 The brilliant Cosmic Star Shield is a new gift for the people of Earth from advanced star beings who reside on Alpha Centauri. This crystalline particle of light, which was born out of the Great Central Sun provides a divine light in the darkness as it expands all the channels of intuition within ones consciousness and neutralizes perceptional distortions. It also acts as a mirror which reflects the expanded spectrum of creational light and guidance within the mind, while radiating the ascended Christ energy within ones auric field. A298 This image is a rare gift from a culture of star beings known as the Timmers, who reside in the 7th Universe. The Timmers are one of the most highly-developed human civilizations in the known universes and have ascended to such a level that they embody the purest form of celestial energy within a human body. This image is a reflection of their consciousness and how they process information. The magic of the Infinite Possibilities design is that it simulates multidimensional consciousness, triggering instant awareness within oneself, allowing the mind the ultimate freedom to think in many directions simultaneously. A299#289 SIRIAN CONSCIOUSNESS: GALACTIC FAMILY CREST – Advanced Knowledge & Consciousness
#298 COSMIC STAR SHIELD A Gift from Alpha Centauri – Inspiration & Protection
#299 INFINITE POSSIBILITIES – Stimulates 9D Awareness & Problem Solving
Lyran Genetic Seal #300 | Earth Elemental #301 | Air Elemental #302 |
(Perfection & Transformation ) | (Strength, Support & Grounding) | (Inspiration & Freedom) |
Among the hundreds of variations of the human form throughout the universe, the most cherished is the genetic code of humanity’s original, perfected blueprint. This genetic code has been the basis for the creation of all universal lineages of humankind, although it has been hybridized and tampered with throughout the ages for various divine and nefarious purposes. This Lyran Genetic Star image is both a gift and a rare glimpse of the perfected genetic human matrix; which will ultimately transform our Earth-human bodies into their ascended form. It is the ultimate goal and birthright of all within the human species to return to the original perfection of their race before moving on to new and wondrous experiences. Meditating on this image will bring awareness of the original genetic codons, mathematical matrixes and ethereal essences that are an important part of who we truly are. A300 Qualities – Grounding, balance, stability, stamina, endurance, financial prosperity, physical health and vitality. The earth element brings balance and stability to the physical body, helping us to feel strong, supported and empowered. A strong connection to the earth element grounds divine energy as well, which is also necessary for the manifestation of one’s prosperity and destiny in the physical realm. Earth Signs – Capricorn, Taurus and Virgo All of the elements in nature are constantly working together to create balance and harmony within the eco-system. The five primary elementals Earth, Air, Fire, Water and Space are the energies of life and create abundant life-force when in balance. Our bodies, as with the earth body, are made up of these five elements as well and each is important for our sense of well-being. If the body elementals are out of balance or one is depleted, the human system cannot function at the highest level and can experience a variety of health issues. As you interact and meditate with these five powerful, elemental activation images, they will balance and harmonize your system, bringing health and vitality to your mind, body and spirit. The images are also associated with the twelve astrological signs and will additionally give you infusions of all the positive qualities and characteristics of each sign. The fifth element Space (also known as the Starlight Elemental) is key for the activation of each of the other four elements; grounding in our true star origins and universal cosmic connection. A301 Qualities – Inspiration, vision, spontaneity, communication, optimism, faith, enthusiasm, mental clarity, intelligence and appreciation. Connecting to the air element helps us to feel unlimited and free. This element brings inspiration and greater access to new, higher levels of energy and creativity. The air element assists in the creation and manifestation of ideas and services for the destiny seeker. Air Signs – Libra, Gemini and Aquarius All of the elements in nature are constantly working together to create balance and harmony within the eco-system. The five primary elementals Earth, Air, Fire, Water and Space are the energies of life and create abundant life-force when in balance. Our bodies, as with the earth body, are made up of these five elements as well and each is important for our sense of well-being. If the body elementals are out of balance or one is depleted, the human system cannot function at the highest level and can experience a variety of health issues. As you interact and meditate with these five powerful, elemental activation images, they will balance and harmonize your system, bringing health and vitality to your mind, body and spirit. The images are also associated with the twelve astrological signs and will additionally give you infusions of all the positive qualities and characteristics of each sign. The fifth element Space (also known as the Starlight Elemental) is key for the activation of each of the other four elements; grounding in our true star origins and universal cosmic connection. A302#300 LYRAN GENETIC STAR A Gift from Lyra – Original Genetic Perfection & Coding
#301 EARTH ELEMENTAL – Strength, Support & Grounding
#302 AIR ELEMENTAL – Inspiration & Freedom
Fire Elemental #303 | Water Elemental #304 | Space Elemental #305 |
(Passion & Purification) | (Energy Flow & Moving Forward) | (Guidance & Clarity) |
Qualities – Purification, passion, protection, determination, transmutation, transfiguration and transformation. Connecting to the fire element will ignite passion and desire for one’s destiny here on earth; giving us the courage and determination needed for success in all areas. The element of fire also purifies the spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical bodies; clearing and releasing any blockages or limitations contained within. Fire Signs – Aries, Leo and Sagittarius All of the elements in nature are constantly working together to create balance and harmony within the eco-system. The five primary elementals Earth, Air, Fire, Water and Space are the energies of life and create abundant life-force when in balance. Our bodies, as with the earth body, are made up of these five elements as well and each is important for our sense of well-being. If the body elementals are out of balance or one is depleted, the human system cannot function at the highest level and can experience a variety of health issues. As you interact