High Energy Sessions with Artist & Visionary Bryan de Flores!
Bryan’s unique and empowering international classes will awaken. enlighten and inspire you to the next level of your journey and destiny. These sessions are designed to strengthen your manifestation powers, enhance your intuitive/psychic senses, heal & youthen your physical body and re-energize your spirit. The popular Earthstar sessions are a great way to get involved with global healing and connect with other like minded people around the planet. Attending these easy to access sessions keeps you at the forefront of what’s happening on Earth and in the Galactic realms. These classes are easily accessible by landline, Skype or cell phone from all over the world!
International Attendees: Our international teleconference are attended by people all over the world. If you are interested and are in a different time zone, the best thing to do is plan on getting an early night, wake up 30 minutes before the session, grab a cup of coffee & your favorite muffin or cookie and enjoy the high energy! Many of our clients from different countries love getting up in the middle of the night….they say it is a really wonderful experience once or twice a month, as it is quiet, focused and a great time to receive the energy. If you have any questions or need assistance regarding the sessions email us at lightquest@sbcglobal.net
New! Ashtar Command Update
LIVE! & 72-Hour Replay! International Transmission with Bryan
Live! Session: Saturday January 25, 9:00 AM (Las Vegas / Pacific Time) $20
The Stage 5 ‘Clinger’ Problem; Synchronizing the Multidimensional Teams of Light; Human ‘Double-Agents’ Revealing Themselves; The New Ashtar Command; Dark Residuals & Post War Carry-Over; It’s Not You, It’s the Energy!; The Global Curse Has Been Broken; The New Technology Arrives!
Live & 72-Hour Replay" Ashtar Command Update: Shift into Freedom $20 |
72-Hour Replay Session Available!
The “Replay” is available for all of you who live in different times zones and for those who may not be able to attend the LIVE! morning session. The 1-1/2 to 2 hour ‘Replay’ link will be available and sent to you by 6:00 PM (US/Las Vegas/Pacific Time) Saturday and will close at 6:00 PM (US/Pacific Time) Tuesday…so make sure you listen to it within that time frame! Also, your payment is for one session only….after the dial-in codes or replay link is sent to you, we cannot refund or transfer your payment to the later or different session. *We always send the Replay link to everyone by 6pm! If, for some reason you do not see the Replay link in your email box, check your Spam folder as some servers will filter emails there as we are a business…if you still cannot find it email us ASAP, no later than 6:15 pm to (LV Time)”.
If you are attending the tele-session… click here for more information!
Join Bryan & the Ashtar Command to…
Triple ‘Etheric’ Master Transmission Signal Activation from the Ashtar Command
February 8 & 9 – Saturday & Sunday
This special and exclusive Live! Training, which is given by the Ashtar Command, is the second level of my two Lightwave Facilitator courses. Taking this course will give you the ability and permission to transmit the Basic Lightwave Matrix and teaching to an individual or class, long distance from the comfort of your own home or office. During this activation course, the Ashtar Command and I will transfer the ‘Triple Etheric Master Transmission Star-Wave Signal’ directly to you. This triple-etheric Lightwave transmission process is called ‘Star Wave’ by the Ashtar Command and is specifically for sending the LW activation matrix to an individual or group long distance, anywhere in the world.
This is the next step you need to take in order to evolve into a dynamic and successful long-distance Star Wave energy activator and Lightwave facilitator. Become one of the first individuals to learn and receive this higher dimensional activation skill and training directly from Bryan. This will enable you to easily send the Basic Lightwave activation matrix and give the Basic Training class to clients around the world via telephone, teleconference or online. This advanced Lightwave course is for all of you who are excited about all of the possibilities of Lightwave and who may want to share the Lightwave magic with others in a very special multidimensional format.
The class includes a free ‘Golden Ticket‘ to the
NEW! February 22 Lightwave Upgrade…
Exclusive Ashtar Command Facilitator 2 Extras!
