Starseed Arcade


Welcome to Our Website!

There are millions of intelligent life forms that co-exist with us in our multidimensional universe. Many of these beings are similar to ourselves and they inhabit a variety of angelic, ascended & extraterrestrial forms.  Some of the more evolved species form groups and alliances with each other to assist other life streams evolve, expand and grow.  This web site and accompanying artwork is a product of our connection and communication with many of these intelligences.   This site contains transformational artwork, accelerated learning classes and a variety of different, fun tools and products that will help you evolve and keep you inspired.  This place is designed for people who enjoy art and creativity, as well as for those individuals who are awakening to their own self-expression and expanding into new areas such as global awareness & spiritual development.  It is also a product of our connection and communication with Angels, Ascended Masters and the many visiting ET races on Earth and beyond!

Where should you start?  Start wherever you like, browse my Accelerator Art Galleries…check out the classes page and sign up for a seminar…visit our Stargate Shop to see some of our unique energized products…watch our videos below and/or purchase a few products that spark your interest on the site. Also, visiting this website frequently has many benefits and working with the Accelerator Art Cards in your home will bring inspiration & energy into your life as well as healing light into your mind and body. Choose as you like…whatever you find will be perfect for you!  Feel free to email me if you want recommendations on classes or products and if you have any questions about the website in general…the email link is below and is also on the bottom of all the web-pages for our convenience!   Thanks, Bryan & the Lightquest Team

If you have any questions about ordering or need assistance, email us at





Position of the Fleet: October - November


This special and very important 2024 diagram shows the primary Starfleet ships currently assisting Earth and humanity.  Although there are millions of other ships around the Earth in other dimensions, these Pleiadian, Epsilon 7, Sirian, Andromedan, Arcturian, Ashtar Command and Alpha Centurian fleet ships are closest to us and our main source of help at the moment.  The image gives you a birds eye view & real opportunity to assist on a greater global scale by focusing your energy, prayers and intent over the coming months to help our world.  Every time you look at this image, you consciously (and unconsciously) align your energy with our galactic assistance team.  Your daily connection with this diagram will give the fleets around Earth extra energy and support to do their jobs and to work with the people of Earth in a closer way.

To work with this image, take a few deep breaths and surround yourself with light.  Then ask your angels & guides to help connect you with all the Federation of Light starships currently around & assisting Earth.  Repeat the following affirmation:  “I am sending light, energy, protection and support to all of the Starships assisting Earth & humanity at this time...Bless you & Thank You!”  You can also use energy work on the image to enhance and strengthen the assistance.   Thanks for everything you are doing for the planet!  Bryan & the Lightquest Team

Position of the Fleet is available FREE! as an image to put on your phone or desktop....simply click on the email address below and say "I would like the new Position of the Fleet diagram!"





The Latest Transmissions from the Ashtar Command & Galactic Federation of Light

Brought through by Bryan & the Lightquest Team


Ashtar Command Message to Humanity


Starseed Transmissions for 2020 & Beyond: The Pleiadians


Starseed Transmissions for 2020 & Beyond: The Sirians


Starseed Transmissions for 2020 & Beyond: The Andromedans


Starseed Transmissions for 2020 & Beyond: The Arcturians


Starseed Transmissions for 2020 & Beyond: The Orions


Starseed Transmissions for 2020 & Beyond: The Timmers


Starseed Transmissions 2020 & Beyond: The Tau Ceti

If you like the work we do,

Send Lightquest a Donation!

This will help us to continue creating the video transmissions, channelings and all the extra stuff we do behind the scenes that make Lightquest a magical and fun experience for you!  Click Here!




Accelerator Astrology (Free Class - banner)

Free! International Tele-Session with Bryan

Come join Bryan for this exciting free session into the  magic of your own astrology and the very specific, magical combinations of accelerators that will enhance the positive aspects of your star sign, give you extra energy, help you to break through any limitations and expand you to your fullest potential.   Each of the signs will be discussed with interesting, unique perspectives.






Birthday Surprise!   We would like to give you a gift for your next upcoming birthday!  I have just added a new ‘private birthday gifting page’ on my website, which has some fun, ‘astrological’ birthday dessert ideas for your sign, an free ‘Happy Birthday’ seminar and an array of free gifts that you can choose from!  All we need is your name, email and birth-date (no year necessary)..for example, Jim Smith April 21 & email address.  This is for people all over the world…each person can only sign up for themselves!




Articles by Bryan

Ashtar Command Transmission for 2020 & Beyond!

~ Click here ~

Ashtar Command Transmission for 2020 & Beyond!

A New Transmission by the Ashtar Command through the Brotherhood & Sisterhood of Light for the People of Earth!


Welcome all Ambassadors of Light!

We are very pleased to have this opportunity to speak with you today.

We are the Ashtar Galactic Command coming to you from the Starship Constellation currently stationed on the outer rings of Saturn.

Our message is one of hope for humanity and we encourage you to join us as we work together to achieve our common goals.

Although you may not see it yet, each one of you plays an exciting role in the formation and evolution of a new future reality on Earth.

You have chosen to incarnate here at this time to take part in the great awakening of humanity.

Your energy is needed in order to bring about a transition and shift in mass consciousness.

You are needed to help establish an intricate linking system of energy all over the planet.

Just now, the configurations and calibrations are taking place behind the scenes and when the systems come online, it will seem to be a miraculous, instantaneous occurrence.

You may think what can I do? Focusing and working on creating a consciousness shift here is simply a higher level of service that takes heightened awareness, allegiance and dedication to the ‘Cause’.

Many people seek spiritual knowledge and healing for themselves.

The new ambassadors work in service to the One for the highest good of all citizens.  They work to establish unity consciousness here on Earth and we guide them in that endeavor.

Your positive intentions, affirmations, daily communications with us and your ability to receive guidance will ultimately benefit the entire planet.

If you are hearing this message, this means that you are ready to work with us.

Remember that your consciousness is much greater and more powerful than you can perceive in your current state of awareness….and there is so much love and light deep within your hearts that has yet to be awakened and released into this world.

Many of you have yet to access your full potential as creative beings of light and it is our desire that you have the chance to do this and experience your divine birthright as planetary co-creators.

Although we are all unique individuals, we all share the same objectives and concerns.

Our true essence is one of purity, love and compassion for all of our brothers and sisters of light, wherever they may be.

Therefore, think of yourself as part of a great federation of light beings and humans, working individually and collectively on a plan that will eventually impact all life on Earth.

We send energy, light dispensations and etheric protection to all of our Earth ambassadors now to help you to navigate through all situations and to help keep you motivated, inspired and spiritually empowered.

We can bestow blessings and rewards to you in a many ways, in the present time and in the future.

You have the love, the strength and the infinite, glorious power of the divine creator living inside of you.

This divine energy is your vital life-force. So draw on that creative, powerful force each day and devote your life to serving the One, the all and the many.

You may be guided to shift a few things in your life to accommodate new energies and you may start to receive transmissions to prepare you for upcoming planetary events and changes.

Our transmissions often come in dreams or in meditation.  So connect with us regularly in order to get personal updates, alerts and important local and global information.

Our sphere of influence is far reaching and we have been involved in many events and interventions on Earth and in the cosmos.

We continue our role today as caretakers of your Earth and as guardians of the galaxy.  This has been our role for thousands of years.

We want people to awaken in the way that is best for them, so we watch and observe the planet closely and take action when needed.

Our ultimate goal is for all souls to awaken to their true form and reign peacefully over Earth as sons and daughters of God.

Our message for the year 2020 is one of hope, inspiration excitement and anticipation.

There will be much to look forward to in the years to come as the  personal and collective changes will become less challenging and more exciting and rewarding

Be aware that the light vibrations around your planet are increasing daily… thus allowing all humans and life forms living on Earth to receive the new fifth dimensional configuration of energy manifesting from the heavens.