and meditate with these five powerful, elemental activation images, they will balance and harmonize your system, bringing health and vitality to your mind, body and spirit. The images are also associated with the twelve astrological signs and will additionally give you infusions of all the positive qualities and characteristics of each sign. The fifth element Space (also known as the Starlight Elemental) is key for the activation of each of the other four elements; grounding in our true star origins and universal cosmic connection. A303 Qualities – Healing, purity, compassion, acceptance, forgiveness and creativity. Connecting to the element of water purifies and balances the mental, emotional and physical bodies. Water assists us in merging with the flow of divine creation; moving forward on our path with ease and grace. Water Signs – Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces All of the elements in nature are constantly working together to create balance and harmony within the eco-system. The five primary elementals Earth, Air, Fire, Water and Space are the energies of life and create abundant life-force when in balance. Our bodies, as with the earth body, are made up of these five elements as well and each is important for our sense of well-being. If the body elementals are out of balance or one is depleted, the human system cannot function at the highest level and can experience a variety of health issues. As you interact and meditate with these five powerful, elemental activation images, they will balance and harmonize your system, bringing health and vitality to your mind, body and spirit. The images are also associated with the twelve astrological signs and will additionally give you infusions of all the positive qualities and characteristics of each sign. The fifth element Space (also known as the Starlight Elemental) is key for the activation of each of the other four elements; grounding in our true star origins and universal cosmic connection. A304 Qualities: Illumination, wisdom, clarity, enlightenment, mastery, majesty and cosmic consciousness. Connecting to the starlight elemental helps us to connect to divine guidance which allows us to receive and access information. The starlight element gives us the clarity and wisdom needed to apply the information on the physical level. Space Signs – All 12 Astrological Signs All of the elements in nature are constantly working together to create balance and harmony within the eco-system. The five primary elementals Earth, Air, Fire, Water and Space are the energies of life and create abundant life-force when in balance. Our bodies, as with the earth body, are made up of these five elements as well and each is important for our sense of well-being. If the body elementals are out of balance or one is depleted, the human system cannot function at the highest level and can experience a variety of health issues. As you interact and meditate with these five powerful, elemental activation images, they will balance and harmonize your system, bringing health and vitality to your mind, body and spirit. The images are also associated with the twelve astrological signs and will additionally give you infusions of all the positive qualities and characteristics of each sign. The fifth element Space (also known as the Starlight Elemental) is key for the activation of each of the other four elements; grounding in our true star origins and universal cosmic connection. A305#303 FIRE ELEMENTAL – Passion & Purification
#304 WATER ELEMENTAL – Energy Flow & Moving Forward
#305 SPACE ELEMENTAL – Guidance & Clarity
Designed by the Ashtar Command, Technology Tags transmute harmful, energetic signals as well as upgrade all types of electronic devices. Simply affixing a tag on the desired apparatus creates a crystal clear ‘lock-on’ signal beam directly to the Command’s main computer system on their primary Star Fleet ship. This link-up allows those using the device to receive information directly from the Command without interference.
Small Technology Tag | Large Technology Tag |
Multidimensional Languages #306 | The Pleiadians #307 | The Andromedans #308 |
(Galactic Communication & Knowledge) | (Love, Creativity & Sacred Sexuality) | (Peace Emissaries & Conflict Resolution) |
Promotes brain expansion and one’s multidimensional data-streaming abilities; 5D, 6D and 7D translator for angelic, galactic and ascended levels of communication; image includes representations of the Guardian Master Codes, a musing symbol, angelic language of light, harmonic sound keys, Sirian telepathy and Ashtar Command data-streaming code system; brings into one’s awareness the patterns associated with universal communication unlimited divine intelligence; stimulates all areas of the brain. A306 Among the many levels of assistance we have at this time are some very advanced, human-extraterrestrial cultures that have been monitoring and guiding humanity throughout the eons of time. These off-planet cultures belong to a larger ‘assistance league’ known as the Association of Worlds or Galactic Federation of Light. This Federation, which can be thought of as the ‘spiritual justice system’ of the universe, values all life and is always working toward fulfilling potential. They develop, organize and guide projects in all galaxies to assist all life forms, using both telepathy and dream communication. One of our primary assistance groups is the Pleiadians (Plee-a-dee-uns), who reside in the seven-star system known as the Pleiades. They can be thought of as our closest ancestors and look very similar to us…cont’d on accelerator backside, lots more info! A307 Additional Recommendations: Pleiadian Accelerators: #286 Pleiades Galactic Crest #68 Pleiadian Creativity #123 Pleiadian Light Matrix Among the many levels of assistance we have at this time are some very advanced, human-extraterrestrial cultures that have been monitoring and guiding humanity throughout the eons of time. These off-planet cultures belong to a larger ‘assistance league’ known as the Association of Worlds or Galactic Federation of Light. This Federation, which can be thought of as the ‘spiritual justice system’ of the universe, values all life and is always working toward fulfilling potential. They develop, organize and guide projects in all galaxies to assist all life forms, using both telepathy and dream communication. One of our primary assistance groups is the Andromedans (An-drom-a-dans), who reside in the nearest major galaxy to our own Milky Way in a cluster of stars known as the Andromeda. They are 6th and 7th dimensional…cont’d on accelerator backside, lots more info! A308 Additional Recommendations: Andromedan Accelerators: #287 Andromeda Galactic Crest #228 Holographic Sound Key #113 Legal System#306 MULTIDIMENSIONAL LANGUAGES TRANSMISSION PLATE – Galactic Communication & Knowledge
#307 THE PLEIADIANS – Love, Creativity & Sacred Sexuality