Your Multidimensional Chakra Template
Also, as a special addition to the Star Wave training, the Ashtar Command will introduce the new Multidimensional Galactic Human Chakra System template and process. This beautiful new template diagram will show all of your galactic and angelic chakras located in and around your body in multiple dimensions. Accompanying this diagram will be a simple Lightwave process you can use to activate and work with each of your multidimensional energy centers.
Lightwave Dental Care!
A Quick Essential Energy Technique For You, Your Clients & Family Members!
Renew and revitalize the health of your mouth, teeth & gums with this simple, amazing new ‘Lightwave Energy’ technique and routine by the Ashtar Command! This brand new information & process is a very easy and very effective addition to the general care of your oral hygiene. The Ashtar Command states “Whatever the issue, concern or oral health status of the individual, this technique will jumpstart and enhance the overall health of one’s mouth in every way!” Be one of the first to receive this new, groundbreaking addition to your Lightwave energy ‘toolbox’.
Click Below for All the Details!
This training will be focused on the ‘Basic’ Lightwave ‘Etheric’ energy transference transmission and will expand your current Lightwave abilities and healing powers in so many ways. As in Level 1, it will enable you to become a better communicator, teacher of energy healing, intuitive and help you develop you a more advanced spiritual skill set. This course will also heighten your psychic abilities beyond the Level 1 class and help you transmit the Lightwave energy in a new and more powerful way. This training also gives you the opportunity to share and empower the people around you with the Lightwave technique from the Ashtar Command & the Pleiadians. Many people want Lightwave Energy Training, but they may live far away…and now you will be able to transmit the ‘Basic’ Lightwave Matrix energy and teaching to others in a very easy long-distance session to an individual or group of people! Lightwave is both fun & extremely useful and experiencing this Level 2 etheric teacher training with Bryan will take everything to the next level for you…regardless if you are thinking about teaching it or just wanting to receive the next level ‘Ashtar Command’ activation and knowledge for yourself. This course will show you how to send the Lightwave Matrix & give the training to those not in your local area, via phone or online. As a part of the training you will receive the step-by-step Ashtar Command etheric transmission notes on how to teach a long-distance Lightwave training for one individual or a group session. In addition, as in the Level 1 course, Lightwave Manuals will be available for your clients/friends, which you can purchase at a discount from us. You will also receive special, private training web-pages for your clients to access, as well as special Lightwave advertising banners and logos for you to use. Also included will be information on how to advertise and attract Lightwave students, as well as private access to order other Lightwave materials from us for your transmission sessions. – You will be able to transmit the original ‘Basic’ Lightwave matrix from the Ashtar Command & Pleiadans to other people, including your friends and family members, helping them to learn how to heal themselves and work with energy. – This training will provide you with a new & unlimited stream of income, making you more independent and financially stable. …and also, teaching Lightwave lifts you into a higher level of ambassadorship & service on the planet, giving you more dispensations and access to the higher streams of energy. This special accelerator design will allow you to fully visualize the ‘Lightwave Etheric-Long Distance Master Transmission’ as you are sending the energy signal & matrix to other people. All the sessions on Feb 22-23 are free-of-charge to you! This will be given on Feb 22 at 11:30 AM! (shipping not included with the printed notes) For transmitting the Lightwave energy matrix long-distance via telephone or online to individuals & groups! $395 The Level 2 Training will also allow you to teach the Lightwave ‘Color Spectrum Therapy’ process. Special Note: To take this course, you will need to have taken both the Lightwave ‘Basic Training’ and ‘Facilitator Level 1’ previous to attending this advanced class. Also, a few requirements and agreements with Bryan will need to be accepted after completing this ‘Etheric Transmission’ course as a way of respecting the