Know that you are all poised to receive the gift of light that will allow your energy and life to shift  instantaneously into what you have always wanted it to be.

Hold the positive vision of the future steadfastly and know that you are the ones who are destined to change the course of history for this planet into the new configuration.

We hope all of you will renew your dedication to the cause of light as time progresses.

We hope all of you will renew your dedication to the cause of light.

Make it a priority. Enjoy your lives, share higher knowledge and your personal experiences and encounters with Spirit with others. Continue to support, enlighten, educate and empower seekers and friends on their personal journeys.

Plant the seeds of light everywhere you go.

Although life on Earth can be challenging for many of you, remember that you are eternal beings and are only here in the 3rd dimension for a very short time in this transitional period.

We urge you to be strong, vigilant and brave peaceful warriors, upholders of truth and freedom for all beings.

As Starseeds, you hold the programs, keys and codes for personal and planetary change within you.

No matter what appears to be happening around you, do not waver in your determination to be a powerful force for good in this world.

Remember that you are the new ambassadors, the co-creators and visionaries of exciting, fantastic future worlds and realities.

We look forward to working with you and we thank all of you for your dedication and service to humanity.


The Pleiadian & Timmer Races

~ Click here ~

The Pleiadian and Timmer Races: Sharing Galactic Technology in the New Millennium!

Throughout the cosmos there are an infinite number of advanced races and cultures who are always assisting others by sharing their wisdom, knowledge and technology. In the spirit of promoting goodwill and advancement for all, these offerings include many multidimensional systems of thought and mental technologies which accelerate progress expanding consciousness within the universal family of light. Two such races, the Pleiadians and the Timmers, have an interwoven destiny that has spanned many millennia, evolving both human-extraterrestrial races to new levels within a very short period of time.



The well-known Pleiadians reside in our galaxy within the seven-star system known as the Pleiades.  They are our closest ancestors and look very similar to us, although they have evolved to a higher state of physical perfection than Earth humans.  The Timmers began their evolution in the 7th universe and are one of the most highly-developed human civilizations in the known universal creation.  They have ascended to such a level that they embody the purest form of celestial energy within a human body.  Their holographic world and technologies are quite astounding, but it is their consciousness and the way they process information that is truly unique and admired by many races throughout the cosmos.

Pleiadian 2 with rounded edges

Recently the three inhabited Pleiadian worlds have ascended from the 5th into the 6th dimension of time and space where the Timmers reside.  This has triggered a whole new level of connection between the races and brought about the ultimate exchange of technology; a transfer of specific light encodements, allowing the Pleiadian race to manifest the color-frequency consciousness that the Timmers possess.  Although the Pleiadians have already developed their brain capacity to a much higher level than our own, this will allow them to experience a completely new and unique way of receiving and processing universal data.  This new mental recalibration prompts the brain to follow multiple frequency bands, allowing one to count, catalog, combine and reconfigure data at the speed of light.  As your consciousness follows the frequency combinations you are able to perceive nine different perspectives on the same subject simultaneously.

P3 with rounded edges

The  Timmers say their unique consciousness configuration began as a series of  physical manifestations and evolved to public experiments/experiences; creating  what they describe as an almost instantaneous infusion of consciousness for  their entire race. This technology is  now born into each individual, but enhanced during childhood through visual  stimulation, such as what is pictured here.  The Timmer color frequency templates you are viewing were designed and  created by myself, under the instruction of the Timmers/Pleiadians and set into  motion by Coralie Pedersen. What may seem at first as simplistic imagery is  actually a highly complex way of processing information at the  speed-of-light. The Timmers say that  simply looking at the imagery a few times each week will expand our  brain capacity and allow us a glimpse of the future and of our unlimited  potential.  Enjoy, Bryan

Special Note: The Timmer technology images above are most effective and best integrated when viewed from a distance of five to six feet (1.5 to 2 meters).

Starseed Transmissions for 2020 & Beyond!

~ Click here ~

 Starseed Transmissions for 2020 & Beyond!

These new channeled messages from the Pleiadians, Andromedans and Sirians were brought through by Bryan de Flores.  These transmissions have arrived to give us some new perspectives & updates on Ascension and the greater assistance plan unfolding on Earth.  Enjoy!



Humanity's Closest Ancestors, Intuition/Psychic Expansion & Sacred Sexuality, Advanced Musical Knowledge, Energy Healing, Relationship Education

Welcome to all in attendance. We are very pleased to be addressing this special and unique group at this time.  We are known as the Pleiadians.  We come from a bright configuration of stars called the Pleiades in the Constellation of Taurus.

Although our home world is 400 light years from your planet earth, we are some of your closest ancestors and reflect many of the unique charateristics of your earth human form.

Many of you may be wondering what is occurring on your planet in regards to your transition into the higher dimensions.

Currently, the many assistant races and the greater divine plan are focusing in specific areas to maximize and utilize certain energy fields to expand galactic consciousness on earth.  The new plan is more expanded and more focused on specific energy fields that need extra assistance at this time.

Each assisting race has been assigned 4 energy fields to expand on and energize. There are currently 27 different races tasking through the divine plan, each with 4 fields of energy to focus on. In total, there are 108 areas & energy fields that are being infused, changed and perfected on a daily basis. Each race will contribute working within these different areas and as we each make our contributions, the matrixes will become stronger and more diverse.

We, the Pleiadians, are currently focusing our work in the medical and healing fields to facilitate changes within these systems. We are also actively working within in the popular music and film industry to upgrade consciousness on a global scale.  However, we would like to focus our attention here on the healing arts and medical system.

Within your medical community, we are assisting in etheric-level training of those doctors, nurses and health practitioners who are open to new ideas and new advancements in resonant medical technology and alternative medicine.

We are also focusing our efforts in the medical schools with students as well as in the mental health field. Currently we are attempting to rearrange and reconfigure the medical education process and fill the gaps of understanding with higher dimensional knowledge and information.

In this endeavor, we are willing to share our advanced knowledge of fiber optics, organic robotic technology, nannite science and advanced cloning techniques for the emergency replacement of lost limbs, organs and teeth, as this can greatly benefit humanity in the interim period before the dimensional shift occurs.

In the area of mental health and the psychiatry field, we find the area of color light therapy to be very important to healing and restoring the mind to its full potential. We are working on imparting the knowledge to therapists that missing hues of color can cause imbalances in the human energy field.

If an individual is missing certain hues of color from their energy field…and when reintroduced, will reengage, reinstate and reconfigure their memory and stop the progression of chronic mental conditions and imbalances.

In addition, the process of reliving traumatic situations will no longer be necessary for healing when the practitioners learn to run advanced energetic emotional, mental-linking processes so a person can move on with minimal or no resistance and gain a new level of responsibility for their souls path.

We are also attempting to institute expanded holistic medical teachings that are very simple, understandable and easily integrated. We would also like to establish expansive medical centers where all types of healing technologies can be easily accessed and utilized by everyone on the planet.

This would include medical innovations and new alternative healing modalities and treatments.  These centers would be utilized until your transition is complete and people no longer need this type of healing system.

At this time, I would like to hand over the transmission to our Chief Ambassador Commander….


Thank you and Greetings to all….

In the area of energetic healing we the Pleiadians are bringing new ideas and new processes to lightworkers and medical practitioners all over the planet to assist in the physical, mental and emotional healing of the human body.

We are also focusing our healing attention on your united animal, bird and oceanic kingdoms, along with the many other life streams on your planet, to alleviate any issues and disturbances in these realms.

Although our efforts in these areas are quite extensive and very effective, it would be our pleasure to work with you, side by side, in helping these other species on you planet through the transition.  This can be done through your will and intent along with one of the many effective energy transference methods that are available globally.  Be aware that the power of telepathic healing with positive, loving intention can be as effective as the ‘laying on of hands’ and direct physical intervention if done correctly. That said, simply by focusing on a particular species for a few minutes will form a direct telepathic link with them and the healing doorway will begin to open.  Additionally, there are many light beings that are available who can assist you in this process.

