Digital Images Gallery

Accelerators for your phone & computer...receive activations wherever you go!

Digital Gallery orders arrive to you via email within 48 hours, no shipping cost!

Simply Download from the email and place on your desktop and/or phone!  Digital image format is 8.5" x 11."  for $7 each.  

Digital Accelerators by Artist & Visionary Bryan de Flores

Each of the images has a specific purpose and is designed to energize and activate you  simply  looking at them will have a positive effect on you and your surroundings. Bryan receives many of the images through dreams, visions and through his daily communications with Spirit.  All of the original images are hand drawn with the occasional addition of digital backgrounds and slight enhancements.  As he is drawing the images, he becomes aware of the meaning through mental impressions and intuition.  Shown below is a close-up of a portion of the full image minus the background and definition.  There are many ways to choose the images...simply select the images you are attracted to or you can select them by the key word and/or description below them.   These images for your personal use only!  Permission is not given to post online or send to others!

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Starpeople: Tau CetiAmerica,
Land of Freedom
Starpeople: Timmers
Digital Animated Digital Accelerator Digital

Accelerator Descriptions - Click Here


Cultural Characteristics: Introspection & Self Awareness, Justice and Hospitality, Balanced Perspective.

Among the many levels of assistance we have at this time are some very advanced, human-extraterrestrial cultures that have been monitoring and guiding humanity throughout the eons of time.  These off-planet cultures belong to a larger ‘assistance league’ known as the Association of Worlds or Galactic Federation of Light.  This Federation, which can be thought of as the ‘spiritual justice system’ of the universe, values all life and is always working toward fulfilling potential.  They develop, organize and guide projects in all galaxies to assist all life forms, using both telepathy and dream communication.


A new energy matrix and template for manifesting the transformation of all of the systems within the United States and other countries as well; Stimulates inspiration, hope, creative innovation and unique individual contributions; Triggers new awareness, cooperation, unity and collective sovereignty; Connected to the Founding Fathers, St. Germain, Lady Liberty and the Angelic Federation of Light.  Each time this template is viewed or meditated upon, it will activate and vibrate more and more light-energy within your consciousness as well as stimulate change in the world around you.


Among the many levels of assistance we have at this time are some very advanced, human-extraterrestrial cultures that have been monitoring and guiding humanity throughout the eons of time.  These off-planet cultures belong to a larger ‘assistance league’ known as the Association of Worlds or Galactic Federation of Light.  This Federation, which can be thought of as the ‘spiritual justice system’ of the universe, values all life and is always working toward fulfilling potential.  They develop, organize and guide projects in all galaxies to assist all life forms, using both telepathy and dream communication.

The Timmers, one of an infinite number of advanced races and cultures who are always assisting others by sharing their wisdom, knowledge and technology, are the ancient ancestors of our...cont'd on accelerator backside, lots more info!

Additional Recommendations: Timmer Accelerators:   #299 Infinite Possibilities   #300 Lyran Genetic Star   #231 Land of a Thousand Suns

Seal of the Emerald Tablets The OM Money Magnet
Digital Digital Digital

Accelerator Descriptions - Click Here


The energetic ‘Seal’ that unlocks the secrets of the Emerald Tablets; initiates spiritual awakening; a new matrix for alchemical transformation, transmutation and transfiguration; “Eye of God,”  energetically linked to the 7 major religions and the 7 Rays of the Seven Mighty Elohim; opens hearts, ignites passion and vibrates the senses into ecstasy; connected to St. Germain, Lord Melchizedek, Thoth the Atlantean, Lady Master Nada, the Fountain of Youth and the Pleiadian Star System;

D88 - THE OM

Peace & Renewal:  Sound template & encoded frequency transmission symbol which activates the heart, the mind, the crystal channels & energy meridians within the body; brings light into the cellular membranes to assist in the physical manifestation of one’s divine image; repairs and strengthens the human force-field; brings peace & renewal.


Prosperity & Abundance: This image will assist you in designing and maintaining your highest potential in regards to success and financial prosperity. It will connect you energetically with all beings and energies (both physical and non-physical), which will assist you in achieving your goals and dreams. Meditation on this image will also create a magnetizing effect within your auric field, drawing money and abundance to you.  To use, simply visualize yourself in the center of the image; feel and see the energy of money flowing to you from every direction.  As your vision becomes stronger, allow the flow of money to become a steady continuous stream of energy that is always coming to you, even while you sleep at night.


Alexander Sheran

Eyes of the Ancient One

Something New


Accelerator Descriptions - Click Here


Alexander Sheran & the Terran Angel Fleet: As the first son of Ashtar Sheran & Premier Commander of the Terran Angel Fleet, Alexander and his 55 ships have arrived in our solar system to help the people of Earth defeat the dark forces, once and for all. Alexander has a strong physical appearance like his father Ashtar and is very steadfast in his mission with all of his young commanders (both male and female) to help the Earth people. He is proud of his heritage as part of the great cosmic ‘Luminare’ family and is here in solidarity as a strong level of support for the human light forces. Alexander’s 55 ships fly in formation at all times (like a flock of majestic white birds) and they will make themselves known to the Ground Crew in a number of ways as they become more involved in the final transformation.


Awakens the ancient memories & knowledge of the Sphinx & Great Pyramid; triggers past-life memories of Egypt & Atlantis; bridges ancient teachings


Initiates new things appearing in your life; inspires new, positive thought-patterns and stimulates one’s higher emotions; opens new avenues of creative expression; helps to manifest new energy, new relationships and a renewed zest for life and living; this design is infused with the magic and light of the Leprechauns, Elves and all the Little People.

Templar Insignia

Blue Starfire

The Titan


Accelerator Descriptions - Click Here


Promotes brotherhood, unity, peace and harmonious relationships; ignites a call to action and service; inspires a greater understanding of personal and planetary destiny; connected to the Templar Knights, Virtue Angels and Ascended Masters.


Also known as ‘The Blue Essence’ and ‘Flame of Creation’, this legendary and very elusive substance appears during all initial creational moments. This includes the births of all beings, planets and universes. This image depicts and is infused with 100% of the Blue Star Fire essence. Working with this image will energetically infuse your body & consciousness and summon the purest primal aspects of your soul essence. In addition, this accelerator should be present during the initial stages of the creation of any project or physical birth. It will infuse and awaken new creativity within all who view and use it.