process, honoring the individual (Bryan) who channeled in the technique and to keep your Lightwave energy connected to the original source. This will include a small royalty fee with each transmission, a required ‘Basic’ Lightwave Manual for each student and an organized/updated list of your students full names who have received the activation. This is an international teleconference/online event. You will be sent the Dial-in number and Pass-code Friday, February 7 by 6pm (US/Pacific Time). Replay: Although a Replay! will be available for part of the Saturday session (2-Hours: 9am to 11am (US/Pacific Time), you will need to be present when I give the LIVE! ‘Lightwave Master Etheric Transmission’ transference activation from 11am to 12pm (US/Pacific Time) in order for you to receive the energy properly at 100%. This ‘Facilitator ‘Etheric’ Transmission’ training is only for those who have completed the ‘Basic’ Lightwave & Facilitator Training Course – Level 1! All Facilitator 2 Attendees receive the Full-Color Notes Free! to put in your Lightwave Manual…so make sure to click on the shipping charge Add-to-Cart under your registration. These will be shipped to you after the LIVE! sessions. For those outside the USA, please know that we always check the shipping costs on an order and will refund you if the shipping is less! SPIRITUAL ENERGY WORKSHOP IN HEALING & TRANSFORMATION As we vibrate and move into higher dimensional fields of energy, more magnificent colors and frequencies only seen or manifest in the higher realms are now becoming available for us to utilize with our expanded spiritual energy skills. The ‘Ultraviolet’ frequency and color emanates from the Ascended Realms and is a multi-functional and multi-dimensional vibrational ray, which the Pleiadians have created a special new Lightwave process for. The higher qualities of Ultraviolet are mirrored through its vibrant violet light and energy, that is much brighter and more deeply penetrating than any standard or neon color. Thanks to the Pleiadians, this special new frequency can now be run through the LW matrix after the initial activation by Bryan. This process has many powerful applications which the Pleiadians and Ashtar Command utilize for time-travel, photo healing therapy and frequency matching. This quick and easy course will bring another higher level of power and ability to your LW skills…a must have for your Lightwave knowledge & manual! Join us! LIGHTWAVE TECHNOLOGY ENERGY TRAINING A FUN, HANDS-ON INTERACTIVE CLASS WITH BRYAN! Welcome! Come join us for this new expanded Lightwave Training session and learn one of the newest and most powerful energy healing processes on the planet! The technique was designed by the Pleiadians and enhanced through the energy of the Ashtar Command & beautiful accelerator technology of Bryan de Flores. The Lightwave procedure is easy-to-learn and produces immediate positive effects for both the beginner and advanced individuals. Lightwave works to restore optimum health and youthen the physical body while increasing your psychic gifts, healing gifts & manifestation powers. The Lightwave technique can be used on yourself and others as well as pets, plants and other living things. This process is the perfect addition to any other transformational modality and will blend with any technique you are currently utilizing. The Lightwave method is energetic in nature and utilizes your hands as receivers and transmitters of the energy, in conjunction with your own intuition & instincts. Also, this new healing technology is very practical as it utilizes simple terminology and can be performed in any location or situation. New Attendees! The Lightwave Training class consists of 3 LIVE! international tele-sessions that you must attend to get the initial energy activation and instruction . The tele-sessions can be easily accessed through your phone, cell phone or Skype! Includes: Basic Lightwave Training Instruction, Full Color Lightwave Manual, Follow-Along Web Pages & Videos and Lightwave Practitioners Certificate. This Live! international tele-session with Bryan will teach you the Lightwave energy technique & process. This session also gives you a full explanation and experience of the Lightwave process and the beautiful full-color Lightwave manual, which contains all the processes & accelerators and a full list of the frequencies that you will be accessing and transmitting. In addition, this class includes the easy, follow-along web page/tutorial videos and your Lightwave certification. Saturday, Session 2: Ultraviolet – 11:30 AM to 12:30 