5 Level Merkaba Building Workshop Instant Activation
Simply press the play arrow to pay for the session and start listening immediately. After payment is completed, click the link to return to "LightQuest International" and if not yet playing, click play. An email will also be sent to you containing a link and password if you wish to listen at a later time that day. If you have a slow internet connection, you may need to press pause for a few minutes to allow the session to load all way before you start listening to it. Your recorded session and password will be active for one time use within 24 hours after payment is received. Questions? Contact us at lightquest@sbcglobal.net
Come join Bryan and the LightQuest Team as we embark on the fascinating process of building our new expanded Merkaba vehicle for multi-dimensional travel through the universe. This newly re-calibrated & re-coded 2017 template is being specially transmitted through this session by the Federation of Planets and the Solar Councils of Light. This new template will allow your physical body and conscious to easily adapt, integrate and explore more expanded experiences within the transitioning human and planetary energy fields. This includes more enhanced extra-terrestial contacts & communications, staying upgraded and updated regarding the daily shifts within Earths energy field and quicker access & transport to the ships and other dimensional worlds in instant ascension and evacuation scenarios.
This is a wonderful opportunity to receive the new full Merkaba field, ascension templating training and activation. This will be an incredible transmission and infusion of high energy for all in attendance! 5 Level Merkaba Workshop Training Follow-along Webpage ~ Click Here!