Also, the healing and frequent activation of your body and energy fields is an important part of the transformation process. At any time, you may ask our healing technicians and other galactic assistance medical teams to help you whenever needed. We find this is best done when you are in a relaxed, altered state of awareness such as meditation or sleeping.  We offer this to you with love and gratitude.

We the Pleiadians have very advanced teams of laser surgeons, cellular technicians and many diverse healing groups who specialize in the human energy field.

Many of the problems that your earth people are experiencing can be very easily alleviated with some simple readjustments through our technology from the ships.

Be aware that one of the things that is currently causing adverse effects on the human body is the multitude of chaotic invisible frequencies running within Earths energy field each day.  This is usually a combination of multidimensional cosmic frequency waves, various unstable 3D technology emissions and negative human-emotional projections.

This type of activity can render your body system susceptible to many lower consciousness created health issues that can easily be corrected through your awareness, through our assistance and through your energy techniques and vibrational healing tools.

Also, we see that many people have become too reliant on the current western medical system and this keeps them in a lower energy field, actually making it more difficult for their bodies to transform.

For the most part, this medical system is no longer resonant with the transitioning human body.

We are here to help people to move on and move forward by providing new ideas and rapid healing techniques that naturally trigger the body to heal itself.

We are also encouraging people to do more personal light work and take care of themselves on a daily and weekly basis to prevent illness from developing.

This preventive lightwork should be something that you look forward to doing two to three times a week for a few minutes.

Also, we observe that many individuals are needing more relaxation & down time daily and weekly to facilitate healing.

Know that when you are relaxed and calm state of mind, it makes it much easier for your body to heal and for us to connect with you and send you assistance.

Eons ago, We the Pleiadians, were also visited and prompted by other races to refocus our energy in certain areas in order to bring about needed changes and transform and evolve more quickly. We proceeded in this manner and in time, we were able to create shifts in our consciousness that resulted in our ascension into the 5th dimension of Light.

Our purpose is to instill within you the desire to create only with love and to manifest directly through your heart and spiritual connection.

On behalf of our Pleiadian brothers and sisters, we appreciate this opportunity to speak to you and we look forward to continued communications with those of you who are now ready to pursue the next step forward in your spiritual evolution.



Telepathic Peace Ambassadors, Global Mediation & Systems Resolution, Creativity & Magic, Mind/Body Healing Connection


Greetings to all in attendance…We are known as the Andromedan collective.

Our current focus is on the illumination of the mind and the freedom of the spirit through the disclosure and unveiling of information that has been withheld from you.

Many individuals and groups in your world have been involved in the exploration and dissemination of various topics of information regarding hidden governmental agendas, activities and questionable projects that are kept from the general public.

Although we support and agree with much of this research, it is largely transmitted in ways that cause people to be doubtful, fearful and feel uneasy rather than prompting them to be confident and educated in these matters.

Although much of this information stimulates curiosity, it does not necessarily cultivate believability.

This is one of the reasons that disclosure projects and their projected dates have come and gone with little fanfare.

It is important to say at this stage that although awareness of these matters is somewhat important to your global education, individuals should have a stable, mental and emotional consciousness template in which to ground this information or it will manifest itself as just another control program and finger pointing game.

To clarify, when an individual working in the higher consciousness receives information based in these areas, the result is a balanced contemplation and weighing of the issue rather than a fear-based reaction and the strong desire to continue to spread to others much disinformation and confusion.

The Andreomedan collective has evolved to 6th dimensional thought processes, which involve filter systems that screen out information that is mixed with lower emotions and terminology used to control or manipulate.

Therefore, as part of our mission, we are here to free the spirit through the illumination of the mind and help in the discernment of information being freely passed and misunderstood to the Earth people.

One of our directives is to expose any hidden agendas and elite control programs of your global governmental systems.

One of the topics widely discussed is the Earth-based weapons of mass destruction and the star-based weapons platform systems around Earth.

While these have been somewhat of a nuisance to our ships entering the atmosphere and to our physical contact with many ambassadors, these technologies will all soon be dismantled and dissolved as we and other races have done many times in the past.

Although some may view these and other governmental technologies as high-level futuristic creations, in actuality they were created through incomplete information blueprints given to your government through exchanges with many intruder races who had questionable  agendas in the 1940’s and 50’s.

With this said, it may be a shock to many on your planet as to the origin of some of the devices you are using.

Most importantly, the longevity and lifespan of these technologies and projects is extremely limited as they were created for nefarious purposes and cannot evolve in spirit as your Earth transforms.

In addition, many of these technologies are and have been proven to cause extreme imbalances within the human body as well as causing permanent fragmentation with the consciousness.

In regards to the global elite or cabal as some term them, they are currently playing the waiting game and simply utilizing old mass consciousness manipulation techniques which are appearing to have less and less effect on those who they are trying to control.

In truth, most of the treaties and alliances between your governments and controlling elite & questionable extra-terrestrial forces have all but dissolved and they are no longer receiving any new information or technology updates from the original exchanges.

You are the ones with all the power now.

As the consciousness evolves and many pursue the higher direction and influences of the celestial councils, the vibration of your planet is beginning to prohibit mass manipulation and will naturally expose the control programs and agendas of those who are eliciting power over others.

Little by little, the global elite are losing power along with their memory, although they themselves do not recognize what is occurring.

Our contribution in this area is to help you to stay open and further your education in a balanced way.

Know that the forces of light will prevail and that your Earth will ascend into the higher dimensions as prophesied.

As the others have stated, this is greatly dependent on your ability to participate with clear perspective and a strong desire to serve.

We wish to thank all in attendance and look forward to many future connections...the Andromedan Collective.



Planetary Terra-Forming & Biosphere Technicians, Magnetic Science, New Pyramid & Structure Creation, Advanced Sexuality & Creativity, DNA Healing


Welcome to all, we are the Sirians.  We have travelled through the Great Barrier of time from our home world in your constellation of Canis Major to address you this day!  We are, in your earth terms ‘extraterrestial”….our DNA structure and physical charateristics are a unique blend of human, feline and canine genetics and energy.

Our focus at this time is to help prepare your planet for a dimensional jump into a higher frequency with our collective knowledge and genesis technologies.  We are biosphere technicians who have returned to the Earth at this time to help regenerate and restructure the planets natural systems including the grid structures and atmospheric firmament.

Many millennia ago when your planet was in its early stages of growth, we came, observed and guided its evolution, along with many other races.  We have evolved in our knowledge, planetary assistance programs and communication with a great number of your unique earth cultures over many thousands of years.  We are specialists in terra-forming and in regenerating natural resources through light technology & consciousness infusions. We also work with and through many of you in your Earth healing processes as well as assist various environmental &   natural conservation groups, national park & wildlife foundations and humanitarian organizations around your planet.

It is our current task to protect and upgrade the ecosystem of Earth and we are offering guidance and options so that you can assist us in this project.  We would also like to congratulate and thank all of the individuals who are consciously assisting in the planetary healing and evolution process at this time.  This is a necessary and very important component of moving your world into a new and more expanded format.

In addition, we are focusing our energy and consciousness with those of you who are interested and engaged in this global effort. We urge all of you to connect with your higher guidance and make a strong heart connection to us, so that you can receive clear instructions and know what areas need the most assistance on a daily and weekly basis.

For those of you who are not able to do physical grid-work or travel to sacred sites & distant locations, we offer you the option of joining us in the conscious light infusion process each day. This can be done simply by connecting with our ships at home during your leisure time, out taking your morning walk, driving to work or doing your daily errands.  Your light and energy will be greatly appreciated and utilized to help in the global healing process.