Seven galactic starships united; ancient shield of protection to impact Earth’s morphogenetic field in 2017; allows transcendence of time and space for co-creation; re-distributes commonalities throughout the grid; initiates mass-awakening of human population.

3 New 'Animated' Digital Accelerators!

Christmas Magic Safe Travels X Files - Matrix of Mystery
Animated Digital Animated Digital Animated Digital

Accelerator Descriptions - Click Here


Brings a touch of magic into your life during the holidays; Calls forth all of the magical Elves, Angels and Christmas helpers that make the holiday special; Infuses joy where there is sadness, light where there is darkness and brings companionship where there is loneliness; Simply view this image periodically to receive it’s ‘magic’ energy or you can use it to send the ‘Spirit of Christmas’ to someone special using a personal affirmation, verbal blessing or  energy technique!



Animated Digital Accelerator - Promotes calmness, ease, joy and confidence in all types of travels…road trips, airplanes, trains, ocean cruises etc.;  helps one to feel safe, prepared and relaxed before the journey; removes doubt & worry from the travel equation;  enhances one’s intuitive perception, openness and sense of adventure;  Connected to the Travel Angels & the Ashtar Command.  How to Use: Simply place this on your phone and/or computer…and when you are traveling (or about to travel), tune into the energy and relax.  



A decryption ‘lens’, looking glass and matrix for solving and understanding odd and unique events; Decrypts and decodes (helps you figure out what is going on!) situations where there is unusual spiritual or paranormal phenomena or elements; Balances & activates ‘Knowing’ (Logic) and ‘Feeling’ (Intuition); This image shows Agents Fox Mulder (intuitive) & Dana Scully (logical) looking through their invisible lens of logic and intuition together at curious/extraordinary events that are unfolding.  Between the two of them the matrix is formed & activated, allowing them (and you) to decode, solve and understand how and why unusual things are happening.




 Awakening and infusing light energy into all Countries, Cultures and Peoples throughout the World!

Designed by Saint Germain and the Ashtar Command, the Freedom Star Portals instantaneously initiate the awakening and enlightenment of mass populations around the world.  The portals infuse high concentrations of light into every country, triggering multidimensional thought-forms and positive patterns into the planetary grids, while also clearing planetary and personal multi-cultural karma.  All of the portals now exist directly above each of the seven continents on the etheric/invisible levels.  As we connect and work with them, they increase Earth’s and humanity’s ‘light quotient’ and ascension capabilities, assisting all life forms in making the necessary changes and adjustments as we approach the new cosmic gateways into the higher dimensions & time-lines.  Sold as a set of 7 for $37 (Add-to-Cart below) or for $7 each (Add-to-Carts near the bottom of the page, above the Galactic Desktop/Phone Accelerators).

Freedom Star Portal

Set of 7 Digital Accelerators

164 - The Messenger - Ashtar - Federation of Light
The Messenger Shamrock Magic Seven Swords
(Angelic Extraterrestrial Beings) (Luck & Spontaneity) (Power, Energy & Support)
Digital Digital Digital

Accelerator Descriptions - Click Here


Channeled from Walt Disney and linked to Arcturus, this image represents a blending of ‘angelic’ extraterrestrial and human energies to create new beings, which are currently being birthed on Earth; the three gold symbols triangulate to assist in materialization of an ancient promise; a marriage of the heart, creating re-unification and new levels of higher diversity.  Rose Quartz.


Channeled through by the Leprechaun & Fairy Kingdoms, this image triggers magical thoughts and emotions within the viewer; allowing one to live a more spontaneous and free lifestyle. Additionally, when meditated upon, it will activate and surround one with the energy of luck, prosperity and pure joy. Shamrock Magic is also connected to the Emerald Ray and the Malachite healing stone.


Connected to the Seven Archangels Michael, Jophiel, Raphael, Uriel, Gabriel, Zadkiel and Chamuel, these swords give you the power, energy and support of these Divine Beings…and when you call on them, they will guide, instruct and help you deal with any negativity, conflict or attack you may be experiencing in any situations.

Cosmic Intersection I AM God Beyond the Veil
(Time Travel & DNA Activation) (Contemplation, Purpose & Direction) (Expands Interdimensional Vision)
Digital Digital Digital

Accelerator Descriptions - Click Here


Time-travel template; intersecting point of 12 different timeline superhighways near the Great Central Sun; activates the 3rd and 4th chakras; DNA accelerator; diversifies one’s frequencies, allowing one to traverse different web-works of time and space.

#D5 - I AM GOD

Activates one’s power as a co-creator and steward of Earth; enhances meditation and deep-trance states; promotes internal introspection & contemplation; assists in the manifestation of one’s mission & purpose; promotes focus and clarity, renews one’s mind, body & spirit.


A glimpse into the higher 4th dimensional galactic realms; electrical diagram of a giant mothership establishing a permanent link with Earth; activates vortex & ley-line energies; awakens and enlightens humans; opens the 3rd Eye and Crown Chakras; connected to the Arcturians and the Galactic Command.

Miriam Alpha & Omega Apek
(Leadership, Prophecy & Unity) (Divine Wholeness & Balance) (Will, Faith & Spiritual Power)
Digital Digital Digital

Accelerator Descriptions - Click Here


Prophetess from Biblical times; Sister of Aaron & Moses; Leadership, Prophesy, Unity & Compassion


The Beginning & the Ending; the In-breath and the Out-breath of God; Divine Wholeness; Masculine & Feminine Polarity in Cosmic Christ Consciousness


Server of the Blue Ray and the main auxiliary of El Morya: Service, Protection and Spiritual Power

Escalation - Ark of the Covenant
Majesty Energy into Matter
(Faith & Trust) (Activates Your Perfect Life Plan) (Magnetism & Manifestation)
Digital Digital Digital


Accelerator Descriptions - Click Here


New ‘fire-letter’ activation sequences for transforming the body into light; connected to Jesus, the Sea of Galilee and the Andromeda star system; revitalizes the human energy systems; allows one to trust and have faith in the divine processes & timing.


This image activates the memory, the power and the majesty of your ‘perfect’ life-plan: it initiates the unfoldment of the 12 angelic manuscripts within the human blueprint; triggers a high sentience within the mental body, decreasing over-processing (overthinking) of situations & events; through frequent viewing, this image will set up a filter system within your auric field removing stress and promoting inspiration and happiness; connected Ezekiel, Moses and the Solar Archangels.