#308 THE ANDROMEDANS – Peace Emissaries & Conflict Resolution
The Arcturians #309 | The Sirians #310 | The Timmers #311 |
(Group Consciousness & Healing) | (Complex Plans & Projects) | (Highest Human Potential) |
Among the many levels of assistance we have at this time are some very advanced, human-extraterrestrial cultures that have been monitoring and guiding humanity throughout the eons of time. These off-planet cultures belong to a larger ‘assistance league’ known as the Association of Worlds or Galactic Federation of Light. This Federation, which can be thought of as the ‘spiritual justice system’ of the universe, values all life and is always working toward fulfilling potential. They develop, organize and guide projects in all galaxies to assist all life forms, using both telepathy and dream communication. One of our primary assistance groups is the Arcturians (Ark-tour-ee-uns), who come from a star-field known as Arcturus. Within the Arcturian consciousness, there are both physical (human) and non-physical (angelic)…cont’d on accelerator backside, lots more info! A309 Additional Recommendations: Arcturian Accelerators: #288 Arcturus Galactic Crest #189 Blessing from the Stars #22 Double Happiness Among the many levels of assistance we have at this time are some very advanced, human-extraterrestrial cultures that have been monitoring and guiding humanity throughout the eons of time. These off-planet cultures belong to a larger ‘assistance league’ known as the Association of Worlds or Galactic Federation of Light. This Federation, which can be thought of as the ‘spiritual justice system’ of the universe, values all life and is always working toward fulfilling potential. They develop, organize and guide projects in all galaxies to assist all life forms, using both telepathy and dream communication. One of our primary assistance groups is the Sirians (Sear-ee-uns), who reside in a binary star system known as Sirius or the Dog Star. They have been a strong guiding force in the development…cont’d on accelerator backside, lots more info! A310 Additional Recommendations: Sirian Accelerators: #289 Sirius Galactic Crest #298 Cosmic Star Shield #14 New Pyramid for Earth Among the many levels of assistance we have at this time are some very advanced, human-extraterrestrial cultures that have been monitoring and guiding humanity throughout the eons of time. These off-planet cultures belong to a larger ‘assistance league’ known as the Association of Worlds or Galactic Federation of Light. This Federation, which can be thought of as the ‘spiritual justice system’ of the universe, values all life and is always working toward fulfilling potential. They develop, organize and guide projects in all galaxies to assist all life forms, using both telepathy and dream communication. The Timmers, one of an infinite number of advanced races and cultures who are always assisting others by sharing their wisdom, knowledge and technology, are the ancient ancestors of our…cont’d on accelerator backside, lots more info! A311 Additional Recommendations: Timmer Accelerators: #299 Infinite Possibilities #300 Lyran Genetic Star #231 Land of a Thousand Suns#309 THE ARCTURIANS – Group Consciousness & Healing
#310 THE SIRIANS – Complex Plans & Projects
#311 THE TIMMERS – Highest Human Potential
The Orions #312 | Circle of Life #313 | Ancient Stargate - Portal to the Future Pegasus Constellation #314 |
(Strength & Empowerment) | (Stimulates Optimism & Joy) | (Gateway to Higher Knowledge) |
Among the many levels of assistance we have at this time are some very advanced, human-extraterrestrial cultures that have been monitoring and guiding humanity throughout the eons of time. These off-planet cultures belong to a larger ‘assistance league’ known as the Association of Worlds or Galactic Federation of Light. This Federation, which can be thought of as the ‘spiritual justice system’ of the universe, values all life and is always working toward fulfilling potential. They develop, organize and guide projects in all galaxies to assist all life forms, using both telepathy and dream communication. One of our primary assistance groups is the Orions (Oh-rye-uns), who reside in a prominent constellation located on the celestial equator. Their star cluster is one of the most visible and recognizable in the night sky worldwide. The Orion culture is best known …cont’d on accelerator backside, lots more info! A312 Connected to the Fairy Kingdoms and the ancient Celtic traditions & their system of wisdom and magic; promotes prosperity & well-being; balances all Earth-based connections with the natural kingdoms; alleviates stress and worry; loosens mental confusion ‘knots’ of energy in the mind and stimulates optimism & joy. A313 Awakens the mind and opens pathways into new areas of soul development; seeds the mental body with new ideas and code systems for accessing all of Earth’s stargates and the higher knowledge contained in the Universal Akashic Records; allows one to connect with the interdimensional gateways and time-travel systems within Earth’s field; connected to the Meru people; Guardians of the Portals, Ancient Egypt and the Immortals. A314#312 THE ORIONS – Strength & Empowerment
#313 CIRCLE OF LIFE – Stimulates Optimism & Joy
Ancient Stargate - Portal to the Future Cygnus Constellation #315 | Special Delivery #316 | New Gold Dream #317 |
(Gateway to Higher Knowledge) | (Multidimensional Information Package) | (Templar Knights & Vision) |
Awakens the mind and opens pathways into new areas of soul development; seeds the mental body with new ideas and code systems for accessing all of Earth’s stargates and the higher knowledge contained in the Universal Akashic Records; allows one to connect with the interdimensional gateways and time-travel systems within Earth’s field; connected to the Meru people; Guardians of the Portals, Ancient Egypt and the Immortals. A315 This image depicts a higher dimensional energy package when seen etherically through one’s third eye. These “packages” are sent from the higher dimensions by the Celestial Hierarchy to all human ambassadors working within their destiny guidelines. These etheric packages are accompanied by a tone or a symbol as they begin to unfold within one’s mind and heart. These packages contain information, private messages, imagery, live-streaming transmissions, instructions and anything you need to carry out your mission here on Earth. These packages arrive and unfold automatically…..all you have to do is view this image and get a good picture in your mind of how these packages appear. These energy packages are a very important part of your mission as they contain unique and specific formulations of energy configured especially for you. A316 The reawakening of the Templar Knights lineage; ignites one’s understanding of sacred spiritual laws and the ancient codes upheld by the great warriors and defenders of the Light; gives one the vision and resolve to follow their own divine plan without fail; helps to strengthen one’s leadership abilities and boost confidence; assists one to be steadfast and focused in regards to their mission and spiritual quest on Earth. A317#315 ANCIENT STARGATES: PORTALS TO THE FUTURE CYGNUS CONSTELLATION – Gateway to Higher Knowledge