PM Las Vegas (US/Pacific Time) Session 2 will also be offered as a Replay! for Re-Attunements only! In this session, Bryan will talk about some of the amazing and unique advanced Lightwave processes, answer all of your training questions and give some of his unique Lightwave accelerator combinations that will give you a boost of energy and a BIG upgrade! Bryan’s Lightwave Star Magic audio tutorial will be available to you 24-Hours a day at-your-convenience from 11:00 AM Sunday, February 23 to 6:00 PM Wednesday, February 26. You may take this training session whenever you like (and as many times as you like) during those 3 days. The unlimited access session will allow you to assimilate the extra information at your own pace and time. Welcome! This for you if you are attending Bryan’s LW energy training for the first time. This includes access to all classes, all videos & training web-page. If you choose the two easy payments, the second payment is due February 17 2025. If you are not sure which option you need, send us a quick email at lightquest@sbcglobal.net and we will direct you to the proper one. No refunds for these classes…payments are non-refundable . (All Sessions Sat & Sun – LW Manual & Shipping Included) $197.50 Half Payment (for $395. Full Training)…$197.50 Balance Due Feb 17. This is for all of those individuals who are on our list from a previous Lightwave training. Participating in the re-attunement is very beneficial as there is always new information with each training. In addition, it will give you a huge energy boost and new insights for your personal growth. If you are not sure which option you need, send us a quick email at lightquest@sbcglobal.net and we will direct you to the proper one. Notes: All Re-Attunement Attendees receive the ‘Ultraviolet’ Full-Color Notes Free! to put in your Lightwave Manual…so make sure to click on the shipping charge Add-to-Cart under your registration. These will be shipped to you after the LIVE! sessions. For those outside the USA, please know that we always check the shipping costs on an order and will refund you if the shipping is less! (Your Re-Attunement Registration Includes All Sat & Sun LW Training Sessions!) This Manual is for Re-Attunement’s only and includes all the Basic Training info, all 25 Advanced Lightwave Processes & Techniques and the new Ultraviolet! notes. If you are ordering this, do not click on the ‘Full Color ‘Ultraviolet’ Printed Notes are Free!’ shipping Add-to-Cart above. Also, if you already have our new 2024 LW manual, you do not need to purchase this, simply order the new Notes and place them in your book. LIVE! & 72-Hour Replay! International Teleconference & Journey with Bryan Live! Session: Saturday March 8, 9:00 AM (Las Vegas / Pacific Time) $25 The “Replay” is available for all of you who live in different times zones and for those who may not be able to attend the LIVE! morning session. The 1-1/2 to 2 hour ‘Replay’ link will be available and sent to you by 6:00 PM (US/Las Vegas/Pacific Time) Saturday and will close at 6:00 PM (US/Pacific Time) Tuesday…so make sure you listen to it within that time frame! Also, your payment is for one session only….after the dial-in codes or replay link is sent to you, we cannot refund or transfer your payment to the later or different session. *We always send the Replay link to everyone by 6pm! If, for some reason you do not see the Replay link in your email box, check your Spam folder as some servers will filter emails there as we are a business…if you still cannot find it email us ASAP, no later than 6:15 pm to (LV Time)”. Join us on this exciting new adventure to becoming a Lightwave Facilitator & Teacher! This training is guided by the Pleiadians and will be focused on the ‘Basic’ Lightwave ‘energy matrix’ transference to your clients, friends and family members. This course will also expand your current Lightwave abilities and healing powers and help you become a better communicator, teacher of energy healing, intuitive and assist you in developing a more advanced spiritual skill set. This course will also heighten your internal psychic abilities and enhance your ability to transmit light and energy to other people. This will give you the opportunity to share and empower the people around you through the guidance from the Pleiadians & the Ashtar Command. Many people want in-person training and you will be able to reach those interested people in your local area and globally as you travel. By the end of this training you will be able to transmit the ‘Basic’ Lightwave energy matrix & teaching to others