Brainstorm energy matrix; the point of creation where energy becomes matter; magnetizes higher thought-forms into physical manifestation; initiates movement into multidimensional consciousness; magnetizes one’s dreams & desires.

Neptune's Triton New Gold Dream Fleur De Lys
(Confidence & Self Expression) (Templar Knights & Vision) (Protection Symbol &
Prosperity Enhancer)
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Accelerator Descriptions - Click Here


Boosts power, confidence, passion and strength of spirit; enhances one's leadership abilities and freedom of expression; balances the emotions and clears psychological stress; pierces the veils of illusion and empowers one to become the master of their own destiny.


The reawakening of the Templar Knights lineage; ignites one’s understanding of sacred spiritual laws and the ancient codes upheld by the great warriors and defenders of the Light; gives one the vision and resolve to follow their own divine plan without fail; helps to strengthen one’s leadership abilities and boost confidence; assists one to be steadfast and focused in regards to their mission and spiritual quest on Earth.

#D15 - FLEUR DE LYS…Whatever You Desire!

Ancient matrix for enhancing one's manifestation powers; brings one’s inner desires to life; manifests into form dreams of many lifetimes; royal symbol of truth, conviction and honor; a representation of the god & goddess; protection symbol & prosperity enhancer; heralds the birth of the 7th Golden Age; connected to the Templar Emissaries of Light and Camelot.



El Morya Uriel & Dona Grace Kwan Yin
(Power, Goodwill & Faith)(Flame of God & Service) (Goddess of Mercy & Compasion)
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Accelerator Descriptions - Click Here


Master of the Blue Flame, Chohan of the 1st Ray and Carrier of the Sword of Truth; Power, Goodwill & Faith


The Flame of God; Archangel of Ministration, Service & Peace; Goddess of the Dawn; Archeia of the 6th Ray; also known as Aurora.


Goddess of Mercy, Compassion, Love & Forgiveness


Crown of the Sacred Fire - Galactic Federation
Crown of the Sacred Fire
Royal Seal Bridge of Purification
(Purification Temple) (Perfection of Mind,
Body & Spirit)
(Cellular Detoxification &
Cellular Re-patterning)
Digital Digital Digital

Accelerator Descriptions - Click Here


Enter this Temple of God for purification, transmutation and the realization of the Ascension; symbolizes the moment of Truth for any soul desiring self-realization; balances the entire chakra system; opens the Great Octave in one’s Spirit; connected to the Temple of Enoch & the Sphere of Truth.


Renewal of the human spirit; return to the true ‘Seed of Life’; triggers the perfection of one’s mind, body and spirit; raises one’s consciousness to the 5th dimensional level; manifestation of pure divine love into the physical realm; restores perfect harmony & reconnection to the magical world of nature; ignites deep appreciation of beauty in all of its forms; triggers enchanted creativity; brings forth the original divine sound that will be heard by every living soul on Earth as Atlantis rises again.


Cellular template clears out old patterning & detoxes the body; initiates DNA activation through the Master Cell; sets up new cellular light patterning and youthens the body.

6D Chronomonitor Celestial Magic The Signal
(Time Travel Amplifier) (Mental Clarity & Synchronicities) (Contact & Teleportation)
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Accelerator Descriptions - Click Here


Ancient time-travel technology matrix; decodes and translates languages from other worlds; releases trapped light within the body and restores molecular integrity; connected to Mayans, Lemurians & indigenous cultures.


A magical, cosmic doorway and focusing template which allows one greater access to multidimensional information; stimulates higher thought-forms and understandings; helps to calibrate one’s energy field into the 5th, 6th and 7th dimensional frequencies each time it is viewed.


Allows an individual to be contacted and ‘beamed-up’ to the ship in the event of a disaster or other emergency situation; an energetic locator that allows the signal bearer to be found by the Ashtar Command ships anywhere on the planet, when direct contact and teleportation to a ship is necessary; an ancient Earth stargate symbol used for transport to other galaxies and dimensions; enables one to receive personal telepathic transmissions and important key information including current planetary updates from the Command. In order to embody the locator transmission, it is important to clearly visualize and feel it in your mind & heart each day to keep the signal strong.

Amethyst Orion & Angelica Saint Germain
(Freedom, Invocation & Ceremony) (Fire of God & Service) (Keeper of the Violet Flame)
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Accelerator Descriptions - Click Here


Achaeia of the 7th Ray & Twin Flame of Archangel Zadkiel; Freedom, Mercy & Ceremony; Guards the Powers of Invocation


Elohim of the 3rd Ray & Twin Flames; Divine Love & Cosmic Love; Companions on Inner & Outer Journeys; Pink Ruby


Keeper of the Violet Flame of Freedom; Master of Alchemy, Transmutation & Ascension

318 - Apportation
Tetras Apportation Blue Hawaii
(New Thought Forms & Concepts) (Manifestation Powers) (Healing Energy)
Digital Digital Digital

Accelerator Descriptions - Click Here

#D28 - TETRAS #1

Linked to the Hale-Bopp comet & the United Galactic Federation; brings assistance & support from other worlds; holographic matrix comprised of new thought-forms & energy fields; ethereal healer/physician; opens one to new concepts and ideas.  One of the series of images I channeled directly after my destiny awakening.  It depicts the now famous celestial vehicle which accompanied the Hale-Bopp comet in 1996/1997.  As with all comets and meteors, Hale-Bopp acted as an awakener and activator of individuals on many different planets including Earth.  The object that was cited and photographed by many astronomers was actually an inter-dimensional spaceship which was tethering and often guiding the comet to its destinations and to complete its destiny.  The celestial object was known as Tetras and was actually the size of a small planet.  It could change form, become invisible at will, as well as move back and forth and in & out of wormholes to collect personnel and information from other locations.


An ‘Apportation’ is usually a jewel (or other physical object) or structure that manifests out of etheric substance into this physical reality.  Each apportation contains an ethereal energy signature indicating what realm it was sent from and its purpose.  Although ‘apportations’ are rare, they often spontaneously manifest through the eyes, the mouth, the ears or the hands of an individual who is channeling high levels of energy.  These magical, immortal creations carry very large energy matrixes from the Ascended Masters, the Archangels and the Galactic Command.  This accelerator allows you to experience firsthand the complete multidimensional visual matrixing of an apportation.  This will help you to spontaneously and continuously attract more of this type of ethereal energy and magical synchronicities into your life.