#316 SPECIAL DELIVERY – Multidimensional Information Package
#317 NEW GOLD DREAM – Templar Knights & Vision
Apportation #318 | XzRT - The Pill #319 | Sandalphon #320 |
(Etheric Manifestation Powers) | (Boost Mental Powers & Clarity) | (Angel of Music & Prayer) |
An ‘Apportation’ is usually a jewel (or other physical object) or structure that manifests out of etheric substance into this physical reality. Although ‘apportations’ are rare, they often spontaneously manifest through the eyes, the mouth, the ears or the hands of an individual who is channeling high levels of energy. These magical, immortal creations carry very large energy matrixes from the Ascended Masters, the Archangels and the Galactic Command. This accelerator will help you to spontaneously and continuously attract more of this type of ethereal energy and magical synchronicities into your life. A318 The first interdimensional miracle formulation for boosting mental activity! XzRT-7 was designed on the Ashtar Command ship Constellation and created through the process of multidimensional infusion for the purpose of enhancing one’s mental powers. This energetic pill works by recalibrating your consciousness; creating a ‘temporary’ expanded field of energy within your mind that will increase brain capacity & activity up to 100 percent. Assimilating this etheric substance will greatly improve your mental performance (including all creative activities); helping you to find solutions, implement strategies and accomplish tasks at an accelerated pace. To utilize this energetic miracle pill, visualize it within your third eye or in the hemispheres of your brain for three minutes. Special Note: This powerful template can only be used in 3-hour intervals, several times a week, or whenever you need a boost of mental and emotional clarity. Contains: Nxzanthym (Arcturus), Thesaurith (M-29), IO-1(Earth 2500 BC), Pela-Chromium (Venus). A319 Promotes musical creativity and enhances your prayers, intentions, and meditations; allows one to receive the blessings and dispensations from Spirit more easily and gracefully. A320#318 APPORTATION – Etheric Manifestation Powers
#319 THE PILL / XzRT-7 – Boost Mental Powers & Clarity
#320 ANGELIC SHIELDS – SANDALPHON: Angel of Music & Prayer
Dumah - Angel of Silence #321 | Haneil Angel of Joy & Grace #322 | Metatron: Guardian of the Tree of Life #323 |
(Silence, Inner Peace & Self Reflection) | (Angel of Joy & Grace) | (Spiritual Power & Destiny) |
Promotes inner peace, self-reflection, and divine awareness within all situations; strengthens one’s inner resolve and determination. A321 Promotes the higher emotions of joy, happiness, and personal fulfillment; activates the energy of grace and the flow of dispensations into one’s life. A322 Promotes spiritual power, divine knowledge, and illumination; holds the keys to one’s past, present and future; enables one to access their divine blueprint and destiny from the Tree of Life.#321 ANGELIC SHIELDS – DUMAH: ANGEL OF SILENCE: Inner Peace & Self Reflection
#322 ANGELIC SHIELDS – HANIEL: Angel of Joy & Grace
Dineel Protector of the Infants #324 | Geometry of Love #325 | Geometry of Passion & Desire #326 |
(Angelic Protector of Infants) | (Attracts & Enhances Relationships) | (Prosperity & Healing) |
Over lights newborn babies and small children with protection and companionship; initiates the higher guardianship of newborn souls. A324 Assists in the attraction, creation and enhancement of new love relationships, long lasting friendships and beneficial partnerships; opens the heart, allowing one to give and receive love; helps one to feel confident and relaxed in all social situations. A325 Ignites enthusiasm and brings greater access to inspiration, creativity and higher forms of divine expression; gives one the energy, focus and determination needed to manifest one’s personal desires and passions into the physical realm. #324 ANGELIC SHIELDS – DINEEL: Guardianship & Protection
#325 GEOMETRY OF LOVE – Attracts & Enhances Relationships
#326 GEOMETRY OF PASSION & DESIRE – Determination & Achievement
Geometry of Personal Refinement & Dynamics#327 | Geometry of Self Discovery #328 | Pleidadian Symbol Code #329 |
(Enhances Positive Personality Traits) | (Confidence & Personal Success) | (Life Keys & Personal Dynamics) |
Helps one to strengthen positive personality traits and enhance one’s unique style and individual dynamics; allows one to focus on the highest expression of their individuality, gifts and talents. A327 Allows one to access new streams of information and ideas for renewal of confidence and personal success; helps one to release long-standing, challenging issues and limitations that keep one from moving forward in life. A328 The Pleiadians are here to help us move forward by providing new ideas and solutions to long standing global & personal challenges. Many of the difficult issues that we are experiencing can be easily eliminated through simple re-adjustments using Pleiadian technology. The Pleiadian Symbol Code Infusion is a multidimensional accelerator for igniting your passion, energy and life-force for the future. This collection of symbol codes will help to activate and transform your energy field; assist in the cultivation of personal dynamics; attract and enhance relationships; access multidimensional talents and communication skills and much more! Each of the codes will activate the following inside of you (left side from top): Downloading & Receptivity; Openness & Change; Service & Contributions; Courage & Determination; Inspiration & Passion; Vision & Planning; (right side from top): Personal Dynamics; Design & Creativity; Attracting Relationships, Friendships, New Business Partners; Personal Refinement; Meditation & Spiritual Connection; Communication & Interpretation. A329 #327 GEOMETRY OF PERSONAL REFINEMENT & DYNAMICS – Enhances Positive Personality Traits
#328 GEOMETRY OF SELF DISCOVERY – Confidence & Personal Success
#329 PLEIADIAN SYMBOL CODE INFUSION – Life Keys & Personal Dynamics
Cities of Light - Sedona #330 | Chakra Blast #331 | Cosmic Shapeshifter #332 |
(Crystalline Temples) | (High Level Energy Infusion) | (Fluidity & Flexibility) |