Our work is also focused on assisting in the building and manifestation of the new galactic cities….and your Earth is just now preparing for many amazing structures and cityscapes to be anchored and manifest.

Beautiful architecture, expansive gardens, spiritual centers, magnificent temples and pyramids larger and on a grander scale than any human has ever seen are currently in the etheric stages of blueprinting, soon to be realized on the physical level. These structures will amaze and delight all who view them……prepare yourselves for the manifestation of the new, wonders of the world.

Through this dialog, we would also like to explore the ideas of advanced mythology and the reawakening and movement of your Earth societies into a united global and very magical, cosmic culture.

As we look back in time, your ancient civilizations were based in spirit and the mythology of magic and the mysteries of creation….however, through the advent of new technology most of your modern cultures have lost the link and spark that closely connects you with the Earth and star races.

We are helping reinstate this connection by infusing ancient rays of knowledge and energy into the collective earth mind from many advanced cultures including the Incas, Mayans, Egyptians, Olmec’s and many other races.

Understand that when a culture is focused on spirit, all manifestations within that civilization take on a whole new presence and vibrancy….the art and the architecture appear more magical and mysterious like the pyramids of Egypt and the ancient temples in China.

In these cultures, people believed in myths, legends, and in other worlds beyond your own…they believed in and had contact with many star races for thousands of years….

….with the rising of each moon and during many sun cycles, people would gather in large open celebration spaces and in the temples for solstice and astrological ceremonies….each and every individual attended, participated and were inspired by the events…and subsequently, all of their daily activities and creations would mirror this higher connection

A collective consciousness of magic and advanced mythology will be able to anchor, hold and manifest the higher frequencies of light much easier than a society that is focused on secular comfort, the pursuit of wealth and power and the advancement of non-resonant addictive technogies.

If a collective is focused on magic and mythology the arts and sciences will begin to mirror that as well.

This is the reason ancient astrologers and astronomers were able to develop advanced systems of star mapping that continue to mystify and confound your current researchers and scientists.

The more connected and mythological a culture is, the more easily we, along with your assistance will be able to fully anchor the new star-based culture system once again on your planet.

We are already in the process of seeding the planet with the ancient matrixes that will grow into flourishing beautiful cities as the Earth ascends into its new position in the cosmos.

Also, the original builders of many of the ancient temples of Athena, Isis and the Great Pyramid along with architectural wonders such as the Taj Mahal and Parthenon are now awakening and gathering together to exchange ideas and form teams to create many new magnificent edifices to grace your planet.

As the collective consciousness continues to shift, there will be more resonant earth-based cities and centers of light manifesting that are not based on the current, modern technology…..some of the new cities will have a very ancient look and feel, while others will be very futuristic and galactic in nature.

In the near future, all of the cultures on earth will be star-based and all of you will be star-gazers and star travelers. It is at this time we will begin visiting & communicating openly with all of the earth peoples.

We wish to thank you for allowing us to join you and to share our perspective.  In light, we are the Sirians!


Tau Ceti

Greetings from Tau Ceti.

We are glad to have the opportunity to speak with you today and convey our message to the people of Earth.

We are, at this time contacting your planet in order to prepare you for the next step in your evolution.

We are one of the many races who have watched over your planet and guided your development for many thousands of years.

We come from the star known as Tau Ceti, 12 light years from your world and we represent the Asian race throughout the cosmos.

Our people populate many beautiful planets within different solar systems and we frequently travel to distant and uninhabited worlds to expand our knowledge and connection with the greater universe.

We, the people of Tau Ceti welcome visitors from all over the galaxy.

We are a friendly, loving and peaceful race who are known for our kindness & hospitality towards honored guests from many solar systems.

Our appearance resembles that of a tall human with amber skin and light green eyes. Our facial features are sharp & refined and we have a peaceful, loving and articulate manner.

We move slowly and deliberately, our every move is like that of a talented artist’s paintbrush or a graceful bird gliding over the water.

On Tau Ceti, you will find many exotic colorful flowers, plants, exquisite gardens, beautiful complex structures and shining majestic temples that reach up into the sky.

Whatever we can imagine, has been created in our world….and we have found that our desire for constant self expression gives us a great passion for life each and every day.

In our society, we teach that imaginations are limitless and that a thought has no boundaries. This understanding gives us great joy and a deep sense of wonderment & spiritual fulfillment.

Our energy is represented on your planet by a unique field of spiritual wisdom, artistry and music found in your eastern cultures.

Although every star race has their own form of creativity, our people have evolved many intricate, delicate & graceful art-forms, activities, and expressions of our culture including meditation & inner development practices, balanced architecture, colorful theater, reflective poetry and imaginative storytelling & writing.

Additionally, we excel at painting and beautiful paper & floral artistry as well as the creation of complex, beautiful mandalas.

The people of Tau Ceti are also very skilled in the areas of martial arts and in creating intricate weaponry & rhythmic military formations that reflect our inner balance and creative style.

Our personal artistry is an expression of our divine consciousness and we believe that as we create, we are fulfilling a higher purpose and expressing our inner light, our God-self through all of our creations.

All our manifestations are multidimensional and this means that everything in our world is alive, filled with pure energy and light.  This can be easily seen and felt by everyone on Tau Ceti and we believe our planet is a perfect reflection of our personal and collective consciousness.

Although we have advanced scientific technologies, we greatly value our divine connection, spiritual knowledge and teachings of the great masters above all.

Currently, the population of your world is on the threshold of a new era, where unprecedented changes are soon to occur on your Earth.

This is because you are reaching a crucial stage in your growth, where a new level of galactic assistance is needed and more direct contact and interaction with us and many others will be experienced by all earth humans.

Thousands of years ago, we, along with many other galactic races, seeded our consciousness and culture into all the continents of Earth to expand the potentials and diversity of your world.

We are part of a larger team of creators, guardians and caretakers of planets and interdimensional stars throughout the universe.

Therefore, we are concerned and very interested in your welfare and in your next step as 5th dimensional galactic humans.

Another reason of our presence on Earth involves the exposing of negative extraterrestrial subversion & control by races that do not have your highest interest at heart.

Several of these races including the grays and reptiles have been utilizing mass manipulation and mind control on Earth for their own nefarious purposes.

Know that we too experienced the night-time abductions and mind manipulation of these races on our world…and unbeknownst to us our planet came under the control of these beings slowly over many thousands of years.

It took a very long time to uncover, combat and remove these invaders as they use mind tricks and work on the unseen levels of a society.

Know that these intruders are parasitic races that have been preying on human civilizations throughout the universe for eons.

We feel this nefarious activity, happening once again on Earth, is a great injustice to humanities evolving ascension process.

Additionally, your governments involvement and treaties with some of the invaders has been very dangerous and at times completely out of control.

Currently, along with the federation, we are monitoring all earth portals & extraterrestrial infiltration, as well as working to remove all negative multidimensional overlays that promote mass mind control among humanity.

In light of this situation, we come to share with you our perspectives on building a creative multidimensional consciousness that will help shield you from the mass planetary mind control that envelopes your world.

Eons ago we were once like the people of Earth today.

Gradually we evolved beyond a limited third dimensional reality into a more expanded field of consciousness.

Our mission today is to introduce ourselves and prepare you for the changes coming in the future.

We encourage you become great visionaries and powerful creators and to go beyond what you believe is possible.

Each individual on your world has the divine power to help create the new world, along with the help of the galactic forces of light.

Know that when you focus your energy through the vibration of love, you can create great things…and when a collective of individuals focuses on unity, peace & perfection, miracles will surely occur.

In closing, we are here to guide and assist you in your final evolutionary transition and we look forward with excitement to our next interaction.

We would also like to send blessings, light & energy to our brothers and sisters in the evolving Asian culture on Earth and express our gratitude for their valuable contributions to humanity.