Restoration & regeneration image designed to support the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual human bodies;  This image is connected to the Hawaiian Ascended Masters, the Elementals (fairies and devas) and the Flora Kingdom's who are all assisting humanity at this time.  Visualize this image moving in a spiraling pattern in and around your body…allowing it to transform you on every level.

333 - Rainbow Light Cities - Cities of Light - Ascended Masters
Rainbow Light Cities Credence Changes
(5th Dimensional Temples) (Clear Communication
& Public Speaking )
(Clears Fear & Unconscious Stress)
Digital Digital Digital

Accelerator Descriptions - Click Here


Etheric Cities of Light anchoring from the galactic level; new designs and architectural marvels for Earth; connected to the Ascended Masters and the Galactic Federation. Contemplation on this image lifts the spirit and the energy of the entire planet. Focused meditation on this image will manifest the cities more quickly into our physical realm.


Enables one to speak the truth and help others to understand spiritual concepts; this ‘Divine Languaging’ amulet activates higher dimensional voice patterns and tonal vibrations; clears miscommunication between friends, family members and professional colleagues regarding one's views and lifestyle.


Currently we are all experiencing great changes, both in our consciousness and around our planet. This is part of a divinely orchestrated process which the Earth and her inhabitants are going through, in order to return to the original perfect pattern of peace, unity and God-consciousness. This image symbolically depicts the challenges we are faced with at this time. Meditation on this image will help to balance any fears or worries about the future in addition to protecting our physical, mental and emotional bodies from negative or limiting projections. It is important to visualize yourself moving through the stone doorway and releasing/cleansing everything inside of you that is resistant to your highest potential.

Amazonia Mary Magdalene Serapis Bey
(Power, Protection & Opulence) (Sacred Sexuality & Healing) (Keeper of the Ascension Flame)
Digital Digital Digital

Accelerator Descriptions - Click Here


Elohim of the 1st Ray & Twin Flame of Hercules; Power, Perfection, Omnipotence and Protection; Blue Sapphire


Divine Earth Companion to Jesus Christ; Sacred Sexuality, Hope, Devotion, Healing & Love


Chohan of the 4th Ray; High Priest from Atlantis; Keeper of the Ascension Flame

Sword of Light & Truth Secret Chamber High Frequency Yin Energy Vehicle
(Dissolves Illusions & Protects Aura) (Remote Access & Secret Knowledge) (Ignites Motivation & Willpower)
Digital Digital Digital

Accelerator Descriptions - Click Here


Cuts through all illusions within an individual’s consciousness and dissolves any imbalanced etheric cording within one’s energy field; calls forth the power of the Archangels; repels negative energy from entering one’s auric field.


A mysterious cave with many super-luminal anomalous light sources…an open chest adorned by a Templar cross…a floating table with a strange glowing geometrical object in its center, surrounded by a circle of levitating swords…a brightly lit magnetic doorway in the background beckoning you forward. What can it all mean? This drawing is a “psychic photograph” which I rendered as I was remote-viewing various locations around the planet. As I entered the vision, I asked to be shown the current location of the Cup of Christ. Instantly, I arrived here, in this secret underground chamber and began to explore for myself its hidden secrets. By meditating with this image, you too will be able to gain access to long-lost secrets and mythical artifacts only known to a precious few.


Vortex of passion and courage; clears 1st & 2nd chakras and regenerates reproductive system; ignites independent motivation and willpower; helps dissolve limitations regarding money & physical stability.

Lady Nada Confucius Isis
(Twin Flame of Jesus Christ) (Wisdom and Purity) (Goddess of Power & Magic)
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Accelerator Descriptions - Click Here

#D40 - NADA

Master of the Rose Temple; Chohan of the 6th Ray,
Compassion, Healing & Upliftment  D40


Master of Mind & Circumstance; Keeper of the “Precipitation Flame” (Green-Gold); Teacher of Poetic Spiritual Wisdom  D41

#D42 - ISIS

Egyptian Sun Goddess of Initiation, Beauty, Strength,
Courage, Power & Magic  D42


Shemalea Galactic Flower
from Venus
Mary, Queen of Angels Geometries of Light #2
(Youth, Vitality & Relationships) (Purity, Clarity & Grace ) (Chakra Blueprint)
Digital Digital Digital

Accelerator Descriptions - Click Here


Balances & supports the functioning of the transitioning human body system; strengthens connection to nature and all subtle life forms; promotes healing on many levels and nourishes the body, renewing energy and vitality; natural life support system; strengthens symbiotic relationships between all lifeforms; enhances harmonious relationships with others; brings greater awareness, understanding of interconnectedness of all things.


This accelerator represents one of the most common connection points to the energy of Mother Mary and the purity & clarity of the Blue Ray. It is one of the supreme symbolic “Seals of Light” continually being projected through our planet, both as a healing force and as a cleansing ray of light. Visualize or energetically infuse this “Seal of Mary” into your heart chakra, initiating a lift in consciousness and an infusion of compassion, grace and purity.

#D45 - GEOMETRIES OF LIGHT Angelic Chakra Grid #1

Stellar activation template for the human body; makes adjustments in the human chakratic system in order to accommodate incoming light frequencies; assists one in releasing distortions within the physical body and experiencing their Lightbody; balances the body’s meridian system & trigger points; activates the solar (external) chakras.

Prince Oromasis Afra & Africa Saint Germain
(Hierarch of the Fire Element)(Patrons of the Black Race)(Keeper of the Violet Flame)
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Accelerator Descriptions - Click Here


Hierarch of the Fire Element; Master of the Sparkling Flame; Directs the Sacred Fire to Earth.

#D47 - AFRA  & AFRICA 

Patrons of Africa and the Black Race; First of Their Race to Ascend; Faith, Freedom, Justice & Mercy


Keeper of the Violet Flame of Freedom;
Master of Alchemy, Transmutation & Ascension


Gateway to Telos Ancient Galactic Starcodes Insight
(Navigation & Guidance)(Universal Language Matrix)(Expands Psychic Skills)
Digital Digital Digital

Accelerator Descriptions - Click Here


 This image shows the triple subterranean grid complex beneath Mount Shasta in California. It is composed of three city ‘complexes’ connected by an ancient multidimensional mirrored tunnel system. ‘Gateway to Telos’ activates a vast internal mapping and directional system within the human body, allowing one to navigate all levels of the earth grids both physical and etheric.