Cities of Light healing temple located inside the Bell Rock vortex; brings one greater access to the healing energies of Sedona; deepens one’s understanding of sacred geometry and subtle crystalline frequencies; creates a stronger connection to Earth’s grids, ley-lines & healing matrixes; strengthens one’s own healing abilities; regenerates life force and vitality; activates the pineal gland & upgrades the neural network; triggers Higher Self alignment. A330 This image creates an internal blast of energy within your chakratic system, helping you to shift, transform and supercharge your mind, body & spirit with light. It also assists you to stay focused on what is most important and brings greater awareness of Spirit into your conscious mind. A331 Allows the consciousness, emotions and body to become more fluid and flexible; Shifts one’s energy into many shapes and forms; connects with the human cellular structure to co-create change and transformation; To use this image, simply look at it for a few moments, then…cont’d on back of image. A 332#330 CITIES OF LIGHT ETHERIC TEMPLE: SEDONA ARIZONA – Crystalline Temples
#331 MULTIDIMENSIONAL CHAKRA BLAST – High Level Energy Infusion
#332 COSMIC SHAPESHIFTER – Fluidity & Flexiblity
Rainbow Light Cities #333 | Cup of Life #334 | Christ Star #335 |
(New Wonders of the World) | (Cellular Renewal & Rejuvenation) | (Magnifies Love & Dissolves Burdens) |
Etheric Cities of Light anchoring from the galactic level; new designs and architectural marvels for Earth; connected to the Ascended Masters and the Galactic Federation. Contemplation on this image lifts the spirit and the energy of the entire planet. Focused meditation on this image will manifest the cities more quickly into our physical realm. A333 New beginnings; restores life-force and purifies the energy of one’s spirit; regenerates the mind, body and human soul; eternal youth matrix of beauty & cellular renewal; realigns one with their divine blueprint, mission and destiny. A334 Cosmic star activation; love magnifier & unifier; contains the power of 10,000 suns; uplifts the heart; brings joy, compassion, reverence; purifies the emotions and dissolves burdens & fears; helps one to move forward with ease and grace; connected to the Star of Bethlehem and Polaris. A335 #333 RAINBOW LIGHT CITIES – New Wonders of the World
#334 CUP OF LIFE – Cellular Renewal and Rejuvenation
#335 CHRIST STAR – Magnifies Love & Dissolves Burdens
Stargate Activation #336 | Arrival of the Phoenix Light #337 | Sacred Teachings of the Golden Temple #338 |
(Time Travel Portal) | (ET Contact & Telepathic Communication) | (Inner Wisdom & Illumination) |
Time travel portal into the future and past; a gateway to many dimensions of space and time; releases stagnation…helps create movement and positive shifting in one’s life; opens the mind to new possibilities; activates and accelerates dream-travel to other realities; enhances connection to ones galactic guides; can be used in meditation or placed by the bed to activate the dreamtime. A336 Connected to the Phoenix Lights experience & the Galactic Federation; opens dimensional doorways in the mind; helps one establish a unique connection to ET’s and Earth’s Galactic Guardians; strengthens ones telepathic communication signals and internal messaging systems; enhances the reception of transmissions and updates from the Galactic Federation of Light; brings assistance, peace and goodwill to Earth. A337 Lemurian temple teachings from 20,000 years ago; promotes access to ones inner wisdom and illumination from many past lives; initiates ‘brilliant’ revelations and ideas regarding all areas of ones life; provides access to the sacred mysteries of time; frees one from illusions & negative emotions; opens the treasures of the heart. A338#336 STARGATE ACTIVATION – Time Travel Portal
#337 ARRIVAL OF THE PHOENIX STARSHIP – ET Contact & Telepathic Activation
#338 SACRED TEACHINGS OF THE GOLDEN TEMPLE – Inner Wisdom & Illumination
Ashtar Command Telos Rejuvenation Center #339 | Angel Dream Star #340 | Crown of Life #341 |
(Healing & Cellular Renewal) | (Group Energizing, Global Communications & Networking) | (Gifts of Spirit) |
Linked to the Ashtar Command and Mount Shasta’s City of Telos; promotes healing on all levels and triggers energetic cellular renewal; repairs malfunctions in the human energy & nervous system; turns back time and initiates age reversal; gives one a more youthful, vibrant appearance and energy; helps one to receive updates from their guides and angels regarding healing and transformation. A339 Angel Star is a 7th dimensional star on the edge of our universe that acclimates souls descending from the higher dimensions into our polarity world. Working with this image helps to magnetize and connect you with like-minded people, business partners & spiritual friends all over the planet. It assists in building a strong physical and etheric team, netwaork and support system around you. This image will also align you with divine opportunities & synchronicities as well as enhancing messages and guidance through your dream state. A340 Celestial entrance to and from Heaven & Earth, where one receives the gifts of spirit; elevates one’s consciousness, mind and body to the level of an Avatar; Magnifies ones inner radiance; contains an anointing & blessing of the Holy Spirit; connected to Mother Mary, the Ascended Masters, the Dove of Peace and the healing chambers of the Seraphim Angels. A341 #339 ASHTAR COMMAND/TELOS REJUVENATION CENTER – Healing & Cellular Renewal
#340 ANGEL DREAM STAR – Group Energizing, Global Communications & Networking Matrix
#341 CROWN OF LIFE – Gifts of Spirit
CIA of the Body#343 | Secrets of Immortality #344 | Starpeople: Tau Cetians #345 |
(Cleanses/Restores Cellular Integrity ) | (Life Extension & Rejuvenation ) | (5D Creativity & Spiritual Community) |
Cellular Intelligence Agents; clears the physical body of illness patterns and cleanses the blood of all impurities; rebuilds and regenerates organic cellular structure; template interfaces with off-planet healing technologies; allows one to view the ‘fine print’, the details of one’s existence with clarity. A343 Promotes the return to the original pattern of perfection & unlimited human potential; extraterrestrial alchemy; brings new life and rebirth; rejuvenation temple; helps one to embody a pure spirit in order to trigger the fires of renewal; connected to Saint Germain, the Immortals and the Egyptian Life Key. A344 Cultural Characteristics: Introspection & Self Awareness, Justice and Hospitality, Balanced Perspective. Among the many levels of assistance we have at this time are some very advanced, human-extraterrestrial cultures that have been monitoring and guiding humanity throughout the eons of time. These off-planet cultures belong to a larger ‘assistance league’ known as the Association of Worlds or Galactic Federation of Light. This Federation, which can be thought of as the ‘spiritual justice system’ of the universe, values all life and is always working toward fulfilling potential. They develop, organize and guide projects in all galaxies to assist all life forms, using both telepathy and dream communication. One of our primary assistance groups is the Tau Cetians (Tao-ce-ti-uns), who come from the star