in a very quick and easy in-person session, be it an individual or group of people! This course will also help you to create a local community of like-minded people and form new groups where you can practice and send light to each other or to any local areas that need assistance. Lightwave is fun and very useful for yourself and experiencing this ‘teacher level’ training with Bryan, takes everything to the next level…regardless if you are thinking about teaching it or just interested in getting a new powerful Lightwave activation and learning more for yourself. This course will show you how to give a Lightwave training to a small group in your home, at a meditation or spiritual center near you…or even in a conference room at a local hotel. As a part of the training you will receive step-by-step printed teaching notes on how to facilitate an in-person Lightwave training for a one-on-one or group session. In addition, Lightwave Manuals will be available for your clients/friends, which you can purchase at a discounted price from us. You will also receive special, private training web-pages for your clients to access, as well as special Lightwave advertising banners and logos for you to use. Also included in this course will be information on how to advertise and attract Lightwave students, as well as your own private access to order other Lightwave materials from us for your transmission sessions. This special accelerator design will allow you to fully visualize the ‘Lightwave Master Transmission’ as you are sending the energy signal & matrix to other people. All the sessions in the September are free-of-charge to you, so you can see how I teach Lightwave and also fine tune your verbal and energy transmission skills! Level 1: Master Transmission Signal Activation from the Pleiadians For transmitting the ‘Basic’ Lightwave energy matrix and teaching the ‘Basic’ Lightwave technique in-person/face-to-face to individuals & groups! $795. And when you have completed Level 1, you can take Level 2 which will be given again in…. Level 2: Triple Etheric Master Transmission Signal Activation from the Ashtar Command For transmitting the Lightwave energy matrix long-distance via telephone or online to individuals & groups! Level 1 required first. $395 This Level will also allow you to teach the Lightwave Color Spectrum Therapy process. These two trainings are given separately, as you have to learn and practice transmitting the signal ‘in-person’ before the etheric long distance transmission signal can activate and work correctly. What has taken me many years to learn, will be given to you in two simple trainings. The Level 2 training will be given in October, but you must be certified in Level 1 before you can take Level 2. This is an international teleconference/online event. You will be sent the Dial-in number and Pass-code Friday, March 28 by 6pm (US/Pacific Time). Replay: Although a Replay! will be available for part of the Saturday session (2-Hours: 9am to 11am (US/Pacific Time), you will need to be present when I give the LIVE! ‘Lightwave Master Transmission’ transference activation from 11am to 12pm (US/Pacific Time) in order for you to receive the energy properly at 100%. New! Planetary Awakening Course for All Advanced Lightworkers!
Learn to easily teach and transfer the cosmic magic of Lightwave energy to others!
Join us on this exciting new adventure to becoming a Lightwave Facilitator & Teacher!
What other things will the Lightwave Facilitator Transmission Level 2 Training do for you?
Your ‘Transmission Training’ registration includes…
– The Direct ‘Lightwave ‘Etheric-Long Distance’ Master Transmission’ from the Ashtar Command
– The new full-color ‘Etheric Master Transmission Signal’ design by the Ashtar Command.
– Full Access to all Lightwave teaching materials and advertising designs.
– Full Access to the upcoming February 22-23 Basic Lightwave Training
– The New! Lightwave Upgrade “Ultraviolet!’
– You will receive a set of ‘Facilitator Etheric-Long Distance Transmission’ training notes for your Lightwave Manual Portfolio
Level 2: Triple ‘Etheric’ Master Transmission Signal Activation from the Ashtar CommandSaturday & Sunday February 8 & 9
Saturday 9:00 AM – 12 Noon (US Pacific Time)
Sunday 10:00 AM – 11:30 AM (Replay Available!)
Be one of the very first to become qualified & certified to teach the Lightwave Training Course through ‘Etheric-Long Distance’ transmission from Bryan. This a rare opportunity to take your skills, gifts and business to a new level…a chance to be able to give others the healing transmission for life!