One of the oldest etheric/physical languages in our universe; active ‘master code’ symbol combination template for translating all known languages; helps humans connect with their mission directives on a galactic level; dissolves all planetary language barriers and promotes unity consciousness within all cultures.

#D51 - IN-SIGHT: Lemurian Stargate Remote Viewing Template

Template for expanding one’s telepathic and psychic gifts; enhances brain function and corrects imbalances caused by mental stress & over-thinking; promotes a wider and more diverse perspective of life and it’s processes; enhances meditation and concentration.

Collective Tapestry Animal Communication Matrix The Oracle
(Enhances Magnetism & Creativity)(Animal Connection & Intuition)(Intuition & Instinct)
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Accelerator Descriptions - Click Here


Geometric healing pattern utilized by devas, insects and other intelligences to recalibrate genetic and acquired imbalances. This pattern also enhances one’s healing gifts & creative skills.  To use, visualize this design expanding in, through and around your body.  This attracts the natural healing energies, which will weave this electromagnetic pattern into any imbalanced areas, allowing the energy to flow easily & effortlessly.


Promotes expanded communication with all types of animals; creates a multi-level frequency band within one’s mind enhancing an individual’s telepathic connection with the animal kingdom; allows any individual to easily communicate with animals and understand the behavioral patterns of domesticated pets; refines and clarifies the transmission signals between humans and animals; strengthens the messaging system so that an individual may receive information in a variety of different ways; creates a telepathic bridge for communication between species.


Synthesis of higher dimensional energies and frequencies; represents the unfolding, flowering Self; opens the Third Eye and Crown chakras; alleviates confusion, delusion & frustration; enhances psychic abilities & intuition.

Mighty Heart of Fire Sun Codes Threshold
(Heart Awakening & New Connections)(Upgrades Your Energy & Focus)(Dimensional Time-Travel)
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Accelerator Descriptions - Click Here


This accelerator is designed to activate new matrixes within your heart chakra, while clearing any current or past-life blockages in that area. In addition, as you meditate on the image, your ‘etheric’ heart matrix will open and begin to release more love and connection into the world around you. This template will also help to bring more passion and inspiration into your life as you proceed along your soul’s destiny path.  To use, visualize all of the colored symbols and energies moving in, through and around the heart…infusing, aligning and reconfiguring your internal heart matrix.  As the activation progresses, the image’s high frequency symbols will initiate the full transfiguration of both your physical and etheric heart.


A jump in our Sun’s solar activity has caught the attention of many scientists, astronomers and sky-watchers alike. Although astonishing, perceivable changes on the Sun’s surface have been photographed and filmed, many important subtle ‘events’ are detectable only in the infrared and ultra-violet frequency zones. In particular, a series of energy patterns and signals are permeating every living thing in, through and around this planet. The purpose of these ‘sun codes’ is to expedite the changes occurring within our physical bodies and to activate dormant etheric codons within our 12 strand DNA system. Although each and every individual is already receiving this activation, viewing this image will help you to become aware of other subtleties occurring and allow you to consciously accelerate your personal transformation process.

#D58 - 

Pure blast of energy & galactic liquid light!  Opens portals and time tunnels to other worlds and dimensions; brings through new information and streams of energy for people on Earth to access and utilize; allows one to navigate simultaneous time continuums; enables individuals to breakthrough barriers and blockages within their consciousness.

337 - Arrival of the Phoenix Lights - Ashtar Command
Pet Healing Energy Special Delivery Arrival of the Phoenix Lights
(Healing & Renewal)(Multidimensional Information Package)(ET Contact & Telepathic Communication)
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Accelerator Descriptions - Click Here


Brought forth by the Water Sprites, Leprechauns and Wood Elves, this amazing ‘pet healing’ energy configuration will help to re-energize and heal the many imbalances domestic animals face in our modern society. This image is a specific high-alchemy rejuvenation pattern for all animals, birds, reptiles, insects, etc. It can also be used to send light and healing energy to the Flora and Fauna Kingdoms and should be viewed in conjunction with any type of energy work to make the magic happen!


 This image depicts a higher dimensional energy package when seen etherically through one’s third eye. These “packages” are sent from the higher dimensions by the Celestial Hierarchy to all human ambassadors working within their destiny guidelines. These etheric packages are accompanied by a tone or a symbol as they begin to unfold within one’s mind and heart. These packages contain information, private messages, imagery, live-streaming transmissions, instructions and anything you need to carry out your mission here on Earth. These packages arrive and unfold automatically…..all you have to do is view this image and get a good picture in your mind of how these packages appear. These energy packages are a very important part of your mission as they contain unique and specific formulations of energy configured especially for you.


Connected to the Phoenix Lights experience & the Galactic Federation; opens dimensional doorways in the mind; helps one establish a unique connection to ET’s and Earth’s Galactic Guardians; strengthens ones telepathic communication signals and internal messaging systems; enhances the reception of  transmissions and updates from the Galactic Federation of Light; brings assistance, peace and goodwill to Earth.

Quantum Leap Mercy, Compassion, Love & Justice AC 5D Forcefield
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Movement into the higher dimensions; aligns you with your next step in life and toward the fulfillment of your hopes and dreams; rekindles your desire for lightness, freedom and the belief in magical possibilities; brought in by Peter Pan, Tinker Bell and the Ashtar Command; Meditating on and viewing this image helps to lift your Spirit, dissolve the burdens of this world & trigger happiness, joy and inspired connection with the Universe.


Connected to the Arcturian Emissaries of Light, this image represents the embodiment of higher virtues and 5th dimensional protocols; depicts the energy formed by the new inter-dimensional Arcturian lightships; this matrix contains new prophecies and information regarding the future; it is a Divine Mandala, linked to the four planes of existence and connected through the four directions.  Realgar and Tanzanite.


This newly designed force-field activates in five dimensions and protects you from the stress, confusion and dis-clarity of other people, as well as blocking many harmful surveillance frequencies, including many EMF and Radiation signals.  This shield must be verbally ‘charged’ and strengthened by you each day to maintain its protective qualities and structure.  This not only gives you the latest protections from the Ashtar Command, but also gives your body the new intelligence updates each day that you need to continue your journey here.

340 - Angel Dream Star
Starpower Energizer Angel Dream Star Cup of Life
Digital Digital Digital

Accelerator Descriptions - Click Here


Activates your star powers from other worlds; helps to align you with your past lives and other galactic aspects of yourself existing on other time-lines; helps you hold more light and manifest more of your gifts from the higher realms.  To use this image, simply visualize yourself sitting in the center, receiving all of the higher energies and light coming in from the cosmos!