known as Tau Ceti, 12 light years from Earth. They represent the Asian race throughout the cosmos. Their appearance resembles that of a tall human with amber skin and light green eyes. Their facial features are sharp & refined and they have a peaceful, loving and articulate manner. Like the Pleiadians, the people from Tau Ceti look very similar to us and are able to walk among us and assist without anyone taking notice. Their incredibly diverse areas of cultural artistry is an expression of their divine consciousness and they believe that as they create, they are fulfilling a higher purpose and expressing their inner light, their God-self through all of their creations. Another reason of their presence on Earth involves the exposing of negative extraterrestrial subversion & control by races that do not have our highest interest at heart. Several of these races including the grays and reptiles have been utilizing mass manipulation and mind control on Earth for their own nefarious purposes. Know that the Tau Cetians too experienced the night-time abductions and mind manipulation of these races on their world…and unbeknownst to them, their planet came under the control of these beings slowly over many thousands of years. It took a very long time to uncover, combat and remove these invaders as they use mind tricks and work on the unseen levels of a society. The Tau Cetians feel this nefarious activity, happening once again on Earth, is a great injustice to humanities evolving ascension process and they are here to help! A345 Additional Recommendations: Pleiadian Accelerators #16 Ancient Starcodes, #22 Double Happiness, #35 Shemalea: The Essence#343 C.I.A. OF THE BODY – Cleanses/Restores Cellular Integrity
#344 SECRETS OF IMMORTALITY – Life Extension & Rejuvenation
#345 STARPEOPLE: TAU CETIANS – 5D Creativity & Spiritual Community
The Bridge to Healing #346 | Eternal Light #347 | Manifestation of the Temples #348 |
(Healing & Restoration) | (Master Cell Activation & Light Renewal) | (Golden Cities & Emotional Release) |
Takes you safely and easily from physical, mental and emotional disharmony across the bridge to healing, wellness and restoration! Operates and works through the Cosmic Healing Rays of Creation, Mother Mary, Kwan Yin and the Mighty Solar Archangel Healing Powers. To use, simply… Spark of Creation; Divine Custodian, initiates healing and lightbody phasing; ignites cellular ignition of the Master Cell within our bodies, that is impervious to illness and aging; triggers a chain reaction of sustained light within the physical body; Designed by the Progress Helpers and the Superangels. Ancient and future renewal template; breathes new life into one’s Heart Chakra matrix, assisting one in releasing feelings of struggle, sorrow and melancholy; allows one to feel forward movement on their spiritual path; connected to Sanat Kumara, Krishna and the Elemental Kingdoms. Red Coral and Kyanite.#346 THE BRIDGE TO HEALING – Healing & Restoration
#347 ETERNAL LIGHT – Master Cell Activation & Light Renewal
#348 MANIFESTATION OF THE TEMPLES – Golden Cities & Emotional Release
Mercy, Love, Compassion & Justice #349 | Starpower Energizer | Quantum Leap |
(Higher Virtues & Future Revelations) | #350 | #351 |
Connected to the Arcturian Emissaries of Light, this image represents the embodiment of higher virtues and 5th dimensional protocols; depicts the energy formed by the new inter-dimensional Arcturian lightships; this matrix contains new prophecies and information regarding the future; it is a Divine Mandala, linked to the four planes of existence and connected through the four directions. Realgar and Tanzanite. Activates your star powers from other worlds; helps to align you with your past lives and other galactic aspects of yourself existing on other time-lines; helps you hold more light and manifest more of your gifts from the higher realms. To use this image, simply visualize yourself sitting in the center, receiving all of the higher energies and light coming in from the cosmos! A350 Movement into the higher dimensions; aligns you with your next step in life and toward the fulfillment of your hopes and dreams; rekindles your desire for lightness, freedom and the belief in magical possibilities; brought in by Peter Pan, Tinker Bell and the Ashtar Command; Meditating on and viewing this image helps to lift your Spirit, dissolve the burdens of this world & trigger happiness, joy and inspired connection with the Universe. A351#349 MERCY, COMPASSION, LOVE AND JUSTICE – Master Cell Activation & Future Revelations
The New AC Forcefield |
#352 |
This newly designed force-field activates in five dimensions and protects you from the stress, confusion and dis-clarity of other people, as well as blocking many harmful surveillance frequencies, including many EMF and Radiation signals. This shield must be verbally ‘charged’ and strengthened by you each day to maintain its protective qualities and structure. This not only gives you the latest protections from the Ashtar Command, but also gives your body the new intelligence updates each day that you need to continue your journey here. A352#352 THE NEW AC 5D FORCE-FIELD
Saint Germain | Afra & Africa | Lady Nada |
(Keeper of the Violet Flame) | (Patrons of the Black Race) | (Twin Flame of Jesus Christ) |
Saint Germain – Keeper of the Violet Flame of Freedom; Master of Alchemy, Transmutation & Ascension
Afra & Africa – Patrons of Africa and the Black Race; First of Their Race to Ascend; Faith, Freedom, Justice & Mercy
Lady Nada – Master of the Rose Temple: Chohan of the 6th Ray, Compassion, Healing & Upliftment.
Prince Oromasis | Temple of Liberty | Serapis Bey |
(Hierarch of the Fire Element) | (Chamuel, Rowena & Orion) | (Keeper of the Ascension Flame) |
Prince Oromasis – Hierarch of the Fire Element; Master of the Sparkling Flame; Directs the Sacred Fire to Earth
Temple of Liberty – The ethereal temple of light where individuals obtain true spiritual power and karmic redemption, ultimately achieving full agency over their own actions & lives.
Serapis Bey – Chohan of the 4th Ray, High Priest from Atlantis; Ancient Egyptian Mystery School Teacher
Mary Magdalene | Kwan Yin | Isis |
(Sacred Sexuality & Healing) | (Goddess of Mercy & Compasion) | (Goddess of Power & Magic) |
Mary Magdalene – Divine Earth Companion to Jesus Christ; Hope, Devotion, Healing & Love
Kwan Yin – Goddess of Mercy, Compassion, Love & Forgiveness
Isis – Egyptian Sun Goddess of Initiation, Beauty, Strength, Courage
St Germain II | El Morya | Confucius |
(Keeper of the Violet Flame) | (Power, Goodwill & Faith) | (Wisdom and Purity) |
Saint Germain – Keeper of the Violet Flame of Freedom; Master of Alchemy, Transmutation & Ascension
El Morya – Master of the Blue Flame; Chohan of the 1st Ray, Carrier of the Sword of Truth
Confucius – Master of Mind & Circumstance; Keeper of the “Precipitation Flame” Teacher of Poetic Wisdom.