Lightwave Facilitator Transmission Training - Level 2
$395Lightwave Facilitator Transmission Training - Level 2
$197.50(Full Course Payment) (Half Payment) Free! LW Manual Notes
Shipping FeeRegistering Attendees:
1. For all attendee registrations using the $197.50. (1/2 payment), the balance will be due on February 3 , 2024.
2. Please make sure to click-on the Free Notes! add-to-cart to add the shipping fee for your notes!
Questions? Email us at lightquest@sbcglobal.net
If you are attending the tele-session… click here for more information!
A New Lightwave Adventure Begins!
Pleiadian / Ashtar Command Healing Process and Technique
Learn to run spiritual healing energy through your hands, your mind and your heart!
February 22 & 23 – Saturday & Sunday
Includes the New! Ultraviolet Lightwave Technique!
Click Below for All the Class Details!
SATURDAY & SUNDAY – February 22 & 23 2025
Saturday, Session 1: Lightwave Basic Energy Training – 8:00 AM to 11:00 AM – Las Vegas (US/Pacific Time)
Sunday, Session 1: “Live” Session with Bryan + Special All Access Link! – 10:00 am – 11:30 AM – Las Vegas (US/Pacific Time)
Sunday All Access: Star Magic
Sign-up Registration!
Full Training $395
Full Training
$395 Full Training
Half Payment
$197.50Basic Lightwave Training Only
No ManualBasic Lightwave. Manual
$60(Level 1 - Session 1: 8am to 11am
Saturday, February 22)
Welcome Back!
Sign-up Registration!
Ultraviolet– Session 2 will also be offered as a Replay! for Re-Attunements!
Lightwave Re-attunement Training
last taken in 2024
$75Lightwave Re-attunement Training
last taken in 2023
$95Lightwave Re-attunement Training
last taken in 2022 or before
$125 Shipping Fee for FREE!
Full Color
Ultraviolet Printed NotesNew! 2025 Lightwave Manual $159
If you are attending the tele-session… click here for more information!
Journey through the Dimensions of Earth with Bryan & the Ashtar Command!
More information coming soon!
"Live & 72-Hour Replay"
Novus Galacticus
Where no Man has Gone Before!
$2572-Hour Replay Session Available!
If you are attending the tele-session… click here for more information!
Join Bryan, the Pleiadian’s & the Ashtar Command and…
The Next Step for Re-Attunements & Facilitators Around the World!
March 29 & 30 – Saturday & Sunday
Welcome Lightwave Re-Attunements & Practitioners!
Click Below for All the Class Details!
Planetary Awakening Course for All Advanced Lightworkers!
Learn to easily teach and transfer the cosmic magic of Lightwave energy to others!
Your Level 1 ‘Transmission Training’ registration includes…
– The Direct ‘Lightwave Master Transmission’ from the Pleiadians
– The New Full-color ‘Master Transmission Signal’ design by the Pleiadians.
– Full Access to all Lightwave teaching materials and advertising designs.
– Full Access ‘Golden Ticket’ to the upcoming September, 2025 Basic Lightwave Training
March 29-30, 2025
October 2025 – Date to be Announced!
Saturday & Sunday March 29 – 30
Saturday 9:00 AM – 12:00 Noon (US Pacific Time)
Sunday 10:00 AM – 11:30 AM (Replay! Available!)
Be one of the very first to become qualified & certified to teach the Lightwave Training Course from Bryan. This a rare opportunity to take your skills, gifts and business to a new level…a chance to be able to give others the healing transmission for life!
What other things will the Lightwave Facilitator Transmission Level 1 Training do for you?
– You will be able to transmit the original ‘Basic’ Lightwave matrix from the Pleiadans to other people, including your friends and family members, helping them to learn how to heal themselves and work with energy.
– This training can also provide you with a new & unlimited stream of income, making you more independent and financially stable.
…and also, teaching Lightwave lifts you into a higher level of ambassadorship & service on the planet, giving you more dispensations and access to the higher streams of energy.
This ‘Facilitator Transmission’ training is only for those who have completed the ‘Basic’ Lightwave Training!