Group Energizing, Global Communications & Networking Matrix - Angel Star is a 7th dimensional star on the edge of our universe that acclimates souls descending from the higher dimensions into our polarity world.  Working with this image helps to magnetize and connect you with like-minded people, business partners & spiritual friends all over the planet.  It assists in building a strong physical and etheric team, netwaork and support system around you. This image will also align you with divine opportunities & synchronicities as well as enhancing messages and guidance through your dream state.


New beginnings; restores life-force and purifies the energy of one’s spirit; regenerates the mind, body and human soul; eternal youth matrix of beauty & cellular renewal; realigns one with their divine blueprint, mission and destiny.

AC Energy Matrix AC Energy Matrix AC Energy Matrix
(Cancer Cure) (Sleep Disorders) (Weight Loss)
Digital Digital Digital

Accelerator Descriptions - Click Here


Spiritual Recalibration Treatment (Includes:  Breast, Lung, Pancreatic, Prostate, Colon, Bladder, Mouth & Throat, Thyroid, Brain, Reproductive Organs, Leukemia, etc.) Designed by the Ashtar Command, in conjunction with Medical Assistance Teams, these images represent new potentials within the consciousness field.   These multidimensional healing tools are the first of their kind, employing a multitude of spiritual light frequencies to clear health issues and stimulate the body’s natural healing ability.  These frequency cures are designed to be utilized by both individuals who are currently dealing with the problem as well as those who feel they may be at risk….cont’d….full definition and instructs will arrive with your template(s).  See Gallery #4 for more info!   


Spiritual Recalibration Treatment ( Includes:  Sleep Apnea, Insomnia, Sleep Walking, Narcolepsy, Sleep Paralysis, etc.) Designed by the Ashtar Command, in conjunction with Medical Assistance Teams, these images represent new potentials within the consciousness field.   These multidimensional healing tools are the first of their kind, employing a multitude of spiritual light frequencies to clear health issues and stimulate the body’s natural healing ability.  These frequency cures are designed to be utilized by both individuals who are currently dealing with the problem as well as those who feel they may be at risk….cont’d….full definition and instructs will arrive with your template(s). See Gallery #4 for more info!   


Spiritual Recalibration Treatment  Designed by the Ashtar Command, in conjunction with Medical Assistance Teams, these images represent new potentials within the consciousness field.   These multidimensional healing tools are the first of their kind, employing a multitude of spiritual light frequencies to clear health issues and stimulate the body’s natural healing ability.  These frequency cures are designed to be utilized by both individuals who are currently dealing with the problem as well as those who feel they may be at risk….cont’d….full definition and instructs will arrive with your template(s). See Gallery #4 for more info!  

AC Energy Matrix AC Energy Matrix AC Energy Matrix
(Digestive Disorders) (Vision Problems) (DNA Repair)
Digital Digital Digital

Accelerator Descriptions - Click Here


Spiritual Recalibration Treatment (Includes problems relating to the Esophagus, Colon, Small and Large Intestine, Enzyme Deficiencies, Intestinal Flora, etc.) Designed by the Ashtar Command, in conjunction with Medical Assistance Teams, these images represent new potentials within the consciousness field.   These multidimensional healing tools are the first of their kind, employing a multitude of spiritual light frequencies to clear health issues and stimulate the body’s natural healing ability.  These frequency cures are designed to be utilized by both individuals who are currently dealing with the problem as well as those who feel they may be at risk….cont’d….full definition and instructs will arrive with your template(s). See Gallery #4 for more info!  


Spiritual Recalibration Treatment  (Includes:  Near-Sightedness, Far-Sightedness, Macular Degeneration, Glaucoma, Blindness, Blurred Vision, Cataracts, etc.)  Designed by the Ashtar Command, in conjunction with Medical Assistance Teams, these images represent new potentials within the consciousness field.   These multidimensional healing tools are the first of their kind, employing a multitude of spiritual light frequencies to clear health issues and stimulate the body’s natural healing ability.  These frequency cures are designed to be utilized by both individuals who are currently dealing with the problem as well as those who feel they may be at risk….cont’d….full definition and instructs will arrive with your template(s). See Gallery #4 for more info!  


Spiritual Recalibration Treatment Upon viewing this image it will automatically begin recalibrating the DNA and correcting any damage on a cellular level.  This image is for the purpose of healing damaged DNA and not intended for reassembling DNA strands for ascension.  Designed by the Ashtar Command, in conjunction with Medical Assistance Teams, these images represent new potentials within the consciousness field.   These multidimensional healing tools are the first of their kind, employing a multitude of spiritual light frequencies to clear health issues and stimulate the body’s natural healing ability.  These frequency cures are designed to be utilized by both individuals who are currently dealing with the problem as well as those who feel they may be at risk….cont’d….full definition and instructs will arrive with your template(s). See Gallery #4 for more info!  


Freedom Star Portals

North America

Freedom Star Portal

South America

Freedom Star Portal


Freedom Star Portal


Accelerator Descriptions - Click Here

#D74 - D80 - FREEDOM STAR ASCENSION PORTALS: Awakening & Infusing Light Energy into All Countries, Cultures and People Throughout The World!

Designed by Saint Germain and the Ashtar Command, the Freedom Star Portals instantaneously initiate the awakening and enlightenment of mass populations around the world.  The portals infuse high concentrations of light into every country, triggering multidimensional thought-forms and positive patterns into the planetary grids, while also…cont’d

How to work with the Freedom Star Portals: As you place these on your phone or computer and scroll through them, the light and energy will begin to flow….cont’d

#D74 - Freedom Star: North America

United States, Antigua/Barbuda, Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Canada, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominica, Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Grenada, Guatemala, Hawaiian Islands, Haiti, Honduras, Jamaica, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Trinidad and Tobago.  DT: Anguilla (UK), Aruba (Netherlands), Bermuda (UK), Bonaire (Netherlands), British Virgin Islands (UK), Cayman Islands (UK), Clipperton Island (France), Curacao (Netherlands), Greenland (Denmark), Guadeloupe (France), Martinique (France), Montserrat (UK), Navassa Island (USA), Puerto Rico (USA), Saba (Netherlands), Saint Barthelemy (France), Saint Martin (France), Saint Pierre and Miquelon (France), Sint Eustatius (Netherlands), Sint Maarten (Netherlands), Turks and Caicos Islands (UK), US Virgin Islands (USA).  See description & assistant information above!