Thank you for your time and attention….We are the Tau Ceti race!


 How Strange We Are

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  How Strange We Are

We are the silent heroes of this Age, the carriers of light anchoring and dispensing the new higher Christed frequencies to a world in the midst of great transformation. Much of our work here is etheric/energetic in nature and often goes unnoticed by most individuals on the planet. This ‘silent’ work often involves unlocking planetary matrixes, reactivating subterranean record-keeping crystals and awakening others through energy transmission. To accomplish these tasks we must often call upon our superhuman skills and invisible spiritual guides to assist us. In addition, we are constantly sending prayers to humanity and the planet, knowing absolutely on a conscious level that we are impacting and affecting with each prayer the course of evolution of this world. It is in these moments when the universe opens up and we are able to glimpse the magic and perfection of the Divine Plan. Although much of our work does go unnoticed by human eyes, in truth it is seen by the eyes of God and all of the angels along with the multitude of spiritual councils and divine hierarchies in the etheric realms.

As more light is anchored consciously through our physical forms the planets light quotient grows and divine dispensations are granted to all lightworkers here on Earth. These dispensations always strengthen our superhuman abilities and allow us to view more of the Plan, which keeps us inspired and moves us forward on our path. Our goal is to awaken a million Masters. This will without a doubt be completed by the specified time-frame, but not by some off-planet source of rescue or intervention. This magnificent feat will be manifest through our own magical skills as we become full stewards and co-creators of this world.
Who Are We Really?

Have you ever caught an impromptu glimpse of yourself in a mirror or windowpane somewhere and thought “Who is that?” or “Boy, do I look strange today!” Although this experience may be a bit shocking sometimes, it is quite common during ascension transitions to glimpse oneself shape-shifting or morphing. This is primarily due to the integration of our superselves, higher aspects of us, which periodically braid into our soul matrix. As the aspect begins the braiding process, you will often see yourself not as yourself. As the aspect completes it blending and integration you will subtly begin to look and feel different. Currently, many individuals are braiding in as many as 3 aspects of Self a month. The amount of aspects and ease of the integration will depend largely on the amount of resistance in the body and the focus of the consciousness while it is happening.

Along with this braiding-in of higher aspects come the magical gifts and talents which escalate us into higher consciousness. However, often these new gifts and their accompanying matrixes need to be activated in order to allow us to use them and to take them to new higher potentials. Many individuals have hundreds of matrixes that have been brought in, but they are not currently able to access or use them. Therefore it is important to consciously seek out that which will help to activate these gifts. The goal here is to be fully integrated, with all of one’s aspects blended and aligned.

The ‘who’s’ of who we are, are many aspects of Self that are returning to us for final ascension. Early on in life we begin to collect the aspects of ourselves that had minimal power or for the most-part, basic ordinary lives. But around the age of 30 we begin to bring in the ‘powerhouses;’ aspects of Self that are extremely powerful and gifted on many levels. With the arrival of these aspects, we are not only able to live longer, fuller, richer lives, but we also begin to display superhuman powers, even in the most mundane of situations or task applications. For example, many of our Olympic athletes are constantly pushing the envelope in the sporting arena; skating, jumping, running, swimming and skiing higher, faster and with greater ease than ever before. Don’t laugh, but Trinity’s mid-air Matrix kick and Neo’s gift of flight are not far away. All of the superhuman powers displayed in films, books and in the comics will be ours as the Lightbody completes its manifestation.

Great strides are also being made in the spiritual arena as well. Many healers and intuitives are now able to pull in massive amounts of healing energy and Akashic Record information at the drop of a hat. Take my accelerated drawing gift for example; I am able to draw (by hand) a large 19” x 25” accelerator in 8 minutes or less, from start to finish, depending on the subject matter. Although I have been doing this for 6 years, it still amazes the heck out of me. And another gift that has recently come online is my ability to write. If you ask anyone who knew me 2 years ago, they will tell you I could not even write a complete sentence. However, an aspect of myself arrived shortly thereafter and instantly, overnight I was able to write extensively on any subject with the greatest of ease. Long gone are the days of the ‘writers or artists block’ and the lengthy processes of 3D creation. It is now time for all of us to align our consciousness with “The Plan’ and begin the journey into ease and greatness.


 So if you ever wonder…..

…when people look at you in a strange way or stare at you when you enter a room, remember, they are often seeing what you cannot. They sense your light and feel the radiation of your spirit. This is frequently choreographed by the divine powers as a reminder to you of who you are and who you are becoming. Consequently, you will also notice that some individuals, including family members are often taken aback when you get close to them. This is because your aura, unlike their own, contains the new quantum thought-field, which enhances your every perception and allows you to think spherically, in many directions simultaneously. In these situations, your energy field is actually acting as a divine trigger, which ignites their blueprint and begins to unlock their consciousness. By your mere presence you are awakening many individuals on a daily basis, even thousands per year. You are truly a gift, a miracle sent by God to live the impossible dream.

So, take strength in the knowledge that you are becoming an icon, an incredibly luminous and magical being. You have chosen to be at the forefront of a groundbreaking movement, destined to change the course of the future for all of humanity. Many of you are the future politicians, artists, writers, athletes and performers that will rise to greatness in the public eye as the ascension continues. Some will once again ascend the thrones of alchemical magic and bring back all of the mythical and wondrous ceremonies and initiations of Golden Age’s past. Others will be the new paradigm scientists, teachers and philosophers exploring and manifesting the new miracles of this Age. Dare to dream these truths into reality. Seek out the initiations and information matrixes that will fire your dormant DNA codes and activate all of your latent gifts. Look around you and be inspired by all who are now reaching their full potential and manifesting the superhuman gifts of Spirit. Ask the universe to open up to you for but a brief moment and show you what is possible. Do it now, there is no time to waste!

 MFAQ - Most Frequently Asked Questions!

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MFAQ: Most Frequently Asked Questions!

MFAQ refers to the most frequently asked questions I receive, regarding me, the Celestial Hierarchy and the work I do. Although I was going to call this article You're not the only one who has asked that question!, I feel MFAQ has an interesting ring to it. This article will answer many of the most frequently asked and interesting questions, which I am sent on a regular basis. The answers to these ponderings will assist many individuals in getting to know me and my work a little bit better. Enjoy, Bryan

Regarding Bryan de Flores…

First of all, it's interesting to note that many people regard me as somewhat of an enigma and a very elusive hard-to-track human being. One of the main reasons for this is that many people are constantly hearing about and seeing my work, but never actually see me personally. In addition, many individuals have reported that I frequently show up in their dreams, their homes and even tell me they have seen me sipping coffee in a cafe in New York City when I am in California giving a workshop. Another aspect of this enigma is that I don't have my photograph on my web site (as many others do) and for the most part I live a very private, peaceful, yet highly adventurous lifestyle. To add a little fuel to the fire, I also live in other dimensions of space and time periodically moving from one timeline to another when necessary. This transport takes place not only in my home, but in my car, in stores, banks & restaurants and a variety of natural locations. Although there are often preliminary signals given for my bi-location/teleportation transfer, this often happens spontaneously and suffice to say that I have acclimated myself to this strange aspect of my mission and destiny.

Many individuals ask me who my spirit guides are and which extraterrestrials I work with. Although I have worked with many different types of spirit guides (Angels, extraterrestrials, elementals) I have and am working with over 90 different races of extraterrestrial beings (many in similar human form) which are all under the guidance and protection of the Celestial Hierarchy… or the guardian forces, as some people know them! Currently, I also have a team of Archangels and a very wonderful docile Bigfoot creature who serve as my confidants and protectors. Also, I have a number of golden animal totems and fairies living in my home who have been assisting me for about a year now. The animal totems include two elephants, three Lions, an eagle, a rhinoceros, three cats, a dolphin, a giraffe and a flock of hummingbirds! In addition, up until about a year ago, I would get in the shower everyday, turn around and to my amazement would see an Indian medicine woman brushing my body (cleansing and purifying me) with a strange gemstone studded broom… go figure?

