Star Travelers Crossword Puzzle

Star Travelers Crossword Puzzle

Try our fun Star Travelers crossword and test your metaphysical knowledge!  Email Bryan at and he will send you the crossword puzzle doc to print or put on your phone/computer (you may have an app or program on your technology that you can use to fill it out).  The answers are on the bottom of the Stargate Shop, however try to complete the puzzle without looking at the answers first (or searching the internet) in order to engage your memory and human skills!  Have fun, Bryan & the Lightquest Team



Keys & Clues



1. Extraterrestrials from the ‘Seven Sisters’ planet system.
4.  Sixties pop group who sang the hit song 'The Age of Aquarius'. (2 words)
11. Constellation named after a winged horse.
12. Galactic race known for their small stature, collective consciousness and happy nature.
14. Geometric pattern created/imprinted in crops on Earth. (2 words)
16. What planet did Valiant Thor come from?
18.Awareness of many dimensions of time and space.
19. Channeled galactic TV Series by Gene Rodenberry. (2 words)
20. Ascension vehicle.


2. Who is the chief Commander of the Ashtar Command. (2 words)
3. Galactic energy infusion healing technique.
5. Galactic human-like being.
6. Energy vortexes within the body.
7. Non-verbal mental communication.
8. Universal language spoken throughout the cosmos & higher dimensions. (3 words)
9. Portal & transport to another dimension or world.
10. What do many Lightworkers all hope for?
13. Which galaxy does Earth reside in?
15. What is the last name of the author of the book 'The Keys of Enoch'?
17. Unidentified flying object.



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