#D75 - Freedom Star: South America

Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Guyana, Paraguay, Peru, Suriname, Uruguay, Venezuela, DT: Falkland Islands (UK), French Guiana (France), South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands (UK).  See description & assistant information above!

#D76 - Freedom Star: Europe

Albania, Andorra, Armenia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czechia, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Georgia, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Kazakhstan, Kosovo, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Moldova, Monaco, Montenegro, Netherlands, North Macedonia, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, San Marino, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, Ukraine, United Kingdom. See description & assistant information above!


Freedom Star Portal


Freedom Star Portal


Freedom Star Portal


Accelerator Descriptions - Click Here


Afghanistan, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Brunei, Cambodia, China, Cyprus, Georgia, India, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Japan, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kuwait, Kyrgyzstan, Laos, Lebanon, Malaysia, Maldives, Mongolia, Myanmar, Nepal, North Korea, Oman, Pakistan, Palestine, Philippines, Qatar, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, South Korea, Sri Lanka, Syria, Taiwan, Tajikistan, Thailand, Timor-Leste, Turkey, Turkmenistan, United Arab Emirates (UAE), Uzbekistan, Vietnam, Yemen.  See description & assistant information above!


Australia, Fiji, Kiribati, Marshall Islands, Micronesia, Nauru, New Zealand, Palau, Papua New Guinea, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Tonga, Tuvalu, Vanuatu.  See description & assistant information above!


Algeria, Angola, Benin, Botswana, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cabo Verde, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Chad, Comoros, Congo, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Republic of the Cote d'Ivoire, Djibouti, Egypt, Equatorial Guinea, Eritrea, Eswatini, Ethiopia, Gabon, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Kenya, Lesotho, Liberia, Libya, Madagascar, Malawi, Mali, Mauritania, Mauritius, Morocco, Mozambique, Namibia, Niger, Nigeria, Rwanda, Sao Tome and Principe, Senegal, Seychelles, Sierra Leone, Somalia, South Africa, South Sudan, Sudan, Tanzania, Togo, Tunisia, Uganda, Zambia, Zimbabwe.  See description & assistant information above!


Freedom Star Portal


Accelerator Descriptions - Click Here


Territory of the Federation & the Legions of Light.

Family of Light Return to Camelot New Ashtar Command Logos
(Galactic Family & Support) (Unity & Manifestation) (Galactic Connection & Awakening)
Digital Digital Digital

Accelerator Descriptions - Click Here


Matrix for connecting with your galactic family both on and off planet; strengthens your relationships with those around you and others supportive of your soul’s mission and destiny;   harmonizes current family dynamics and magnetizes like-minded individuals to you.


Connected to King Arthur, Merlin and the Knights of the Round Table; brings forth unity, brotherhood and goal manifestation; connects one to their highest potential and destiny path; Helps one to find higher solutions and options for one’s life; initiates a ceremony of allegiance, binding individual elements to a common purpose or quest.


This is a symbol used by the Ashtar and Rainbow Galactic Commands who are the guardians of our solar system.  The energy of this image activates the Third Eye and awakens one to their divine service for planet Earth.  It also assists in connecting us with the Guardian Forces that are assisting Earth at this time.

The Power of the Mother Indestructible Mechanics of Modern Alchemy
(Divine Creation & Passion) (Renews Life Force & Vitality) Future Blueprints & Information)
Digital Digital Digital

Accelerator Descriptions - Click Here


Volcanic energy matrix for triggering passion and spontaneity; assists one in being “present” and enjoying every moment; ancient creation tablets made physical by liquid fire; brings in pure creative energies during any birthing process; linked to Lemuria, Mother Gaia & the Hawaiian Ring of Masters.


Eternal concept underlying the rose & all purified forms of creation; activates the eternal “Atom of Life” consciousness in the core of your being; initiates immortality in each cell of the body; renews one’s life force & vitality.


Assists one in creating and maintaining a magical lifestyle through their own power of will and intent; ignites the living fields of inspiration within the awakening human blueprint; awakens one’s former-life magical skills; allows one to access higher dimensional alchemical patterns and formulas; connected to Merlin and the many new modern-day magicians.

Ancient Artifacts Tibetan Crystal Skull New Legal System
(Gifts of the Gods & ET Technologies) (Unity Consciousness & Heart Activator)
Digital Digital Digital

Accelerator Descriptions - Click Here


These extraordinary images are actual artifacts which were gifted to the first Kingdom of Earth by the Creator Gods. Artifacts are as follows:  The seven energetically tethered crystals that hold the original DNA structure and blueprint for the evolving human body and chakra system. A multidimensional chakra balancing toy from Lyra. The multicolored rectangle and pin like objects are an ancient multidimensional weapon that was created by a race which no longer exists. A manifestation machine used in Atlantis.  Blue diamonds from Antares.  A crystal healing tool from the Ashtar Command.


Connected to Mt Kailash, Ancient India, Mu and the Divine Mother, this skull represents the understanding and application of Unity Consciousness; it is activates new levels and matrixes within the Heart Chakra, magnifying its healing power one-hundred-fold.  Meditation with this accelerator will also train your mind and emotional body to spontaneously dissolve externally projected limitations and fears from the outside world.


Guided by the 12 Universal Divine Flames & Principals, this new template represents the restoration of true justice, integrity and excellence on Earth.  It is a distinct new rhythmic structure, an electrical scale of law system encodements, whose components have been anchored through ancient tribal councils and ceremonial dances throughout the ages.  The central symbol, the Law of One, unfolds anchoring the 12 primary Universal Laws into the planetary consciousness.

This image symbols promotes concern and compassion for humanity and holds important keys to the transformation of the Earth’s governing bodies. It also protects one against manipulative, deceptive activity in the legal arena.  Meditation on this image will decipher modern-day legal contracts and dissolve agreements and commitments (which although still used) are no longer in alignment with an individual’s highest good. Connected to the Ascended Masters and the Spiritual Hierarchy.


St Germain's

Golden Elixer

New Educational


Ectoplasmic Language

of the Heart

(Activates Channeling
& Writing)
(Merges Spiritualty
& Science)
(Lemurian Language
of Light)
Digital Digital Digital

Accelerator Descriptions - Click Here


Alchemical elixir used in ceremonies in ancient Egypt and the Sirius Star System; represents the liquid gold light of Christ Consciousness; initiates the process of automatic writing, channeling and intuitive perception.