To continue, as a facilitator of spiritual experiences, I am very straightforward and direct in my teachings. As I am an Aries, I am also very streetwise and confident in my abilities and innate gifts which my spirit guides have helped to strengthen and balance. When some people see me in person they are often a bit standoffish or as they sometimes tell my workshop staff, a bit intimidated! Why? Well, I think it is a combination of the confidence and directness combined with the intense, wonderful and often extremely abstract information I impart. Do I walk the walk or do I just talk the talk regarding my teachings? I absolutely, without a doubt, have committed myself to Ascension and to becoming the embodiment of my Higher Self as this planet makes its transition into a new dimension of space and time. My sole mission is to guide others directly into the Golden Age, without being derailed and distracted by all of the 3-D and new age circus tents and road traps along the way there. Get rid of all the clutter and live your dreams and destiny now!

People often want to know what it is like to work with me, so I asked Meg Graham to give a brief description from her vantage point. Her response is as follows. You need to step up into a higher, faster stream of energy, that’s for sure. A go-with-the-flow attitude and flexibility are key. You need to think fast, walk fast and eat fast! For all the work that we do though, we balance it out with a lot of fun. We go to the movies, out to eat, watch DVDs and find humor in just about anything and everything.

Regarding workshops and tele-seminars…

The first question we usually get from newcomers is What should I be expecting from Bryans tele-seminar/workshop? I'm a bit nervous as I have never experienced his work before. Firstly, I will say that the nervousness is due to the high energy and the conscious or unconscious understanding that the individual is about to experience something very different and profound on a spiritual level. When one signs up for a tele-seminar or workshop, it is best to be open (in a spontaneous mindset) as they are full-integration experiences…not just mental oriented lectures. What should you expect? A more expanded sense of yourself; a renewed sense of joy and understanding regarding the current happenings on our planet in addition to new ideas and options regarding your life and mission. Also, if you hear or read about a seminar or workshop and can't get it out of your mind, it is most probably a direct sign from your Higher Self or Guides that you are supposed to be there…regardless of any perceived limitations (financial, scheduling, travel, etc.). In these cases individuals, including myself, need to do whatever it takes to be there, pushing themselves beyond any perceived limitations and fears.

To continue, some people tell me they need more information before they make a decision to attend one of my events or they ask when I am coming to their area, as they don’t want to travel. Quite simply, these are most often spiritual tests for the individual. Firstly, I always give verbatim the information that the Hierarchy gives me for the events…which is truly all that is needed to call forth all of those individuals who are desiring to (or scheduled to) to receive the information and activations. Secondly, we are all supposed to (and required to by Spirit) travel to many events and locations to expand our energy fields and get us out of our regular environment limitation habits and patterns. As for me, at the moment, I am only going where the Hierarchy is guiding me and where I feel I am supposed to be. Although I would love to go to many of the places I am invited, there are constantly lots of projects I am involved in and so I have to balance my travel with my home/spiritual work time.

Also, one or two individuals after each seminar or workshop will report things going on with their physical, mental, emotional or energy bodies. This is absolutely natural and normal and happens at all spiritual events. This is usually a sign that you are shifting your energy to a higher level: aka ascending in consciousness. As this inner shifting occurs, the higher energy may encounter blockages and resistance, conscious or unconscious, which is triggering the temporary discomfort. Therefore, it is always recommended that you meditate and ground yourself for at least 15 minutes before you attend an event. Also, if you are experiencing intense shifts, it is important to drink a lot of water, go outside for a walk and breathe.

Regarding the accelerators…

One of the most frequently asked questions about my artwork is Can I work with more than one accelerator at a time? The answer is yes, absolutely! I recommend working with two or three and even up to ten at one time. This will really help to increase and stabilize your particle spin at a higher level of consciousness, as well as increase your brain capacity and quicken your re-assembling of the 12 strands of DNA. Furthermore, we are often asked Which accelerators do I need? My response is always to go with the ones you are drawn to…and make sure to get one or two that you do not resonate with, as these are the ones which will begin to dissolve all unconscious negativity and limitations within you. How many should you get? Again, that is up to you; always go with what you feel!

LightQuest also receives questions from time to time from individuals asking for a language of light translation or a description of what specific symbols mean within various accelerators. Quite simply, although I do give many of these details at my live presentations, the accelerators should be viewed as a whole and not scrutinized for their individual aspects. To explain further, the accelerators and much of my other work tend to override the lower mental ‘questioning-body’ and interact with the person’s Higher Self and spiritual blueprint directly. Subsequently, attempting to decipher the many details of each accelerator will only create confusion causing fragmentation of the energy and integration you are attempting to receive. People also often ask what the gemstones and crystals mean, which are listed in many of the image descriptions. These stones and crystals are directly related to the energy of the accelerator and if used in conjunction with them, will greatly enhance the assimilation of the image’s energy. I would recommend purchasing small tumbled stones rather than large unpolished stones for this purpose. You can either hold them in your hand or place them on your body when working with the images.

Regarding the future of earth and humanity…

Periodically, I receive questions regarding the fate of humanity and our precious planet Earth. The answer is simply this; despite all of the trauma and drama we are currently going through, the future is very positive. The planet is proceeding as planned into a higher dimension of consciousness and we are traveling with it into the 7th Golden Age. You may ask how can this be with all the wars, global warming panic, economic problems, natural disasters and epidemic illnesses…and I will tell you this, all planetary karmic issues are now being resolved and the collective spiritual energy is beginning to awaken, prepare and transform everything and everyone here. Lastly, you will only be able to behold this glorious future and your renewed abundant life of majesty and greatness if you choose, in this moment and in every future moment, to believe in and live the dream of planetary peace and universal destiny.

The Galactic Federation & Ashtar Command

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The  Galactic Federation & Ashtar Command


 The Galactic Federation of Light was founded in our galaxy over 4.5 million years ago to assist in the ascension of humanity, as well as to prevent the domination and exploitation of this galaxy by inter-dimensional dark forces.  The Galactic Federation is made up of representatives and planetary councils from many worlds who are always working together for the betterment of all life everywhere.  Our Galactic Federation is currently working alongside the Spiritual Hierarchy of this planet and galactic federations from other galaxies and universes to help the Earth and humanity evolve to the next level.  Currently the Galactic Federation of Light is composed of over 200,000 member star nations, confederations and unions of which approximately 40% of the represented races are humanoid with the remainder being varied forms of extraterrestrial sentient beings.  Each planet and race has a council within the Galactic Federation to represent them, no matter how small the population may be.


The Ashtar Command, under the administrative direction of Commander Ashtar Sheran, is known as the airborne division of the Brother and Sisterhood of Light. Composed of millions of starships and personnel from many off-planet civilizations, the Ashtar Command is here to assist us through the current cycle of planetary cleansing, polar re-alignment and final ascension into a new dimension of consciousness.  Specifically they monitor Earth’s magnetic field and grid systems, along with all astrophysical and geophysical conditions affecting our planet and the other planets within our solar system and galaxy.  The Ashtar Command also communicates and works directly with many humans (known as the ground crew) here on Earth to help expand spiritual consciousness and awaken the general population to the greater Divine Plan.

Within the Ashtar Command there are several divisions which operate in tandem to fulfill the directives and carry out the greater plan. Among these are the communications and healing divisions, arts and sciences divisions, in addition to the peace keeping and commerce divisions. These operate under the guidance of Ashtar’s Eagle Commanders and leaders including Commanders Monka, Kortek, Anton, Soltec, Athena, Korton, Avalon, Lytton, Jycondria, Alphon, Vrillion, Hatonn, Cassion, Voltra and Xyletron. Ashtar also has special fleets which help to regulate the many cultures visiting our world. These fleets, under the command of Ashtar Sheran, include the Starships Constellation, Pegasus, Wavestar, Phoenix, Aurora, Star Aquila, Athena and the Bluestar Rainbow Fleet.