Apek | Holy Amethyst | Amazonia |
(Will, Faith & Spiritual Power) | (Freedom, Invocation & Ceremony) | (Power, Protection & Opulence) |
Master Apek – Blue Ray server and one of the main auxiliaries of El Morya; Service, Protection & Spiritual Power
Amethyst – Archeia of the 7th Ray & Twin Flame of Archangel Zadkiel; Mercy
Amazonia – Elohim of the 1st Ray & Twin Flame of Hercules; Omnipotence and Protection; Blue Sapphire
Awakening and infusing light energy into all Countries, Cultures and Peoples throughout the World!
Designed by Saint Germain and the Ashtar Command, the Freedom Star Portals instantaneously initiate the awakening and enlightenment of mass populations around the world. The portals infuse high concentrations of light into every country, triggering multidimensional thought-forms and positive patterns into the planetary grids, while also clearing planetary and personal multi-cultural karma. All of the portals now exist directly above each of the seven continents on the etheric/invisible levels. As we connect and work with them, they increase Earth’s and humanity’s ‘light quotient’ and ascension capabilities, assisting all life forms in making the necessary changes and adjustments as we approach the new cosmic gateways into the higher dimensions & time-lines. Sold as a set of 7 for $37 (Add-to-Cart below) or for $7 each (Add-to-Carts near the bottom of the page, above the Galactic Desktop/Phone Accelerators).
FREEDOM STAR ASCENSION PORTALS: Awakening & Infusing Light Energy into All Countries, Cultures and People Throughout The World!
Designed by Saint Germain and the Ashtar Command, the Freedom Star Portals instantaneously initiate the awakening and enlightenment of mass populations around the world. The portals infuse high concentrations of light into every country, triggering multidimensional thought-forms and positive patterns into the planetary grids, while also…cont’d
How to work with the Freedom Star Portals: As you place these on your phone or computer and scroll through them, the light and energy will begin to flow….cont’d
Freedom Star Portal South America | Freedom Star Portal Australia | Freedom Star Portal Europe |
#359 | #354 | #356 |
359 – Freedom Star: South America Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Guyana, Paraguay, Peru, Suriname, Uruguay, Venezuela, DT: Falkland Islands (UK), French Guiana (France), South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands (UK). See description & assistant information above! 354 – Freedom Star: Australia Australia, Fiji, Kiribati, Marshall Islands, Micronesia, Nauru, New Zealand, Palau, Papua New Guinea, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Tonga, Tuvalu, Vanuatu. See description & assistant information above! 356– Freedom Star: Europe Albania, Andorra, Armenia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czechia, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Georgia, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Kazakhstan, Kosovo, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Moldova, Monaco, Montenegro, Netherlands, North Macedonia, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, San Marino, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, Ukraine, United Kingdom. See description & assistant information above! 353 – Freedom Star: North America United States, Antigua/Barbuda, Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Canada, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominica, Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Grenada, Guatemala, Hawaiian Islands, Haiti, Honduras, Jamaica, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Trinidad and Tobago. DT: Anguilla (UK), Aruba (Netherlands), Bermuda (UK), Bonaire (Netherlands), British Virgin Islands (UK), Cayman Islands (UK), Clipperton Island (France), Curacao (Netherlands), Greenland (Denmark), Guadeloupe (France), Martinique (France), Montserrat (UK), Navassa Island (USA), Puerto Rico (USA), Saba (Netherlands), Saint Barthelemy (France), Saint Martin (France), Saint Pierre and Miquelon (France), Sint Eustatius (Netherlands), Sint Maarten (Netherlands), Turks and Caicos Islands (UK), US Virgin Islands (USA). See description & assistant information above! 357 – Freedom Star: Asia Afghanistan, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Brunei, Cambodia, China, Cyprus, Georgia, India, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Japan, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kuwait, Kyrgyzstan, Laos, Lebanon, Malaysia, Maldives, Mongolia, Myanmar, Nepal, North Korea, Oman, Pakistan, Palestine, Philippines, Qatar, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, South Korea, Sri Lanka, Syria, Taiwan, Tajikistan, Thailand, Timor-Leste, Turkey, Turkmenistan, United Arab Emirates (UAE), Uzbekistan, Vietnam, Yemen. See description & assistant information above! 355 – Freedom Star: Antarctica Territory of the Federation & the Legions of Light. Algeria, Angola, Benin, Botswana, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cabo Verde, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Chad, Comoros, Congo, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Republic of the Cote d’Ivoire, Djibouti, Egypt, Equatorial Guinea, Eritrea, Eswatini, Ethiopia, Gabon, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Kenya, Lesotho, Liberia, Libya, Madagascar, Malawi, Mali, Mauritania, Mauritius, Morocco, Mozambique, Namibia, Niger, Nigeria, Rwanda, Sao Tome and Principe, Senegal, Seychelles, Sierra Leone, Somalia, South Africa, South Sudan, Sudan, Tanzania, Togo, Tunisia, Uganda, Zambia, Zimbabwe. See description & assistant information above! All accelerator images are available in 8.5″ x 11″ format ~ $7 each Do not print or copy without Bryan’s permission. Ideas for Placing the Accelerator Images in Your Space! There are