Lightwave Facilitator Transmission Training
Lightwave Facilitator Transmission Training Level 1 $795 | Lightwave Facilitator Transmission Training Level 1 $397.50 |
(Full Course Payment) | (Half Payment) |
Free! LW Manual Notes Shipping Fee |
Registering Attendees:
1. For all attendee registrations using the $397.50. (1/2 payment), the balance will be due on March 20, 2025.
2. Please make sure to click-on the Free Notes! add-to-cart to add the shipping fee for your notes!
All Facilitator 2 Attendees receive the Full-Color Notes Free! to put in your Lightwave Manual…so make sure to click on the shipping charge Add-to-Cart under your registration. These will be shipped to you after the LIVE! sessions. For those outside the USA, please know that we always check the shipping costs on an order and will refund you if the shipping is less!
Questions? Email us at lightquest@sbcglobal.net
Study Guides From Bryan’s Classes
Would you like to have at your fingertips, a valuable resource for personal growth and empowerment? Full sets of notes and information from previous LightQuest classes are now available for those who have taken the classes. These notes contain Bryan’s personal insights, channeled messages and information directly from the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Ashtar Command that you will not find in books, on the internet or anywhere else on the planet. Having these informational guides will give you the time to study, review and integrate all of the extensive spiritual information at your own pace. You may even want to follow along with the notes as you listen to the Instant Activation session! Your notes will be sent to you via email, no shipping charges.
If you need more information about one of the classes below, please click on this link and scroll down to read all about the session! Click here – Instant Activations!
Special note: Lightmasters notes are more extensive and do not come with a teaching certificate or webpage. Also, if you have attended a particular Lightmasters session and would like the notes from class, you can purchase them for a discounted price of $25….email us at lightquest@sbcglobal.net and we will send you an invoice.
Supernatural Occurrences $20 Medical Intuition $20
What Planet am I from? $20 The Basics of Feng Shui & Magic House $20
Magical Art of Self Promotion $20
Supernatural Occurrences | What Planet am I From? | Feng Shui Notes | Medical Intuition | The Magical Art of Self Promotion |
Lightmasters 1 | Lightmasters 2 | Lightmasters 3 | Lightmasters 4 | Lightmasters 5 |
Manifestiny Your Destiny & Multidimensional Healing | Essential Programming & Cellular Healing | Psychic Development & Psychic Intiation Activation | Channeling & Angels and Spirit Guides | Animal Communication & Earth Healng |
Please choose carefully…..no refunds or exchanges after your order has been sent!
72-Hour Replay Session Available!
The “Replay” sessions are for all of you who live in different times zones and for those who may not be able to attend the LIVE! morning session. The 1-1/2 to 2 hour ‘Replay’ link will be available and sent to you by 6:00 PM (US/Las Vegas/Pacific Time) Saturday and will close at 6:00 PM (US/Pacific Time) Tuesday…so make sure you listen to it within that time frame! Also, your payment is for one session only….after the dial-in codes or replay link is sent to you, we cannot refund or transfer your payment to the later or different session. *We always send the Replay link to everyone by 6pm! If, for some reason you do not see the Replay link in your email box, check your Spam folder as some servers will filter emails there as we are a business…if you still cannot find it email us ASAP, no later than 6:15 pm to (LV Time)”.
If you are attending the tele-session… click here for more information!
An ‘Online’ seminar is unique set of exclusive web-pages with a wealth of information, music, images and special audio transmissions…all created by Bryan to enhance your metaphysical experience in a number of selected areas! You will really enjoy the energy and instruction of these special web creations! Once again, you will have the Angel Academy online seminar & Angel Tree replay for 3 days..so you can proceed at your own pace through the online session.
Thank you for visiting our website!
How to order products & seminars: Please Click Here!
If you have any questions about ordering or need assistance, email us at starfireart@aol.com
Contact Bryan at starfireart@aol.com