The Ashtar Command ships are always broadcasting updated information to us here on the ground. In order to be a part of this experience, simply still your mind and ask for the Ashtar/Federation signal to be sent to you directly. The ethereal connection and transmissions will begin instantaneously, however allow some time for the messages to unfold, as energetic recalibrations and adjustments may need to be made within your mind and telepathic centers. Also, continued messages and images will be broadcast from the LightQuest Starbase periodically to update you on the galactic happenings and the current state of affairs here on Earth.

Thank you! - Bryan

 Brillant Minds

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Brilliant Minds: Explorations into the Business of Magic




Inspiration often begins with a flash of electrical voltage through the mind or the prompting of inner voices or transmissions from beyond our dimension. Trance induced meditation and subsequent channeled information can often produce miracle cures or culminate in the physical manifestation of magical blueprints or spiritual technologies. The truth is that true magic is not a sporadic or fleeting experience reserved for the lucky few. All individuals on this planet have the opportunity to receive the inspirational thought signals, tap-in to the Universal Akashic Records and traverse the higher magical thought-streams of consciousness.

In Earth's long history, many courageous individuals have dared to think out-of-the-box and follow the pulsations and voices emanating from within. Many extraordinary individuals have brought to this planet amazing ideas and unimaginable manifestations that were previously beyond the comprehension of even the most educated minds on the planet. This is the quest that each of us is now embarking upon; the ability to bring true magic into physical form and to transform this planet into a literal shield of shining light, magic and promise.

During the 20th Century on Earth, there lived three individuals, who among many others, stood out far and above the rest of the incarnating souls of that era. Their ability to tap into the higher thought-fields and act upon the promptings from their etheric guides has made them the true legends and heroes of our time. Their work continues to instigate inspiration and wonder, far beyond many of the so-called modern breakthroughs in medicine, science and artistry. These three souls swam against the tides of mortality and brought into manifestation a triple matrix of light, creativity and inspiration. The power of this magical matrix still holds its strength and form today, retaining its magic and its light for the entire world to see and experience. These three souls were none other than Nikola Tesla, Edgar Cayce and Walt Disney.


The Triple Matrix of Magic and Power


 The ability to receive and transmit the signals of true magic is pivotal to our growth here on Earth. To manifest a life filled with magic and wonder takes vision and drive, along with the constant knowingness within oneself that true magic really does exist and live within each of us. It takes a level of diligence and discipline to be able to know absolutely in every moment that every piece of information and ‘trial and error’ experience are leading us towards the great manifestation of our dreams. To create real magic takes trust and faith, both in ourselves and the Plan of Creation, which moves us in a constant upward spiral (although we may not always be able to see it that way) into greater and higher thought-fields and matrixes of creation.

In the early 20th century, Nikola Tesla (the Master of Lightning) baffled the scientific community and inspired millions with his electrical experiments, complex diagrams and higher dimensional machinery. He was a brilliant mind indeed, with the ability to tap into off-planet informational sources and interdimensional matrixes, which no other in his field at the time was able to do. His advancements in the field of electrical science and quantum physics were so far-reaching, that even today individuals are attempting to replicate his experiments and quantify his thought processes. His “Tesla Coil” advanced and created many technologies such as X-rays, satellite transmissions, neon lights, radar and radio technology. Although jealousy and control surrounded Tesla and his experiments, he was still able to tap into the multidimensional planetary grid when all others could not manifest its secrets.

Existing within the same time-frame on the East Coast of the United States of America was Edgar Cayce. He began his journey in a trancelike state, imparting to others strange and wonderful medical formulations and historical information which were beyond this world. His work confounded the modern medical and scientific communities of the time, but ultimately won over many doctors who could not deny his miraculous cures. Imagine someone telling you that drinking saffron tea and having a few specific chiropractic adjustments will cure all manner of digestive and skin problems including eczema and psoriasis. Or that eating just 3 raw almonds a day will render your body free of heart disease, cancer and tumors, forever. Furthermore, imagine someone telling you that massaging Pennsylvania crude oil into your scalp will not only completely regrow your hair, but bring the color back to its original perfection, permanently. Sound bizarre? Well this was the work of Edgar Cayce and strange as it may seem, millions of individuals were and continue to be cured by his medical readings, long after he has left the physical plane.

Another brilliant mind which graced this planet in the early 20th century was Walt Disney. He began his fascination with magic through the creation of the Mickey Mouse character and cartoon, culminating his dream (and ours, as well) with the creation of Disneyland in Southern California. His ‘Magical Kingdom’ is still a powerful vortex which perpetually downloads huge amounts of joy and inspiration to all who venture there. His vision and spirit still live on within the fairytale creations of Alice in Wonderland, the Pirates of the Caribbean, It's a Small World and the Hall of Lincoln. You could say that in a way he created a miniature, physical manifestation of Shambala, representing the magic and mystery of the many cultures here on Earth. Whatever the opinions of this man and his manifestations may be, it is clear that when you visit Disneyland you are in the presence of greatness and are experiencing a creation that was guided by the highest levels of consciousness.





 One of our primary directives here on Earth is to create and live true magic. Assisting us in this task are vast amounts of etheric companions, confidants and co-creators, who can help us in more ways than we know. The souls of Edgar Cayce, Nikola Tesla and Walt Disney are always available to help us, although they themselves are extremely busy with many new creations on the etheric levels. It is simply our daily conscious connection which will bring us into contact with these souls and the true magic we were born to manifest. This connection has brought many of us to the understanding that we are being readied to be the ‘Master Creators’ of the new millennium. We are just now in the process of being mentally and emotionally prepared to redesign this world, making it a place where all can share in the true magic and the equality of Spirit.

Recently, while doing some research and intuitive investigation on the three individuals listed above, my psychic senses began to pick up on a series of unusual luminous strings of energy. As I followed the energy threads, I quickly realized that they were the actual ‘vibrational signals;’ specific rays of light which were utilized by Walt Disney, Edgar Cayce and Nikola Tesla to travel to and from vast databanks of ‘living’ information. These energetic signals are transmitted via visual pictogram, mental telepathy and sound frequency. As the signals are integrated, a rare stream of consciousness is accessible, allowing individuals to transcend the limitations and self-doubt of the 3-D creational processes. This is truly a revelation for those who have been attempting to manifest through the often lengthy mental and physical procedures of our material world.

So, as you look toward the future, it is your quest to become the creator and the magician you were born to be. One of the keys to ‘magical freedom’ is to take chances and rare opportunities by the hand, which will lead you into new adventures beyond your current realm of understanding. In short, you must move beyond the limitations and fears which currently hold you in a locked pattern, not allowing you to experience the magic of your true self. It is time to break out and brainstorm; to research new concepts and to begin new and groundbreaking creative ventures, which, although you may not always know what is ahead, your willingness and determination to take each step will lead you into the greatness of manifesting your full potential.

Be brave, be inspired, and be unlimited!


New Article by Bryan

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In recent years, the Ashtar Command has offered a few solutions to enhance our financial abundance & prosperity consciousness.  Setting up a ‘Money Bowl’ is one of the best ways to kick start a new level of ‘money energy’ for yourself.  This should be placed in the ‘Feng Shui’ prosperity corner of your home…see the diagram below or do a search on the Internet if you are unsure or live in an apartment, loft or unique space.  It is important to understand that this ‘bowl’ will operate on both ethereal & elemental magic, as well as your energy, blessings and bills…if you follow the steps your money will magically multiply itself, your prosperity consciousness will expand and you will have an endless stream of money all year long!