many ways to utilize the accelerator images in your space. You can place them together on a wall or table…or configure them on a refrigerator or window. The images work best in combinations…let your intuition & instincts be your guide. Enjoy and have fun! Combinations of three or more accelerators work best to enhance the activation, healing and transformational properties contained within the images. All sets listed below are available with just one click, on this page! Planetary Assistance: The New Pyramid for Earth #14, The Living Temple #70, The Flower of Love #72, The Gridworkers #74, Blue Starfire #126, Stay the Path #132. Enhance Brain Capacity & Genius Skills: In-Sight-Lemurian Stargate Remote Viewing Template #27, Balancense #106, 5D Human Neural Network #191, The Andromedans #308, The Timmers #311. Enchance Business: The New Financial System #33, To a Point of Clarity and Focus #77, Goal Achievement/Money Magnet #101, Array of Light #104, Seven Generations #152, Energize My Day #203. Enhance Creative Designs, Projects & Plans: The Divine Element #95, Pleiadian Light Matrix #123, Blue Starfire #126, Merlin’s Alchemical Grid #144, Geometry of Divine Creation #274. Enhance Dreams: Science of the Celestial Bodies #10, Dream Accelerator #142, Fleur de Lys #162, Past Life Memory Activation from Atlantis #208, When you Wish Upon a Star #212. Enhance Musical Gifts: The Seven Golden Melchizadek Flame Temples #44, Pleiadian Symphony #66, Angel Seal #86, Holographic Sound Key #228, Music of the Spheres #282. Eternal Youth/Immortality: Indestructible Seed #58, The Ichor Codes #177 – #179, Fountain of Youth #184, The Chalice #194. Language of Light: Robes of Light #31, Sirian Astrological Text #111, Pleiadian Seed Crystal Transmission #158, Song of Gabriel #163, Archangel Series #172 – #175, The Divine Plan #227. AC Energy Matrix Energizers: Song of Gabriel #168, Energize My Day #203, Land of a Thousand Suns #231. Public Speaking: To a Point of Clarity and Focus #77, Credence #131, Divine Voice Activation Circuit #181, Pleiadian Symbol Code Infusion #329. Safe Travels/Vacation: Protect the Castle #127, Lucky Charm #128, Fascination #130 Archangel Raphael #174, Time Travel #176, Ashtar Command Evacuation Transmission Signal #218. Sexual Fulfillment: Temple of the Heart #15, Heart of Mary Magdalene #59, Celestial Convergence #223, The Sri Yantra #225, The Pleiadians #307. Manifestation and Financial Prosperity: New Financial System #33, The Magic of Saint Germain #53, Money Magnet #101, Money Tree of Life #185, String Magic #278, Infinite Possibilities #299. Activation of the Third Eye and Intuition: Piercing the Jewel #79, Sirian Pearl #121, Third Eye Activation Template #133, The Oracle #57, Starseed #78, Secret Chamber #114, Contact #233. Inspiration & Creativity: Pleiadian Creativity Matrix #68, Starseed #78, Metatron’s Gift #80, Blue Starfire #126, Metatron’s Cube #226, Geometry of Divine Creation #274, Cosmic Star Shield #298. Remote Viewing / Exploring the Akashic Records and Other Realities: Physical Akashic Record Building #21, Tetras 2 #116, Building the Monuments of Mars #119, The Dream Accelerator #142, Magnetic Technology of Love #150, St. Germain’s Magic Castle #186, Holographic Sound Key #228. Healing (Physical, Mental, Emotional and Spiritual): Lightwave Healing Matrix #67, The Living Temple #70, Science of Miracles #71, Energy Healing Symbol #73, Geometries of Light Angelic Chakra Grid #82, Solar Disk #90. Entry into the Higher Etheric Initiation Temples: The Awakening #12, Transformation of the Pyramid #29, Seven Golden Melchizadek Temples #44, City of Telos #47, Energy Blueprint from Shamballa #156, 5D Human Neural Network #191, Unveiling the Mysteries: The Sri Yantra #225. Enhance or Activate Spiritual Gifts& the Third Eye: Spherical Time Blueprint #56, Pleiadian Symphony #66, To a Point of Clarity and Focus #77, Pleiadian/Sirian Downloading Matrix #171, Fairy Godmother #188, 5D Human Neural Network #191. Connection to the Celestial Hierarchy: Through the Looking Glass #2, Robes of Light #31, Gridworkers #74, Metatron’s Gift #80, I AM GOD #93, Archangel Gabriel #172, Ashtar Command Starships #215. Elemental Magic: Silver Wings of Creation #102, Spirit of Fire #103, Fascination #130, Credence #131, Stay the Path #132, Chocolate Devas #155, Birdsong Alchemy #206. Lightbody Activation: The Template of Understanding #9, Christ Acceleration Codes #24, The Living Ankh #81, Energy into Matter #83, Ichor Codes #177-179. Emotional Balance: Pillars of Hercules #5, Creation of Life #43, Emotional Body Matrix #88, Balancense #106, Unveiling the Mysteries: The Flower of Life #224, Land of a Thousand Suns #231. Enhance Spiritual Power and Strength: Earth Logos #45, Geometries of Light #82, Sword of Light & Truth #92, Fire in My Heart #98, Blue Starfire #126, Mission Accomplished #148, Golden Fireballs of Creation #187. Promote, Enhance and Balance Relationships: Double Happiness #22, Heart of Mary Magdalene #59, The Flower of Love #72, The Divine Element #95, Silver Wings of Creation #102, Blessing from the Stars #189, Celestial Convergence #223. Heart Chakra Activation: Temple of the Heart #15, Dragon Power #48, Fire in My Heart #98, Heartsong #108, Mighty Heart of Fire #183, Piercing the Jewel #79, Shamrock Magic #207. Higher Knowledge & Understanding: #27 Insight: Lemurian Template, #40 Tower of Light, #77 To a Point of Clarity & Focus, #90 Solar Disk, #319 The Pill. Time Travel & Bi-location: #8 Chronomonitor, #57 The Oracle, #176 Time Travel, #119 Building the Monument of Mars, #222 Calculation for Teleportation. Pet Healing & Animal Communication: #42 Animal Communication, #126 Blue Starfire, #168 Song of Gabriel, #204 Pet Healing Matrix, #298 Cosmic Starsheild, #300 Lyrian Genetic Star. Freedom Star Portal
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