A new template for the expanded spiritual, philosophical and academic teachings, which is comprised of a full-spectrum of color and harmonics; brings a renewed interest & excitement to the Earth’s 3D schooling systems; gives children a positive vision of Earth’s future; helps the human mind to accommodate the new 5th, 6th & 7th dimensional physics & educational programming.  #D101


Lemurian telepathic Language of Light, brought into form through the alchemy of the human voice & heart; awakens solar-body consciousness; manifests the reflection of two existing worlds, Heaven and Earth; releases linear thinking and promotes clear communication.

Celestial Ascension Program - 94
Celestial Ascension Program

Array of Light

The Language of Light

(Accelerated Learning Ability)(Business & Personal Direction) (Peace & Creative Expression)
Digital Digital Digital

Accelerator Descriptions - Click Here


Interdimensional ascension template using higher knowledge and energy matrixes to create accelerations in consciousness; a new extra-dimensional accelerated learning curriculum for Earth; helps one to focus and prioritize.


This elemental alchemy template helps to redesign your perceptions of who you are and what your potentials and possibilities are in this lifetime. This ‘fan of rainbow energy’ will begin to awaken within you unlimited options and thought forms, ultimately bringing you into alignment with the highest potential path and timeline grids of your bright & wondrous future. Re-align, connect, decide and proceed!


Connected to Atlantis, this ancient Earth-based ‘angelic’ language heralds the coming of a majestic new era of peace, unity and creative expression; represents higher knowledge and wisdom gained through meditation and prayer. The images symbols must be intuitively deciphered, they cannot be decoded or understood through the lower mental body.

Freedom’s Flight

Star-Base Transmission

Birdsong Alchemy

(Peace & Freedom)(Inspires & Uplifts Heart)
Digital Digital Digital

Accelerator Descriptions - Click Here


Promotes and strengthens one’s connection with the eternal freedom and peace of the ‘new’ millennium; allows one to feel a sense of internal power and strength through the many twists and turns of life; releases struggle and strife from the mind, allowing one to move forward quickly and effortlessly into the future; ignites the essence of love within the mind and heart; connected to St Germain, the Seven Sacraments and the Seven Seals of Christ.


Connected to the Galactic Federation, the Ashtar Command and the Inter-dimensional Alliance; projection template from Earth’s future containing new potentials and possibilities for humanity; brings an exciting wave of light and energy to the planet; instills a new sense of purpose and confidence for ambassadors and light workers worldwide; alleviates energy and psychic illnesses within Starseeds and Galactic Humans (such as psychic stress, mental fragmentation, inter-dimensional infiltration etc.)


Activates the pineal gland and higher-heart chakra; illustrates the beautiful, healing language of songbirds; helps one connect with the frequency signals and the telepathic pictograms sent forth by the diversity of feathered guardians of Earth; enhances inner perception of other dimensions and etheric worlds; connected to the Seraphim Angels and the Bird Kingdoms.




Galactic Desktop/Phone Accelerators

for Your Computer and Mobile!


The following 4 ‘Accelerator Activations’ will energize and keep you & your personal technologies connected with the Ashtar Command and Galactic Federation. Each of the accelerator backgrounds has its unique energy properties and purpose to give you insights and inspire you through the day.  Each accelerator background is $10. (includes both phone and desktop) and after purchasing, I will send  the files to you within 24 hours via email with the description & information.  There will be images attached to the email, so if you do not see them in your regular email, check your spam folder.   These images are not to be printed or sent to others, but they can be used on your own personal computers and phone!

Ashtar Commander Activation: This image depicts one of our supreme space commanders and friend Ashtar Sheran; the Commander of a special fleet within the Federation.  It will connect you and your devices directly to Ashtar’s ships, which protect and serve the Earth people in many ways.  This acceleration image also activates/updates all AC commanders living on Earth & helps to stream telepathic information from the Federation of Light. Placing this on your desktop and/or phone will connect you & your technology(s) to our assistance league of galactic representatives.

Ashtar Commander Activation

Digital image for your Computer & Phone


Heaven on Earth: This angelic activation image shows Earth’s transformation from a ‘planet into a star’ as the Earth ascends into the higher dimensions.  It contains symbols and energy to open humanities collective heart & mind to the magic and majesty of Earth’s final transformation. Placing this on your desktop and/or phone will infuse your technology with the energy of angels, Ascension and the power of creation!

Heaven on Earth

Digital image for your Computer & Phone


Star Activation: This image connects you and your devices to 8 different planet/star systems including; the Pleiades, Alpha Centauri, Arcturus, Andromeda, Epsilon, Vega, Sirius & the Orion system.  This design will stream information from these star systems to help expand your connections with other Starseeds and Galactic Representatives around the world. Placing this on your desktop and/or phone will upgrade your technology to accommodate this new more expanded communication matrix that is being downloaded from the galactic realms.

Star Activation

Digital image for your Computer & Phone



Ashtar Command Activation Music  - Awesome, Inspiring, Exciting!
wp agc cdwp wavestar cdwp diamond starfield cd
AGC Ashtar CommandWavestar ExperienceAGC Diamond Starfield

These musical albums, sent to you via MP3 download, are an amazing fusion of ambient, melodic, meditative and electronic music! Designed by the Ashtar Command, in conjunction with the Federation of Light, they create a very unique, multidimensional musical experience which will expand and upgrade your consciousness each time you listen to them. Awaken and inspire your mind, boy and spirit while activating your multidimensioinal DNA and psychic circuitry, allowing you to connect with your star origins and personal destiny. Enjoy! $20 each

Click here to listen to some short samples of the AGC CD!
Click here to listen to some short samples of the Wavestar Experience CD!
Click here to listen to some short samples of the Diamond Starfield CD!




Galactic Dream is a beautiful 1 hour instrumental $20 music track that you can use for your own PC/phone enjoyment, personal use projects, podcasts, group meditations, class background music, website, etc.  Also, if you would like to use this music with your products, we do offer commercial product license for $35   Check out the sample below....Enjoy!


Galactic Dream

Personal & Professional Use

Galactic Dream

Personal, Professional & Product Use




Please choose refunds or exchanges after your order has been sent!





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How to order products & seminars:  Please Click Here!
If you have any questions about ordering or need assistance, email us at
Contact Bryan at


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