How to Set Up Your Money Bowl!


  1. Start with a large clear, see-through bowl…like a vase, decorative or fish bowl…this should not be tinted or colored in any way.
  2. Clean the bowl, bless it and rub one drop of lavender oil both inside and outside of the bowl.
  3. Program a small crystal (with a blessing & intention) for your new  financial prosperity and place it in the bowl.
  4. Gather at least $20 in cash (this be should multiple bills, no coins!) and take one drop of lavender oil, rub it in your hands and bless each of the bills, placing them each in the bowl as you go!
  5. Place the money bowl in the ‘money corner’ of your home…it should be very visible, where you can see it frequently, as this is part of the magic! It is always good to place a live green plant, such as bamboo or leafy plant and some green crystals (if you like) to help stimulate the energy. Your ‘Money Bowl’ is now fully activated!
  6. Several times a week, place cash/dollar bills into your prosperity bowl and say ‘Thank You!’. This is a critical step…you must put cash in the bowl at least 3 times a week for 3 months and never, for any reason take money out or it will break the money magic.  Also, if you do not frequently use cash, you need to start…cash has more energy than any other form of exchange as it is a clean transaction and does not have any debt attached to it!
  7. After 3 months, take some time and remove all the money out of the bowl without counting it (very important) place it into bundles and place rubber bands around each…put some in your car glove box, some in your wallet or purse and some in a drawer somewhere in your home for emergencies or extra spending cash. If you did the money bowl correctly, you will have lots of money to bundle!
  8. After you finish removing and bundling the money, clean and renew the bowl once again, placing at least $20 of blessed bills in the money bowl and start it all over again. Do not use any of the previous cash in the new bowl!

Important Money Bowl Points:


- Your money operates on a 3 month cycle…so every 3 months you take the money out, clean and re-bless the bowl and start again!

- Although many people use credit & debit cards with all their purchases, it is beneficial to always have cash and use that for small purchases & to get change (bills) for you’re your money bowl…as cash draws cash to you…using credit/debit cards all the time tends to attract debt!  Cash is a much cleaner energy to use!

- Never put coins in your money bowl, as it will block the energy…keep your coins in a separate bowl or place!

- Never count the money as you are putting it in or taking it out of your bowl…that is part of the magic!

- Do not use any other type of oil to bless your money…the lavender oil has properties that other oils do not have!

- Although your Money Bowl should go in the proper ‘Feng Shui’ area of the house, if you live with other people or kids who do not share your consciousness or who may tamper with the bowl (this includes pets), place in your own room, in a compatible corner with your homes Feng Shui corner…search the web if you are unsure!

- You can also help the other people in your home to set up money bowls if they are open to it…even children…but it must be their own cash (allowance, part-time job etc.) not your cash that goes into their bowls every week!

Enjoy & have fun with your new prosperity! Bryan & the Ashtar Command


Feng Shui 'Prosperity Area' Home Map




 Money Tree Meditation

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Welcome to the Money 'Tree of Life' audio-visual activation!  This is given in the same style as my tele-seminars and audio conferences and is designed to connect you with the higher dimensional ‘Tree of Unlimited Prosperity’. Your connection with this divine creation will awaken new levels of prosperity consciousness within, while clearing any current and/or past-life money/poverty related issues. Simultaneously, the Money Tree image below will create a clear path of financial abundance into your glorious future. 

To experience this Money ‘Tree of Life’ activation, simply click on button below to begin playing the audio and listen as I proceed to take you through it. As you follow along with the sound of my voice, scroll down this page and view the Money Tree image. In your minds eye, visualize the living ‘money tree’ in all of its majesty and beauty. See all of the ‘rosebuds’ of currency and coin sprouting within its lush branches; falling and floating freely all around as you stand under this powerful mystical creation. You may listen to this activation as often as you wish to enhance and increase the prosperity frequency within you.

Enjoy! Bryan


Money Tree of Life Video Activation:

 The 7th Golden Age

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 The 7th Golden Age

Visions of Earth's Future!



The 7th Golden Age manifesting before us is the fulfillment of the Divine Plan, which promises to create a new heaven and a new earth. Awakening to unity with the one creative source, humans are to be the co-creators of an age of love, peace and abundance. Our consciousness is becoming one with the mind and heart of God. Assisting us is a hierarchy of Ascended Masters under the orchestration of St. Germain. Personal guides, angels, extraterrestrials and great luminous beings also help us. In the new millennium our perfected values will authorize us to create substance from light. We will become the promise of Jesus when he said, “Greater works than these shall you do.”

In the new millennium we shall create magnificent temples to replace commonplace structures. The ordinary shall be exalted into the extraordinary.  Communication with the devic kingdoms will help us design fantastic gardens and parks full of vibrant flowers and glorious trees. With our creative forces we will cultivate new species of plants and animals providing us with extraordinary beauty and spiritual nourishment. Colors will be brighter and more radiant. Our environment will become a celebration of life and wonder as we rediscover our knowledge and harmony with the elemental forces of fire, water, earth, air and space. The stars and solar forces of power will become available to us to birth and sustain a life of unlimited abundance and infinite creativity. We shall become as Gods, at play in the Elysium Fields.

In the past we have had brief glimpses of Golden Ages. They existed because great beings and avatars illuminated particular areas of the planet. Legends arose of mysterious realms such as Atlantis, Lemuria, Shamballa and Shangri-la.  They are visions of utopian culture. It is still possible to see the beautiful temples of Classical Greece, Ancient Egypt, and the opulence of Persia and marvel at the magnificent beauty and technology oftentimes surpassing modern times. Later, the art and culture of the Renaissance, especially in Italy, continued the legacy of grace. Sculptures and paintings exalted form and substance into divine elegance, celebrating the creative inspiration of humanity. The intricacies of Mayan and Aztec architecture remind us of our galactic origins and human potentiality. This new Golden Age is heralded as a permanent one where it is possible for every person to actualize their divine identity as sons and daughters of God. Humanity can step into a new arena of ease and elegance where struggle and strife are distant memories, powerless and ironic reminders of pettiness and limitation.

In the new paradigm we shall experience one thousand years of peace, prosperity and abundance! We are the pioneers, the avatars and initiators of bringing heaven to earth. We are the harbingers of contact and contract with our galactic brothers and sisters in knowledge and evolution. Now is our opportunity to move beyond the familiar into the potentiality of the vibrant frequencies of light and life. Now is the time to realize we are the co-creative forces of life with the divine. As you believe, so shall it be!  The time is now!







...for You, Your Child & Your Inner Child!

Below are some fun & easy games for you to enjoy, relieve stress and to pass the time!  These games are intended to free your consciousness and infuse you with the energy of fun and magic!  Each game is very easy to do...just let the quick ad play first....then click on the 'Help" button to give you some instructions on how to play each game.  If you don't want to hear the music on the game, there are Volume & Music icons that you can click on to mute the sound.  Have fun & enjoy!











Music To Clear, Heal and Re-energize You!
















Come Visit Us!





Celebrity Angels

Multidimensional Meaning of the Temples in Las Vegas Nevada

Money Tree Meditation -

The Accelerator Experience

The Language of Light

Ashtar Command CD - Genesis

Wavestar CD - Wavestar

Diamond Starfield CD - Traveling Through Time






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Part of our purpose here on Earth is to help others and support the planetary healing process. There are several ways you can be of service, including making small monthly charitable donations to humanitarian organizations, volunteering your time & resources to local charities and sending light, energy and healing to hospitals, schools, governments and areas experiencing extreme weather conditions and political unrest. This can also include sending light to your family, friends community, pets and all the many natural kingdoms of Earth. Earthstar is an international group of people that are dedicated to helping the Earth and awaken the masses.  Please come join us...check the Classes Page for the next upcoming sessions!








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